That font is so bad that I think it has to be real. It would be very much like this franchise to keep everything the same, change the font to something even more hideous, and maybe start using a little bit of gray. All the while, dragging it out for 2 years, while pretending they were flirting with major changes. I hope I'm surprised in a good way next year, but I seriously doubt it. I didn't think anything could have me screaming for them to leave the vanilla alone, but this does.
The reaction from media guys who’ve seen the designs suggests it’s way more of a change than just the font.
Eh... to each their own; I find it a wholly unique color combination. Of course, all of this is both subjective and heavily dependent on how the scheme is ultimately deployed. Or.... Carolina Tar Heels... Honestly, Columbia blue was a fairly ubiquitous color in the 60s and 70s - check, like, nearly every MLB road uniform in the 70s (Cubs, Brewers, Cardinals, Braves, Twins, Royals, Blue Jays, Expos, Phillies, Rangers, Mariners...) I would be very surprised if the vast majority of current sports fans associate that color to a team that hasn't existed in nearly 30 years. Regardless... who cares? It's another team no longer here with no association whatsoever to the current team, who should be forging their own identity. That the franchise has been a decades-long failure doesn't get erased because they hand everyone Columbia blue needles to mainline. It's lazy and unoriginal. (Granted, if they really follow through with that Old English font, all the colors in the world won't be able to cover up that horrendous decision...)
Beggars can't be choosers. Y'all wanted a rebrand. Oilers and the exact color scheme were NEVER an option. Now, that they are looking "outside the box"...the whining comes back. LOL. Why was Columbia blue as the main color scheme was never an option? The NFL. They were never going to allow the Texans do that color scheme, and just replacing the Derrick with the Bull. Titans would have said that violated the agreement Adams had with the NFL.
I guess I'm in the super minority, but I like the uniforms exactly as is. The best NFL uniforms are the ones that 1) aren't too busy and b) never change. Steelers, Packers, Dolphins, even the cowboys. Sports are about tradition. I want my kids to take their kids to a Texans game 20 years from now and be able to say "that's the same uniform JJ Watt and Andre Johnson wore when they played." Also, that "H" looks like gang graffiti....
What do you mean "sounds like neither"? Is there some new info out there? I was assuming "Houston" blue returning in some form was all but a given. Also a larger emphasis on battle red. What did I miss?
Puke. While I am not Hispanic, and I am not into gang culture (not saying that these two things are synonymous at all here... Please don't try and put words into my mouth), those are the two things that this font represents to me. Kind of that shaded area in the middle of the Venn diagram where the two intersect. Which even further narrows the scope of this font, as that represents a small minority of one of the many minorities of the city. A city which is supposedly the most culturally diverse city in the country. This would be an epic failure.
Yeah, I'm honestly not even sure what they would be trying to appeal to by going with that font. I don't associate that stylized lettering with Houston whatsoever. I've always thought it was more of an LA Latino thing, which is why it made sense when the Clippers embraced it. But as someone who was born and raised here in Houston, has lived like 34 of my 40 years of life here, and is not Hispanic, that lettering means nothing to me. I get that they're trying to go more urban with their new branding, hence the "H Town" references over and over and over again. But there were probably 100 different ways they could have accomplished that without reaching on something that has either zero or a very, very loose association with the city. Between this and the horrendous social media presence the team has compared to other teams in the league, I'm really starting to lose my faith that this rebrand is going to go well. I've gotten to the point that I avoid looking at some of the mock-ups by fans because I know a lot of those are going to end up looking 1000 times better than whatever Cal and Hannah come up with. At this point, I'm just happy with the direction of the roster and am optimistic about the product on the field. A nice uniform rebrand would be an added bonus.
ChatGPT has the boring ass Patriots, lame ass Bears, and ugly ass Chiefs jerseys in its Top 10, but no mention of the Chargers?? Tell Microsoft to shutter the doors on that horrendous investment.
ChatGPT will give you a different answer almost every time you ask the question. And if you don't find your team on there, it will be apologetic and shove them in there for you because it wants you to stay friends with it
Some of those fonts I'm seeing in previous posts for what will supposedly be our new uniforms takes me back to the good ol' days of Print Shop and printing out banners to hang at parties and in the classroom.