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utah looking for more shooters , offering howard eisley

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by brahma rocket, Jan 2, 2000.

  1. brahma rocket

    brahma rocket Member

    Dec 23, 1999
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    on nbatalk it says that the jazz are pursuing chris mullen and are offering howard eisley or jauqe vaughn. we could send them matt bullard and bryce drew and get a great pg.
  2. Azim da Dream

    Azim da Dream Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    This would have been great news for the Rocks 5-6 monthes ago, but unfortunately PG is now our strngest position. If we were to get a PG, I would hope its a battle-scarred vet to help guide Francis, although I love Eisley's game.

    Azim da Dream
  3. DREAMer

    DREAMer Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Why don't they just sign Sam Mack?

    I have a dream.........his name's Hakeem.
  4. Francis3

    Francis3 Member

    Mar 29, 1999
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    Good question, Im wondering the same thing. How about we sign and trade mack for eisley.

    I mean eisley might not be a veteran but he has playoff and finals experience. Much better than Drew.

    But I think the Jazz are looking for white players that can shoot the ball so we can only offer bullard and drew. [​IMG]
  5. alaskansnowman

    Nov 25, 1999
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    I'd love to have Howard Eisley. That foo can play! And plus him and Shandon will get along very well.

    But, I'd hate to let go Bryce Drew though. I think that Drew has a lot of potential. He's already got a good shot, and that will get him very far in the league. Just look at Dale Ellis, Wizard, and the ton of other shooters that there are in the league. Plus Bryce has a good floater. I mean look at Stockton! He's one of the greatest pg's to ever play, and he doesn't do any flashy crossovers or anything. That proves you don't have to be a Steve Francis to be a star point guard. It also proves that you don't have to be STeve Francis to penetrate. I believe that, with more time, Bryce will start penetrating better and using that cool floata of his.

    I don't wanna be a punk and trade Air Bull. He's been with us soooo long.

    I have always liked Wizard, especially since he is back to his normal self. The last 3 or so games, Wizard has been better than I envisioned him to be. I knew he had a great shot, but I didn't know he could drive too.

    As far as Sam Mack, I say trade his lazy ass! I like Mack and all, but he ain't playing right now. Just get rid of him, unless he decides to show up and play.

    It really depends on who we're trading. If we get eisley, we prolly gotta get rid of Drew. There wouldn't be any mroe room for him, unless we move him to backup 2. And that would require starting Mobes, and movin Shandon to the 3 spot. But it's been done before.

    but in the end, I doubt my boy rudy will make any trades.
  6. SirCharlesFan

    SirCharlesFan Member

    Apr 8, 1999
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    You cant trade a player that hasn't signed with the team.

    Sir Charles is DA MAN.
  7. RocketsPimp

    RocketsPimp Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Mullin for Eisley or Vaughn? Indiana would be stupid to make that move. Sure, Mullin isn't getting any younger, but Eisley is decent at best and Vaughn hasn't proved jack. I think this is just a bad rumor.

    As for the Rockets trading anyone, in the past few weeks I have been for trading Walt or Bryce. At the time being, I am still for trading Drew IF the Rockets can better themselves. Walt has begun to play well, but still has to show he isn't going to sit back and rely on the three-point shot all night. If he can continue his good play, he is definitely worth keeping. OH, Massenburg is as good as gone if anyone would trade for him. Someone with nagging injuries like he has is of no use to us.

    There is no offense without a good defense.

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