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Typical: Bonds might not donate prized items to Hall of Fame

Discussion in 'Other Sports' started by BigSherv, May 28, 2007.

  1. Cannonball

    Cannonball Member

    Jul 27, 2006
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    Neither was/has been convicted of anything but almost everybody believes they did it anyway.
  2. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Baseball and its partisans have made an effort to belittle Bonds or turn their back on him.

    Whether it was deserving or not - I don't see what he owes people who have largely dismissed him and belittled his accomplishments.

    If his home runs are meaningless than why are people clamoring to donate his bat? It is meaningless too, right?

    If I were Bonds I would do the same thing. If Baseball doesn't want to acknowledge me then what is my responsibility to give back to it?
  3. BigSherv

    BigSherv Member

    Jun 1, 2002
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    i bet he doens't pay a penny for the bats or unis he uses.

  4. BigSherv

    BigSherv Member

    Jun 1, 2002
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    i wonder if pitchers will stop pitching to him as he nears the record.

    I would not want to be the chumo who goes down as the guy that thre the pitch to break the record.

    Ask anyone who was Ryan's 5000 K was. Everyone knows it was Ricky Henderson.
  5. WWR

    WWR Member

    Feb 24, 2007
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    Read "Game of Shadows" and read about how he treated people.

    It isn't illegal to be an azzhole..but people don't deserve to be treated the way he treats people.
  6. Cannonball

    Cannonball Member

    Jul 27, 2006
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    They really don't pitch to him now.
  7. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    I don't wish he would die, but a nice case of herpes wouldn't be out of the question.
  8. DieHard Rocket

    Sep 9, 2000
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    I think race is probably the least reason that people don't want him to break the record. It may play a part with some people, but for the most part I think it's because he cheated (there is no argument left against this, HE JUICED), and because he's an ass.

    If it were Ken Griffey Jr. breaking the record, it would be a lot different.

    I don't wish death upon anybody ... but wouldn't it be sweet if karma took effect and he blew out a knee or something that would end his career a bomb or two short of the record?
  9. WWR

    WWR Member

    Feb 24, 2007
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    That would be too cool!
  10. weslinder

    weslinder Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    My thoughts on Barry Bonds. Of all the players that I've seen play, Bonds was the second best natural hitter, second only to Griffey. From the time he was in Pittsburgh, he was going to be one of the greatest players to ever play the game. He was a jackass to the media, and he was rumored to be a lousy teammate, but the guy could play.

    So that puts him in a different category than McGwire, Sosa, and the Giambi brothers. None were ever considered among the greatest to play the game. McGwire really only did one thing well, and then, since he rarely played a whole season, I always considered him a net negative on the Cardinals. He was really a sideshow more than a baseball player. Sosa was better, but nowhere close to Bonds's caliber. Besides, Sosa plays the "dumb jock" routine well enough that it lowers our expectations of him. Giambi never would even merit HOF talk. He doesn't belong in this conversation at all. There is another player, but we'll get to that in a minute.

    So this great natural talent who was a bit of a jackass cheated. He swelled to an unnatural size, and he began hitting balls further than anyone else had before. (Unless you believe the legends about Josh Gibson.) Teammates began openly complaining about him being a jackass and dragging so many tagalongs into the clubhouse with him. He drew further into himself, and did nothing to endear himself to me or most baseball fans. Then we get undeniable evidence, very detailed, that virtually proved that he cheated. It somehow justifies all of this dislike that I and most baseball fans have had for him. The fact that he's in the spotlight for the record chase just brings back the feelings, it doesn't create them.

    I certainly respect Bonds's career. But I don't respect him as a person, and I understand Hank Aaron's and MLB's disrespect.

    [The one other player that I mentioned: Roger Clemens. Unlike Bonds, though, no one has made a special effort to prove (or disprove for that matter) that he ever used steroids. Any suspicion has been just that, suspicion. And even though he was a jackass to the media and opposing players, he has always had the utmost respect from his teammates. And besides, as great of a career as Roger has had, he's not chasing any hallowed records.]
  11. rezdawg

    rezdawg Member

    Feb 15, 2000
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    I think the guy is a total ass, but with the way he's been treated by baseball, I hope he doesnt give anything back.
  12. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    i agree that would be humorous in a way.

    what you said about he should die. thats just messed up, really is. there are a lot of mean people out there. but whatever he has done in my opinion may come back to him.

    but wanting him to die is just weird.

    maybe wanting his career to be in ruin. or for it to completely come out that he took every steroid in the book is one thing. but saying you really want him to die is just like i said *weird*
  13. J DIDDY

    J DIDDY Member

    Jan 13, 2003
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    waiting for someone to throw in the words "classless" and or "class" in this thread.

    i personally dont give a **** about steriod Bonds.
  14. Icehouse

    Icehouse Member

    Jun 23, 2000
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    Hmm, so the MLB commissioner still doesn't know if he will be present when Bonds breaks the sports biggest record...yet Barry should donate his stuff after he breaks the record? Isn't that ass backwards.......
  15. astrosrule

    astrosrule Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    i don't think people realize how great bonds was those few years, i mean 2007 craig biggio is closer to 2006 lance berkman in OPS then 2006 berkman is to bonds best year
  16. bnb

    bnb Member

    Jul 7, 2002
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    The commissioner is an ass.

    As long as he allows Barry to play, and as long as Barry's home runs count in games he has to accept defeat (if that's what he wants to call it) and buck up and honour the record. The homeruns Barry's hitting today count, so the record will fall. As it should...unless they can stop him from playing.

    Oh...and Barry should donate his stuff. Two wrongs and all that. Baseball been berry berry good to him. Current treatment notwithstanding...
  17. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    people remember but they also know he was obviously cheating. biggio and berkman i highly suspect didn't/don't use the roids but who knows.

    unless you're talking pre-steroid bonds.

    baseball and selig are as culpable/stupid as bonds is so i don't really have a side in this story. selig is best off just going to the thing and honoring the record, it looks a lot better than the alternative.
  18. Nice Rollin

    Nice Rollin Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    ive read game of shadows...that doesnt call for comments like "i wish he was dead"

    i hate to get political but Presidents have done more harm than Barry Bonds
  19. Nice Rollin

    Nice Rollin Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    And it is a race issue. Trust me...If this was McGwire, people would not care as much. He would not get death threats, and ignorant ass people on this board would not want him dead. Race has a lot to do with it. There are a lot of racist people in America, and Bonds being black doesnt help him in certain ballparks...and i think those people would be rooting for McGwire to beat Aaron's record.

    I hate John Stockton. I dont want him dead.
  20. Nice Rollin

    Nice Rollin Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Of couse. Griffy is easy to root for. You'd root for any soft spoken guy...and Griffey is not on sterroids......What if it was McGwire. I guarantee not as many people are mad...

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