It's a low level ambassadorship. Look at the past ambassadors. They don't do much and half of them are businessmen promoting business interests and giving fluff speeches. The current ambassador to Italy has no ties to Italy and was the former gov of Delaware. The guy before him was a Jewish businessman with no ties to Italy. There was a 2 1/12 year gap between them where we had no official ambassador to Italy. The important ambassadors are in countries that have significant CIA operations or that in in geopolitically hot areas. The CIA runs operations out of those embassies. I'd doubt we have much going on in Italy based on the past ambassadors....but you never know with us lol.
You're right and you're wrong as far as where important things happen, it's all good. I'm glad you mentioned he was a Jewish Businessman, I wouldn't have been able to pick him out of a lineup next to a Kraut Businessman or Hispanic Businessman or Guido Businessman or Slavic Businessman.
Like I said we didn't even have an official ambassador to Italy for almost 2 1/2 years. The charge d'affaires will be handling most of the work as they have been. And I think you would have been able to pick out that Lewis Eisenberg was Jewish lol. I just brought that up because it's Italy and they are obviously Catholic. Anyhow, Fertitta won't be doing much other than promoting his business interests there and networking. I don't really care too much about him being the ambassador but I was interested to research this a bit since I just finished a book called "Our Man in Mexico" about the development of the CIA and specifically in Mexico during the Cold War during JFK. Interesting stuff there....hopefully not so interesting Italy. Eggs and gasoline huh?
He's a glad-handing heritage guido bullsh!t artist, and a lot of other things, but he sure as hell ain't no redneck. We don't claim him.
Does this mean there will be a Bubba Gump Shrimp and Salk Grass steakhouse in Naples? they gonna get some real good food now breh @Os Trigonum @Jontro
Lol. 4 days later and still nothing official after Tilman or someone close to him leaked that he would be picked. Won’t be surprised at all if this doesn’t happen.
Oh yes, exactly who we need running the country. Another billionaire that knows exactly what the common man needs. I'm not saying the Democrats were much better. But for the life of me I'll never understand why people voted for Trump. It's truly mind-blowing.
Let's be honest - Brain damaged CTE Herschel Walker, Donald Trump Jr ex gf/wacko Kimberly Guilfoyle assigned to Greece so he can see other people Indicted former Trump fixer Tom Barrack If you were an egotistical billionaire would you really want to join this list of people? Seems more like a bunch a d list celebrity reality show cast. Maybe Tillman said thanks but no thanks
Ambassadorial roles, when filled by serious, career diplomats is an absolutely essential role in the world of geopolitics. While ambassadorial seats in Client states like NATO countries (ex: Italy) is used by US administrations as political rewards, serious postings in powerful, unfriendly countries are almost always filled by diplomats with connections to the intelligence community or the MIC (example : Wiliam Burns of "Nyet means Nyet" fame)