Politics aside, this is a great honor for Tilman Fertitta! Any folks who are trying to minimize such a distinguished position in our government probably don’t know the significance of the embassy’s abroad. Plus, Italy is a strong and important country, so that ambassadorship is likely up high in the pecking order too. Don’t forget that so many Americans go to visit Italy every year, it’s the line of defense for American citizens. I know most Americans don’t deal with the American embassy much, on account most of us live in America. But for those of us who have or had to deal with the embassy, a lot of important business gets done there. I must admit seeing Tilman being appointed an ambassador caught me by surprise.
Is this a serious post? Embassador appointments are the go to appointments for when you just became president and you have some buddies with no experience or technical skills in government but want positions in government. They are useless positions at least the perception is they are useless positions given as how easily they are handed out to socialites rather than serious people.
Isn't the Jets ownership in limbo because their owner is also an ambassador-to-be? Tilman, sell the team.
The next you will hear is that Fertitta prides himself to do multiple 'jobs and tasks'. Then you will hear that Patrick is taking over.
I must admit I'm TORN but based upon what I have seen from Tillman, looking from a far, he has principles. So maybe he can influence Trump in some shap form or fashion
The consulate and the Embassy are very important offices in foreign countries - that embassy is technically a part of the nation of the ambassador (you’ve seen when coups happen everyone is rushing to enter the US embassy). There is a system in place, which is why a fella with no experience can become an ambassador. https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-consulate-and-embassy.html
Yep, exactly, we had him years long as the owner but aside from donations I had no idea he even had political ambitions..... Right until now. Does he even qualify as a diplomat because diplomacy and not entrepreneurship or hospitality is at play here....... Of course he can say no, but he probably takes it.
I judge importance by the type of people who are selected to be part of these apparatuses or run these apparatuses. For example I can tell the technical education and difficulty of a MBA Harvard program is pathetic given the amount of legacy admissions. A MIT engineering program probably doesn't have any legacy admissions right? So I can assume the latte program is a far more difficult program that actually teaches serious technical skills. If an entire system of how we chose ambassadors is based on their socialite status and networking I can tell these positions are useless.
Well thank you for sharing your criteria. You do set some high bars to meet, but there are plenty of jobs that demand that level of education and excellence.
And that we now know that Trump considers Tilman a loyalist......Trump only appoints folks loyal to him or his political ideology.
Liberal NBA? The owners of the teams are not liberal or conservative - they only see green and that is what they care about. Fertitta has voted left as often as right. It is a business and that it all they care about..... all this other crap about bathrooms and migrants is what they use to distract the poor and suckers.
My experience with ambassadors is because the U.S. doesn't do lords / ladies, dukes / duchesses, barons / baronesses, etc. having a title like your honor or the ambassador is a goal for the uber rich. Just been my experience having been around some of the wealthiest people from my time in DC & South Florida.