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upcoming draft = trade Drew now?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Achebe, Feb 10, 2000.

  1. Achebe

    Achebe Member

    Oct 26, 1999
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    It looks as if there will be several points that are more athletic (but poorer shooters) than Drew coming out. Does this up the stakes for the Rockets getting rid of Drew now?

    At the same time, the Raptors have just acquired Danny Fortson (remember 6'7" crazy rebounder) which nbatalk.com justifiably hinted that he, rather than McGrady could solve the Raptors' woes at point (via trade [​IMG]). They (nbatalk.com) were toying w/ a Fortson for LAL Fisher swap, but that's actually not too farfetched. Are there any avenues for us here? Spoiler, Joiner?
  2. HOOP-T

    HOOP-T Member

    Jan 26, 2000
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    Derek Fisher? For Fortsen? Lord, the Lakers need guards, not big men. They have Shaq, AC Green, Horry, Fox, Rice, Sally, and Travis Knight. Three centers and four forwards. Interesting that they would want Fortsen since they are a good rebounding team. Guard-wise they are thin in talent. You have Kobe, then what? Fisher is decent, Shaw is not good, Harper is old but still has a game or two in him.

    Who knows when you are speaking of Phil Jackson though!
  3. TraJ

    TraJ Member

    Aug 13, 1999
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    Can Toronto turn around and trade Fortson? I didn't think they could do that.
  4. haven

    haven Member

    Oct 22, 1999
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    On the contrary, hoop-t, I believe that the lakers #1 priority is to get a rebounding PF, which they don't currently have. They desperately want PJ Brown, but Riley is unwilling to part with him for Glen Rice.

    Fisher and Harper aren't spectacular, but at least they can distribute the ball without turning it over too much.

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