Wow, two pages and nobody is discussing the brainwashing techniques in the article? I find it interesting and disturbing that ISIS has tasked so many people to recruit online and that a guy like Faisal has the time to chat for hours a day with one girl while working other prospects. It's like ISIS gave him a full time job to do nothing but this.
The Koran is unchanged for like 1500 years and yet it's not until recently that ISIS was born. So what's different?
Are you attributing all the transgressions in the name of Islam in the past 1200 years to just ISIS? You think the rise of the Islamic Caliphate that spread into parts of Southern Europe and South Asia after Muhammad's death was done peacefully?
For 1400 years there was no Suez Canal. After it was built, people like al-Banna grew frustrated at how wealthy the British were compared to the Egyptians. There was no jealousy toward the British prior to the Canal. Al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood as a response to the disparity in living standards.
No, you seem to be saying that there's no other cause to this modern age of terrorism than Islam but we've seen a dramatic rise in radical Islamist activity in the last 40 years. In a way it seems that Islam in the Middle East has become more fundamentalist in the last 40 years. Since the Koran is unchanged, what's the cause? You seem to be saying Islam is the cause. ISIS fighters say their duty to Islam. So was it not the duty of Muslims 40 years ago? What's different?
ISIS is caused by many factors, but Islam religion is clearly one of the factors, as is the influence of western imperialism.
Okay, you said the motivation of an ISIS fighter is the Koran. So why all of a sudden are people motivated to commit terrorism for the Koran if the Koran is unchanged for over a thousand years? You seem to be drawing really quirky lines around the subject.
So you think people didn't get beheaded and murdered motivated by Islam before ISIS? Who cares what the current name of the group is that murders people based on Islam. ISIS, Taliban, Wahhabi government of Saudi Arabia, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Abu Sayaf - some have been in existence longer, some shorter. And even before all those, Islamists murdered and beheaded people in the name of their religion - starting with their "prophet", and without a break up to now. You fail to make any valid point whatsoever.
Why do those groups exist now when they didn't 40 years ago? Make a valid point instead of running around in circles like you usually do.
Extremism within Islam goes back to the 7th century to the Kharijites. From their essentially political position, they developed extreme doctrines that set them apart from both mainstream Sunni and Shi'a Muslims. The Kharijites were particularly noted for adopting a radical approach to Takfir, whereby they declared other Muslims to be unbelievers and therefore deemed them worthy of death. There is your valid point. You are welcome.
And yet the number of these groups, along with Islamic fundamentalism, have grown dramatically over the last 40 years. Why is that? Or tell me about 7th century Islam again in your smug a-hole BBS character.
You seem to be angry rather than thankful that you have been educated. It's not my fault that for you, anger trumps willingness to learn. By the way, that is something you have in common with some of the followers of that ideology.
Nah, it just seems you want to talk about the 7th century a lot more than the 1970's and 80's. Why is that? You run your mouth a lot but little of it is on topic. We're talking about modern radical Islam and its root causes. Maybe you should start a thread about the 7th century and insult everyone over there. I mean what else do you do here but insult people and rage about Islam. It's so boring dude.
You were making it seem like Islamic extremism is a phenomenon that came up in the last 40 years, clearly trying to insinuate that it is "just a reaction" to Western imperialism or whatever. I provided a source (and there are clearly more, also for the time in between) that shows that extremism has been part of Islam basically from day one. Don't try to chicken out. You got obliterated and you are now trying to save face. Too late.
No I clearly said it's been on the rise and asked why. So explain why or post a bunch more nonsense now because oh look 7th century extremists derp111 isn't really going to further the discussion on ISIS and modern Islamic terrorism. Better yet, go start the 7th centuryIslamic terrorism thread and bail on this one so we can discuss without troll behavior from you.
He doesn't know the history of these groups and how they formed. He doesn't care. It's in his interest to just paint the entire religion to blame rather than actually educate himself about the history. It's much easier to oversimplify and debate by pulling 7th century examples that trying to look at this in depth and holistically.
I would think even a moderately intelligent person would understand that 7th century Islam isn't the root cause of ISIS and modern Islamic terrorism.