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University Of Texas Conservative Students Hold Affirmative Action Bake Sale

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by DwightHoward13, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    Yea I agree, it is pretty telling. There can be reasons for all the other stuff such as college education...but future doctors...?

    It is a LARGE disparity: For a 90% overall acceptance into medical school Asians have to have a 3.8+ GPA and 35+ MCAT (over 95th percentile). When it comes to tests like the MCAT which is curved every year, getting a score in the 95-99th percentile is pretty damn hard. The rationale for exam scores and GPA is that you will have the most competent individuals operating on you and saving your life when you need it. I don't agree with the other extreme saying that no AA should be allowed, but the large disparity disqualifies many extremely competent, hardworking, and deserving asians, while allowing some incompetent individuals due to the need to diversify.
  2. dback816

    dback816 Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Look at how dead end and stagnant a thread becomes when the topic of prejudices against Asians in America is brought up.

    It just ends up going in circles because your average American like this Comets guy can't even fathom the idea of "nON-BlACK FacE RaciSM?! But sOmE AziAN Go HavarD!"
  3. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    I think the questions as to why Asians are perhaps successful in academics can also contribute to why they are not successful in other areas. You bring up several areas in politics, entertainment, sports, and corporate boardrooms. Sports and entertainment are very culture based. China sucks at baseball but the Japanese are great at it. Are there no Chinese major league baseball players due to racism? Of course not. Conversely, there are no Japanese football players but football is very popular with Samoans and they have Samoan NFL players. Is that racial? Probably not. In Jeremy Lin's case, not being drafted. Was that racial? Probably. Is that the reason there are few Chinese NBA players? Doubtful. Entertainment is really subjective and looks probably matter there more than anything. I do think race plays a role in what Americans find attractive not just physically but personality wise. And this is where culture also plays a role. I think Asian culture is seen more as not assertive and flamboyant and what have you, traits that sell well in entertainment. I think the only Asian actor I've ever seen that seemed to fit with the typical leading man style role would be Chow Yun Fat. I don't know why there aren't more but I know personally, I don't like Chinese or Japanese films but Korean films are really good in my experience. I don't think thats racial, I just notice a huge difference in style which perhaps is due to culture. So I think balling everything up as Asian when Asians can have vastly different cultures is probably not the best in these areas.

    The corporate boardroom though, I think that is the last area in society where all minorities are hitting the ceiling and not just Asians. Politics is like the brother to the corporate boardroom though and they feed each other. We definitely need more Asians in politics.
    #143 CometsWin, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2013
  4. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    No, it's a line for all people at which AA is no longer helpful to you as a group to achieve a level of success. The corporate boardroom is definitely an area in which Asians should benefit.
  5. itstheyear3030

    Jan 31, 2013
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    So you're essentially arguing that there are few asians/asian sub-groups in professional sports because it's not part of their culture to engage in those sports. Well let me tell you what, I think that there are few black people in top colleges because it's not really in their culture to study that hard. Yeah...doesn't sound so good does it? There are also such people known as Asian-AMERICANS; you know, people who grew up here playing all the same sports as every other American kid.

    Also, good job bringing up stereotypes (not assertive, etc.) to defend media bias against Asians. Do you not realize that you're proving the point by saying "people see Asians as this, therefore they don't enjoy watching them in movies?" The fact that you can't even name an Asian-AMERICAN actor and have to resort to a Chinese star is pretty telling. Do you seriously believe that in over 200 years of Asian-American history, that there hasn't been a single Asian-American that has the qualities admired in American "leading men" and tried to get leading roles?

    The bottom line is that Asians face racism in American just like every other minority in media, sports, the workplace, and yes, even in education. I'm glad you admit that you think AA in college admissions should not apply to Asians because they are simply too successful in that area. I think that is poor justification, but at least you're honest and you are certainly entitled to that belief. And with that, I'm done with this thread.
    1 person likes this.
  6. Kyakko

    Kyakko Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    A note though, outside of Hollywood, an Asian American is/was the most popular personality on... Youtube.
  7. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    I tell you what, instead of playing the angry internet idiot why don't you point to me the racism that prohibits Chinese from being in the NFL or MLB or why the Japanese aren't in the NFL or why with a billion people there have been remarkably few Chinese NBA players. Let's hear it. I can't wait.
  8. pirc1

    pirc1 Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    Sports, you could make a case that Asians are just not good enough in the popular events like football and basketball, although I believe MLB have proven Asian players can play. Part of the reasons is because Asians in the past do not strive to excel in sports for the most part, although that is changing now.

    But since we are talking about sports, why doesn't NCAA create sports for Asians like they do for female athletes? How about every school have table tennis, badminton, martial arts, archery etc? Is that a form of discrimination as well?

    There is definitely discrimination in the entertainment industry against Asians. Do you believe many Asians will try to get into a career that they might be discriminated against when they have so many other better avenues?

    Culture plays a big part in this whole thing, Asian Americans have been trying to achieve the best they can in education, from the low income families to high income families. Just as African Americans tries to excel in athletics. What you achieve is strongly correlated to how much effort you put in. Should we discount Asian achievements in educations just because they worked harder at it than other ethnic groups in the US?

    If you really want to do AA right, you will treat Asians as White Americans and not put them on a higher level of standards when compared to White Americans.
  9. Kyakko

    Kyakko Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    I work for Univ. and one of the things we do is go to colleges for recruitment. I don't do recruitment, but I have gone with recruiters to various High Schools. A thing that gets me is that we only stress education as a fall back option, especially in low income schools.

    I remember in one school assembly where a speaker states that the odds of becoming an athelete or a movie star is astronomically low, and they should have a fall back plan. Some stupid kid starts yelling (paraphrasing); "why are you putting us down, what if all of us make it" :rolleyes: The announcer proceeds to applease the idiot by saying, they all might reach their dreams, but they need to have a fall back plan, just in case... all whatever the 100's of them. Mind you, this is a low income, mostly African-American school and the announcer is black.

    That kind of encouragment is dangerous, because you can't systematically (as a group) try to be famous and be competition in a fall back career. It just doesn't work in the current job market. Science and Engineering should be encouraged as the main goal in low income areas and not as a fall back career in case you don't make it as a football player.

    As for Asians in sports, I tend to agree with Cometswin as it's just not stressed for Asians. Not to mention there's an extremely small pool of Asian Americans being only 5% of the populations. Hollywood is different. It's extremely conservative (not Republican conservative, but unwiling to change conservative) as one film can make or break a studio. There tend to be the same types of movies, remakes and same actors recycled over and over. They're just not willing to risk a different formula.
    #149 Kyakko, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2013
  10. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    lol bro just stop. You're getting clowned big time
  11. itstheyear3030

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Arrgh I got sucked back in...

    Don't get me wrong, I agree that the average Asian or Asian-American household places less stress on sports in relation to schoolwork; that doesn't mean that Asian kids don't play or excel at sports. You can be good at more than one thing; let's be honest most high school and college work is not that difficult or time consuming. Additionally, you have to think: how much of that is a feedback loop. When you see leagues that don't have a single Asian player, you are inclined to place less emphasis on those activities as a parent. Not to mention the fact that most players in pro leagues are statistical aberrations anyway, meaning population numbers are not as important.

    In any event, this is a tangential issue that I only brought up to illustrate the hypocrisy of allowing cultural assumptions to explain the lack of Asians in sports/entertainment, but turning around and crying racism when the similar assumptions are used to explain the lack of black people in top colleges. Why is it ok to say Asian-American kids are gunning to be doctors and scientists so there are naturally fewer in the NBA, but not ok to say that black kids are aspiring to be rappers and pro-athletes so there are naturally fewer in top universities?

    Personally, I don't believe either of those statements, as I place more emphasis on individual cases. For example, Lin's parents where smart enough to see their kid was pretty good at basketball and encouraged him to pursue it, just as there are plenty of black parents who see their kids are smart and encourage them to pursue academics. At that point, it becomes an issue of resources (i.e. AA based on income), which is what I've been advocating all along.

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