Even the freaking violent ones, charged with assaulting police officers, got pardoned.These pardons will only serve to embolden his most violent supporters to lash out even more. Trump just proved that he'll have your back as long as you're fighting in his name. Dude just legalized political violence.
The hypocrisy of some conservatives twisting themselves to excuse the terrorists, white supremacists and insurrectionists who attacked the capital and police is the ultimate sign that they don't actually believe the crap they say they stand for, only that their 'law and order' and 'patriotism' talk is what they hide behind to support what they want. Luckily for them Trump and the MAGA movement give them that cover.
Wow, what an insult to the visually impaired. Is there not some audio version of attention worthy news coverage? NPR?
If anyone is interested in Peltier's case and you've never seen the documentary "Incident at Oglala" by Michael Apted you should and you'll see an incredible documentary showcasing the railroading of an innocent man. Peltier should have been released a long time ago. I'd also suggest you read the book "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" as well. It was held back forever because The FBI didn't want anyone reading it but it eventually saw the light of day and is a great read.
Yep. He's a ****ing moron. In this case, some people really SHOULD stick to sports takes only and shut the **** up.
I agree with this - but it goes beyond that. The door is now open for future Presidents to do the same thing and claim they are following precedence. I feel about this - how I felt about the pardon's issued by Joe Biden for Hunter Biden and others....... and Trump selling bitcoin and Trump and others profiting off the office.......... it sets a really bad standard. Having said that - this is what the people that showed up to vote decided to vote for and as a result the President can do what the President can do. America didn't just elect Donald Trump - they re-elected him after kicking him to the curb. Americans were warned and this is obviously what the voters wanted.
J6 was a government setup intended to maximize damage to the Republican brand and end Trump's political career. Federal agents and Capitol police incited violence by agitating, encouraging people to go onto the Capitol grounds, removing barriers, and shooting into the crowd relentlessly. They used the rally and the high emotions of the day to herd people into committing crimes. The media and Democrat politicians were prepared for this, and rolled out their plan. It was an operation similar to what our CIA does internationally on a regular basis. Agitate, promote violence, then use the ugly scenes to justify a public relations campaign and pressure campaign against a target. Radical left wing prosecutors over-charged these defendants and held many without charges for long periods of time. What they did was WRONG. And it was one of the worst government abuses against the people I've witnessed. Not the worst, but up there. All of the pardons were justified. ALL OF THE PARDONS. And I am very happy that these people are walking free today. We got the Israeli hostages home and now the J6 hostages are coming home. It's a great day.
Jake is in for a rude surprise. His felony conviction should prevent him from buying a some motha f*cking guns. He will have to have someone else buy the guns for him ... or ... go to a gun show.
Damn so Trump must be a weak-ass president if he couldn't prevent all of that from happening when he was in charge. Sad!
Pelosi denied the use of the National Guard, which Trump requested. She did this on purpose so Capitol Police (Dem-leaning) and Fed Agents could execute their plan. National Guard would not have let protestors onto the grounds... whereas the Fed Agents basically promoted it and invited them in. Entrapment. Odd that you are in favor of entrapment.
at least big texxx/trader jorge/mojoman/conqueefstaor can admit the truth. he is in favor of giving pardons to people who assault cops. yall are all a bunch of unamerican turdburglars, but at least BT/TJ/MM/EC can admit it.