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For Sale Used Lenovo T Series Laptops

Discussion in 'Hot Deals and Classifieds' started by axaznshortyxa, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. axaznshortyxa

    axaznshortyxa Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    I have two used laptops that I've used for work in the past year for sale.. Both in good working condition, both performance and cosmetically. I just wanted to gauge if there's interest for these laptops before I strip them. As you all may know, these are built like monsters and will last a while. Both with Windows 7.

    The only issue that I have with both are that both batteries are drained. You'll need to purchase a new battery for both laptops if you plan on using these portable off the charger.

    I can post pictures and specs for those interested.

    - Lenovo T420 $225 OBO
    i5 processor
    Personally added: 128gb SSD; 4 GB of RAM (8 GB total)
    Slight blemishes to the trackpad (from prior ownership but I'm an avid user of the pointing stick)

    -Lenovo T410 $100 OBO

    I'm in the Galleria area. Feel free to post or PM.
  2. T-Yao

    T-Yao Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    can you email me pictures for the T420 @michael1t11y@gmail.com? thanks.
  3. axaznshortyxa

    axaznshortyxa Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Well, I didn't think this would generate any interest but I did post it on CL and had a few inquiries after I realized I made a pretty big mistake. I'd obviously rather work with clutchfans than randos so I'll make this quick update for those who are in need of cheap bread and butter business laptops. Since I posted incorrect prices and specs in the above post, I'm going to keep it the same prices for CF.

    - Lenovo T430 $225
    i7 ivy bridge processor; 128gb SSD; 8gb RAM

    - Lenovo T420 $100
    stock i5 processor
  4. axaznshortyxa

    axaznshortyxa Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Yeah, I'll send those over to your e-mail when I get home from work tonight.
  5. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Still have any of them?

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