this is so freakin stupid. i put any crap on my resume to fill the gap. i've had a very specialized job, trying to get another has been a b****, fifty at least real (not recruiter) interviews in four years, including the year and a half while working when my boss would give me a reference because we all knew my days were numbered
I just prefer to find a good job. I can jump on unemployment and work under the table and make about what I'm making now and get what I pay for out of the state while I'm at it. That's all.
Leeching? You do realize that part of every paycheck you have ever earned goes to unemployment benefits. You pay for it each time you get paid. Screw dignity if I have a family to feed. People don't choose to be laid off and it takes time to find a job, especially these days.
Relax, man. He asked a straight up question. He went straight to his suggestion. Maybe: Thank you for that response, it cools the situation down. Are you without a job right now? What is your profession, if you don't mind me asking, sir?
he said "people are too good", it was judgemental not helpful. anyway you can look at the last thread about the interview to see what i used to do. i'm a waiter, i start friday
Do the opposite of this. Your unemployment eligibility lasts for six months regardless of if you collect or not. Call at 5 months and you can only collect for one month. Apply immediately and getcho money. No shame in tapping into a resource you have been pay into into all these years.