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US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) Discusses DNC Superdelegates and DNC Primary "Rigging" with Joe Rogan

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Svpernaut, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Interesting thread timing, this happened about 3 weeks ago:

    In response, the DNC has adjusted how it selects its presidential nominee. Earlier this summer, a DNC subcommittee voted to make it impossible for superdelegates to have the deciding vote on the first ballot at a national convention. In practical terms this means that superdelegates cannot vote in the first voting round if their support is going to decide the selection. If no candidate wins a majority in the first round, superdelegates get to vote in subsequent rounds. Thanks to DNC Chair Tom Perez — who lobbied heavily for the change — the DNC has now voted to implement the proposal.

  2. biina

    biina Member

    May 20, 2018
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    and what she said is BS.

    The DNC is a political party that is joined by choice. If you dont like how they do things in the DNC, then join another party or create your own.

    The elites of the party do a lot for the success of the party including the key responsibility of raising funds and developing the political machinery. Sanders most likely joined the DNC primaries (and didnt contest as an independent) not cos of some democratic ideals but cos he wanted access to the party resources. It can be argued that being able to lobby the support of both the popular vote and the elite reflects the ability of the candidate.

    The superdelegates were only 716 (about 15%). If you lose cos of superdelegates, it can be said you werent overwhelmingly popular in the first place.

    On the electoral college, beyond the implicit disenfranchising that happens with block allocation of electoral votes, faithless electors can vote against the result of the election in their state, which is not much different from super delegates voting against the result of the primaries..
  3. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Contributing Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    I read up on it when it was brought up last year.

    RCP’s tally shows that Obama won the pop vote by certain counts and the “official total”, unlike the popular vote outcome for 2016.

  4. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Your opinion interestingly falls along party line... i am shocked.
    No Worries likes this.
  5. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    If you count all the votes, clinton won the popular vote for the primaries. The Dem primaries are so stupid and controlled it didn't matter after the super delegates sold her down the river. something the old guys in the GOP were unable to do to Trump.
  6. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    You ASSume Bernie would have still won where Clinton won and then won more in the Rust Belt.

    You don’t care about Bernie, you care about smearing Dems. Trump taking over the GOP is far worse than the DNC wanting to pick an actual Democrat instead of an independent who needed access to campaign funds and resources. Were equally upset when Obama won over the established elites choice of Clinton in 2008? Of course you aren’t.
  7. Kim

    Kim Contributing Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    Isn't this because of the whole Michigan thing where she broke the rules and ran unopposed when no other candidate did? IIRC, she would have lost otherwise...vaguely remembering the debates on this board between Obama and Clinton supporters about that issue.
  8. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    I listened to this podcast last night. I also knew the information before I heard it.

    I agree with some of what you said here. The thing is though it it’s rotten to its core. You don’t have ratios like that in voting. Then have the superdelegates doled out in that way. It literally throws intended votes away.
  9. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Contributing Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Fair enough. I forgot why they threw out the MI primary delegates, but the rules shouldn't be designed to be arcane or procedural that a normal voter can't spend five minutes to understand.
  10. Svpernaut

    Svpernaut Contributing Member

    Jan 10, 2003
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    I like how people focus on mentioning of Hillary and completely disregard the fact that the DNC, like the GOP is controlled by well connected elites. In this interview, a "progressive" liberal goes into extreme detail about that fact... and people still doubt it. Again, the fact that fewer than 60 people voted for keeping the REPUBLICAN APPOINTED Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense from having the UNCHECKED power to start a war with Iran CLEARLY shows that both sides are kowtowing to the military industrial complex.

    DNC Lawmakers were FINE with letting Trump appointees have unchecked power to attack Iran. If that isn't a sign of corruption and insanity, I'm not sure what it is.

    Please tell me which point is bullshit that I posted? There is OVERWHELMING PROOF that Hillary was in deep with Goldman Sachs for both her campaign, and her foundation. There is also PROOF that she was getting paid upwards of $250,000 for 1 hour "speeches." There is also OVERWHELMING PROOF that DNC elites controlled the primary process from the start. There is OVERWHELMING PROOF that Hillary lost the election by 120,000 votes across just 5 states. There is OVERWHELMING PROOF that several million registered Democrats voted for Trump, or third party candidates which themselves are overwhelmingly undeniable.

    You can easily prove me wrong, by providing facts. I called bullshit, AND I pointed out why. That poll had nearly the EXACT same results as both Bush and Obama. Again, this is the point... the Podesta emails are crystal clear, yet you live in denial. I'm not making a damn thing up, and this US Congresswoman mentions everything I said here, minus the election numbers.

    As I said in an earlier reply. If you think Trump was dirty during the election, you have to think Hillary was as well. They were both dirty, that's the point... and this Congresswoman, a Liberal and Democrat says as much, and the Podesta emails spell it out clearly. So, you can live in denial all you want like MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters I guess.

    How is that? I bash both sides equally. I've repeatedly said time and time again the GOP is run by powerful elites... I EVEN said it in the responses in this very thread. I have openly bashed the GOP for Trump since before he was even nominated, this argument is ridiculous. I've also openly admitted that Trump is corrupt... not sure how the hell that makes me partisan.

    Obama was "hand selected" by DNC elites. He was gifted a criminally vacated Senate seat that he had no business being given with his experience. No different than Hillary in New York. Obama didn't even serve half a term before declaring his run. He had zero political power and capital, so he had to return favors for those that helped him in the election, much like Trump did. A career politician would have had an easier job without relying on DC outsiders.

    The GOP was equally as corrupt in 2008 with their silencing of the Ron Paul revolution... and nominating McCain, someone that had no chance against Obama. McCain was a moderate, while Ron Paul is a Libertarian at heart - and Ron Paul had a much better chance at reaching die hard conservatives on his fiscal stance and gun rights, and left-leaning moderates because of social issues like women's right to chose, the war on drugs, education and gay marriage.
    #30 Svpernaut, Sep 13, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2018
  11. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Yes.... we get it dude. Corruption is bipartisan... but you’re missing the point and what you are doing now is a big big problem instead of being realistic about real solutions and a pathway to actually fixing the problem.

    Since Citizens United (based on a Reagan era SCOTUS decision) the Democratic Party and its top leaders have had to be in bed with billionaires and Corporations as well. They cannot compete financially against the GOP without doing so.

    So what do we do... exactly what we are doing now. Start electing more and more candidates like Beto, and co who don’t take PAC money and continue to help those candidates win elections. Because the only way Citizens United can eventually be overturned is by way of the Supreme Court. Why aren’t you putting this much energy into the Kavanaugh nomination? If you care about money and corruption in politics... the buck stops there in the SCOTUS.

    This change cannot happen overnight. It starts with getting the right candidates elected though.... and what you are doing now doesn’t help. b****ing about Hillary’s “EMAILS” like a Russian bot does not help.

    You want to help, help get candidates elected that aren’t beholden to PAC money. Are THOSE candidates also on “both sides”. Do you see Ted Cruz swearing off PAC money?

    This is where the change starts man. Continue to voice the issue of money in politics and help get candidates elected not in bed with dark money coming from PAC’s.

    The most unproductive thing you can do is what you are doing now. Making a both sides argument with conspiracy theories galore where the only outcome seems to be a suggestion of blowing everything up with a chaos candidate in the White House who believes in the same conspiracies.... How’s that working out now for everyone???
    #31 dobro1229, Sep 14, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  12. Svpernaut

    Svpernaut Contributing Member

    Jan 10, 2003
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    You act like the GOP is the only side that takes corporate handouts and kickbacks... and it just isn't true. Just look at the pork in the spending bills, and it is wide spread and quite evident that the it is the "unspoken agreement" within DC that our representatives are openly providing kickbacks for the people that have helped to get them in power, and stay in power. The Defense Spending alone is easily the largest proof of the left saying one thing, and doing another.

    Also, just as many organizations are internjecting themselves into US politics and policies on the left, as they are the right. Nearly the entirety of the tech industry, and their collective trillions of dollars in market cap openly support the DNC. The point is this is a systemic issue, and the left doesn't realize it as much as the right... nearly the entire Libertarian movement and Constitutionalists are conservatives who scream from the rooftops about the corruption in the GOP.

    The left doesn't have their Rand Paul, or they do now in the likes of Rep. Gabbard, and Liberals are openly denying or dismissing her claims. Donald Trump's nomination was the entirety of the GOP voters sticking it to their party... and as "wrong" as that move may be, they were at least trying to show their party that they weren't going to take the GOP status quo any longer. Bernie was supposed to be the left's middle finger to the party, but the corrupt party called that bluff and silenced those votes.

    The only way this will ever change, is if we prioritize fixing our own parties first and demanding change from within. Instead of continually bashing Trump in echo chambers, lift up people like Rep Gabbard. We all know Trump is a megalomaniac and corrupt, adding more evidence to that fact does nothing... it is a MAGA-hating circlejerk. However, spreading the ideas and ideals of the few politicians doing it the right way and for the right reasons can have lasting change.

    The reason I continually implore the left to focus on their party, is because it will make it easier for the right to focus on their party too. If we aren't going at each other's throats all day every day, our party leaders won't be able to do whatever the hell they want while we are all distracted over the lastest "outrage" news. I'd rather the next middle finger the left or the right give their respective parties, isn't a train wreck like Trump.
  13. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Again.... the voters on the left are doing this. There are actual goals that we have though other than just jumping on the messiah complex train like the right did with Trump
    and your so-called “libertarians” do to continue to empower him. (Yes...Rand Paul... the Freedom Caucus... they are complete hypocrites on this subject).

    The goal is to eventually overturn Citizens United and get money out of politics. b****ing about Hillary vs Bernie in 2016 runs contrary to those goals, and weakens that cause.

    Nobody on the left is disagreeing with Gabbard or saying that Bernie didn’t get screwed in 16. But rehashing over and over again hurts the ultimate objectives we have and helps create the disfunctional vacuum that gives rise to people like Trump to begin with.

    The Democratic Party has been bloodletting for two years now and going into 2018 and looking at the change in candidates winning primaries I see ZERO reasons to believe the Left hasn’t been working to resolve everything you are talking about, and as long as the electorate continues to remind the officials that what we want is Money out of politics, progress can be had, but it won’t be had just with an overnight fix with a messiah complex like the right had with Trump.

    And it certainly won’t be had by continuing to rehash Hillary and her damn emails.
  14. Svpernaut

    Svpernaut Contributing Member

    Jan 10, 2003
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    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Myself and many other conservatives I know continually and openly challenge our party across many mediums, and I just don't see the same level of criticism from Liberal acquaintances and friends... even though Liberals outnumber Conservatives in my circle probably 10:1.

    I actually got into this debate with a few Liberal friends, and we all went back to our many discussions across social media referencing every time we challenged our own party or party members... and in the end, the conservatives did so at a 20:1 clip over Liberals. I even had one person claim I was a Trump apologist because I agreed with one of his policies, and I was able to quickly provide more than 25 times I had challenged or called out Trump and his policies. How many times had she called out Democrats in the same timeframe? Zero.

    Now this is obviously only a small dataset, but I'm also very active on Twitter, and again I follow and interact with far more Liberals than Conservatives (the tech industry is mostly progressive Liberals), and I see the same thing there. Even here on D&D, I rarely if ever see anyone on the left openly bash their own side. It just doesn't happen. I've seen conservatives here agree that Trump is a jackass and needs to stay off of Twitter, and that he's likely guilty of corruption, and they are still accused of towing the party line. Hell, I was ridiculously accused of that in this very thread.

    If Liberals have disdain for their party and leadership, they need to be louder about it - and most importantly call out their fellow Liberals spewing BS.The ridiculous drama thread I was pulled into in Hangouts was because I was fighting with a clueless and delusional conservative.
    #34 Svpernaut, Sep 14, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  15. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    It's not a bigger deal because Superdelegates tend to change their votes later to reflect public opinion if it ever matters. This happened in the so-long-ago-its-apparently-too-hard-to-remember 2008 election, where the majority started with Hillary, and as it became clear Obama would win, they shifted to him.

    At the end of the day, superdelegates are pretty irrelevant and have never changed the results of the primaries, which is why it's not a bigger issue. The are simply a dumb way for people to feel imporant about themselves. The only people it "baffles" are the ones that desperately want to believe Bernie was cheated (the rep) and/or people who want to b**** about the DNC (you).
    FranchiseBlade and KingCheetah like this.
  16. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    LOL. The entire GOP has rallied around being anti-trade and pro-spending because their new GOP leader was that way. They literally threw away decades of domestic and foreign policy beliefs to jump in line with him. The party has majority belief in a variety of random conspiracy theories Trump has promoted. The only GOPers at the national level who challenge are people who are not running for re-election - Flake, Corker, etc. Cruz - who once was horrified by Trump - has embraced him fully. Rand Paul, the supposed radical libertarian independent, has basically ditched everything he believed and wrapped himself in Trump. Let's not pretend that the GOP challenges their party at all.
    #36 Major, Sep 14, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  17. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Do we wonder how Trump won?

    A right-winger shares a Democratic candidate who he feels he could get behind. But yet this thread has turned into a bunch of nonsense about Super Delegates.

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