Probably not. Average cost for a political donor that got an ambassadorship was only around $42k for Obama and $190k for Trump's first term. A honorary doctorate degree from a prestigious university will require a much, much larger donation than that.
Hot take - Rich donors buying ambassadorships in non-hotspot countries seems like the least offensive form of corruption there is at the national level. Ambassadorships are mostly a pointless ceremonial position given that, you know TELEPHONES have existed for 100s of years. Giving away an ambassadorship to a vacationy country as spoils to a donor like fertitta seems a relatively harmless low level act of graft - given the staggering scale of other acts of corruption we are seeing and will continue to see. It's nothing.
Traditionally given to jackass donors/millionaires Who were the last 3 US Ambassadors to France? I dare yall to name them. I sure as hell can't. None were Amen Thompson.
If there’s one thing that irritates Trump, it’s leaks like this. It’s not been officially announced, and don’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen now that it’s been leaked to the media.
I kinda agree. I've been very vocal about my disdain for Tilman in the past but this is just hilarious to me. It's Italy, what's gonna happen?
Not really. If Woody Johnson of the Jets does get re- appointed as an ambassador, he would likely name someone as acting director of the Jets in his stead -- most likely his brother -- to oversee day to day operations. He can still be owner, but I think the NFL wants owners or someone present to deal with whatever needs to be dealt with. He did that last time he was ambassador. Not sure if the NBA has similar League/CBA rules or policies. Also it is not really clear how ingrained Fertita is on the day-to-day operations, to where it would be necessary.
If he takes the job, the Rockets better have an inside track on every top Italian basketball prospect in their pipeline.
Italy is not "low level", no NATO country is, especially not the 4th (or 3rd, are we counting GB still?) largest economy in Europe. Uruguay...that's a "low level" country, Chile too...yet I love 'em both.