A lot of the discussion in this very thread involves adults. For example “Disney hires Man on Dress!”. Or that the controversy with Target actually is about adult clothes for Trans. Many here claim that it’s only about children and parents rights when much of the criticism and controversy is about trans adults and parents that allow their children to undergo gender therapy are also targeted.
Yes. Good Americans will go all out to stop companies from trying to market to new groups of consumers.
Woke people don’t spend money Ask Disney @Salvy @ROXRAN @AroundTheWorld you selling fried chicken to vegans? Harry potter games to trans people who don’t play video games ? Yeah Might as well sell Rockets gear to Jazz fans woke is stupid marketing The dumbest @Os Trigonum
Don't care whether the marketing idea was great or not. The point is that it is silly to be upset by a company trying to market to a community and increase their consumer base. What's wrong with increased marketing from a consumer? I am not part of the target audience for Beyond Meats, but I absolutely don't care at all that they target people in a community of which I'm not a member. I wish them all the success in the world.
There’s a difference between gaining market share and bad marketing Rockets gaining market share Marketing the Rockets to fans in Austin Rockets bad marketing Marketing James Harden jerseys to golden state fans @Jontro @Os Trigonum @AroundTheWorld @basso @Nook @rocketsjudoka also the whack marketing chick didn’t do her research on Mulvaney, he’s not well liked despite his tik tok fans. this would haven’t been bad if they got RuPaul or Boy George or even Kaitlyn Jenner to do this the LGBT etc people don’t like him cause he’s pretty much acting Think of Borat
Blair White could have sold a lot of beer. https://www.instagram.com/stories/msblairewhite/3115762833961753273/
Got it, so you are now FOR cancel culture. Good to know you switched on that issue when it suited your politics
Typo - he means "directly related". Elon fired the woke "trust and safety" woman who initially censored that film for "misgendering". She was escorted out of the building. Well done.
The entire transgender discussion on this BBS is 4-5 posters sharing the same tweets over and over again. Just one giant circlejerk.