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Transgender in California can now use the same Bathrooms/Locker Rooms in public schools

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by RocketManJosh, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Great point. Some children have been scared by my daughters appearance, & some have actually asked can you catch it. In saying that, it's usually the adults who stare and have the issue with my daughter, sometimes taking their children away...or saying things like:
    'Should you really be taking her outside in her condition?'

    At the end of the day, if their reactions will upset my daughter, cause them grief or will make the situation uncomfortable they are welcome to leave,mor I will be the bigger man and go elsewhere...it all depends on the situation & location too.

    But we are talking about a girl suffering from the effects of a life threatening disease, not some one who has an issue with his gender. Another thing, I wouldn't force anyone to have to share facilities with her if they didn't want to.

    It is upsetting to me more than my daughter, who with her positive attitude, zest for life & willingness to put others first won't allow others opinions, words or actions towards her determine the way she is going to feel. Some pretty wide stuff from a 9 year old, agree?

    Not everyone is going to like you or treat you with respect whether you straight, gay, black or white but that's just life, sometimes you have to just grin & bear it.

    The young girls are usually in the presence if an adult, most likely the parent. In a school locker or toilet situation the same supervision will not be there. Yes there is the predatory aspect, but the main issue is giving away the right to privacy for one to appease the feelings of another.

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  2. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    But what we are talking about is a legal policy here that would mandate that your daughter couldn't be around other people if it made them uncomfortable. I mean would you be fine if a law was on the books that said that people on chemotherapy couldn't use the same restrooms as others?
    Here again though you are displaying a bias in regard to the issue. You consider someone who transgender as not being a something very serious and almost frivolous when to many it is actually a matter of life or death. As others have noted transgender people face a lot of discrimination, much more than homosexuals and in some cases even discrimination from homosexuals. Why anyone would put up with that should tell you how serious of an issue that is to people.

    A good example is the Teena Brandon / Brandon Teena story that was made into the movie Boys don't Cry That will tell you how much of a life and death issue that is.
    Good for you daughter and she sounds like a great girl.
    The point though of policies isn't that everyone has to like it. No one has to like anyone else but that they tolerate it. A lot of people don't like eliminating around people in general but we don't require building sound proof toilet stalls.
    A public restroom and locker room already compromises people's privacy. I mean I feel my privacy is violated when someone sharts loudly in the next stall. The point is though that we learn to adjust our behavior, as much as we can, in regard to the situation. As I've said before I have have lived with unisex bathrooms and it isn't like suddenly my I have no privacy right once women are there. It is all a matter of how we conduct ourselves.

    Anyway this isn't a situation where everyone is standing around nude doing their business. There are solutions as simple as doing toilet stalls instead of urinals, shower stalls instead of open showers and etc..
  3. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    We're not talking about that at all! No one is saying 'outlaw transgenders', only saying men, as a matter of decency shouldn't be allowed into women's rest rooms or shower / change rooms...especially in a school environment, that's all.

    And whilst it's not law, Folks on chemo usually have to flush twice with the lid down & then wipe down the toilet seats because of the medications...many do, many dont. The childrens hospital does provide special toilets specifically for patients on chemo.

    I do think a kid with cancer, brain tumours, leukaemia or some other potentially lethal disease is far more serious a medical condition than someone who is either confused about their sexuality or deciding whether or not to get the chop chop to fully transform into a female...not discounting the condition of the transgender, but come on mate; you're saying a kid with cancer, or some other terminal illness is the same as a bloke wanting to ( choosing to ) get the chop?

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one.

    So will a walk through the oncology clinic at the children's hospital...

    She is.

    I have nothing against unisex toilets...just that they shouldn't be forced upon someone if they don't want them. Agree?

    Like I said, easy solution is to build or allot unisex toilets along with the regular male & female versions.

    They usually do stand around naked in showers & changerooms...just saying.

    As a parent I wouldn't allow my young daughters to shower with other men. In my opinion, it is just wrong.

    I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this issue. I must just be too old school in my belief that high school boys & girls shouldn't be using the same shower room, toilets or locker/ changerooms together.

    As a teenager, I would've loved it...but as a parent I can see the potential problems arising from it.
  4. Rockets_12

    Rockets_12 Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    If your birth certificate says your a boy you shouldn't be able to use the girls bathroom, vice versa. This could get really ugly. I see the crime rate in sexual molestation going up rapidly in California.
  5. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    Why hasn't it already gone up in LA where this policy has been in place for a decade? :confused:
  6. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Political Correctness gone mad...this meme sums up this idiocy so well:


    The Solution:

  7. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Have you ever showered in port-a-can?

    Not fun.
  8. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    I've seen Steve-O from Jackass do it once, & it didn't look like much fun!
  9. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    QUESTION: How large is the Transgender Population?

    Rocket River
  10. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    After watching '42' the Jackie Robinson story just now on DVD, I am totally shocked how the Gay, Bi, lesbian & transgender can in anyway equate themselves with the black civil rights movement or anything that the black population in general had to endure. It is pure lunacy that someone who has chosen to take on a same sex partner can veiw themselves in the same light as a black person fighting for basic freedoms and human rights!

    I don't know how they can keep a straight face when they try and put the two together. Black folks weren't allowed to use the same toilets, drinking fountains, swimming pools or hotels as whites...has that ever happened to the gay community?

    Blacks were forced to the back of the line or back of the bus, just because of the colour of their skin...has that ever happened to the LGBT community as a whole?

    Has any LGBT been forced to work for free or a lower wage just because of their sexual preference?

    As I've said before...not discounting the psychological, physiological & emotional factors of being LGBT, but if y'all decided one day that y'all wanted to go straight, then y'all could. On the other hand, if a black man (or Hispanic, Jew or Asian) decided one day to go white...it can't happen.

    These folks were discriminated & persecuted because of something that they couldn't change, something that they were born with & some thing that was not their choice - their ethnicity (race) & skin colour, not because of their sexual preferences or confused sexual identity.

    I'm all for everyone having a 'fair go' & getting their basic human rights, but please don't be using the Black Man or Black civil rights movement as a point if reference in your own struggle...it is offensive, demeaning and wrong.

    Ditto all of the above in regards to LGBT also using the ADA & disability laws as points of reference. Being LGBT has nothing to do with being black or disabled.

    My rant, flame me if you want, but it's just how I feel.
  11. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I don't think the two struggles are equal at all. LGBT never had to endure the same hardships as African Americans did.

    But there are some similarities. The LGBT have been denied some of the same equal status and protection as other members of the society. They are called derogatory names, beaten, and murdered because of who they are.

    LGBT can't actually become straight. They can hide their sexual preference just as some African Americans were able to hide that they were black. But that doesn't change who the people are in either case.
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  12. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    Actually you are advocating for a law that restricts where and how transgender people can be based on other people's comfort. That was my question. Would you be fine with a law that limited where people undergoing chemo could be based on other people's comfort?
    Not discounting people suffering from cancer at all but given that transgender people have been killed because of who they are that is a life and death issue.
    No one is being forced to anything. This a common mistake when viewing issues like these to claim that people are being forced something when equal accommodation is made. For example someone that doesn't want to shower around Chinese people isn't being forced to do so when a gym allows Chinese people to shower with others. All parties are free to choose to use or not use the shower, bathroom, locker room of their choice. If you don't like being around a transgendered person while you are showering you are free to use your one at home. The current situation though is one where transgendered are not able to use the facilities where they might feel the safest at. What the current situation does is restrict the rights of transgendered while the change in policy puts everyone on an equal footing.
    As I've said I think that is reasonable solution but don't see a big problem with the current policy put forward by California.
    Not exactly. As I said I've lived with unisex toilet and shower facilities. The toilets had separate stalls and so did the showers.
    That is your prerogative but you are arguing to force that prerogative on the transgender too.

    Your argument is complete based on your feelings since you are saying you don't want transgender to use other facilities because it makes you feel uncomfortable.
  13. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Dear Darwin, the entire state of Texas needs a lesson in cultural anthropology it seems, starting with DaDakota.

    We fear what we don't understand. The sad thing is that, the information is available. Go read and educate yourself on homosexuality, sex and gender, please. PLEASE...

    California is on point in this case.

    You are making some great posts Pouhe. Plus rep+
    #113 RudyTBag, Aug 16, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  14. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member
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    Jan 6, 2006
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    Definitive proof that mankind is doomed. Lessons in genetics, you need them. You have no one to blame but yourself. An incredibly offensive, demeaning, derogatory, ignorant and brainless post.
    Holy crap! Is this real life? I am ashamed to be human. WOOOOOOOOOW...
  15. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member
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    Jan 6, 2006
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    What about the thousands of individuals that are MALE AND FEMALE by sex?

    Should we hide Hermaphrodites from society like they don't exist?

    (Oh look, a perfect example of a Male/Female that relates to a specific gender. I guess it is IMPOSSIBLE for an individual to be born with a conflicting sex and gender)

  16. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Arguing in the D&D is a pointless waste of time.
    So Knote32 you are saying that it's ok for school kids of different genders to use the same dressing rooms & shower facilities?

    RocketsJudoka is equating a females discomfort at having to shower alongside a male to a racists feelings towards showing with members of the Asian population!

    Saying that if basically a female feels uncomfortable showering in the female dressing rooms, because some naked man is also using the female showers, she should just use the one at home & stop being so prudish!!!

    What if I feel safer or more comfortable using the female dressing rooms or showers, should I be allowed to use them, or will I be discriminated against because I'm not a transgender?

    I personally don't have an issue showering with gays or transgenders, my issue is little girls being exposed to make sex organs at a young age!

    We are talking about school kids here, not adults.

    Can I ask, do y'all think it's ok for a young junior or freshman girl to use the dressing rooms or shower facilities at the same time as a senior male who is transgender?

    If they've got the chop ok, but there are no penis permitted in the girls facilities for a reason.
  17. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    Glad you live in a state that doesn't see all people equally?
  18. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    Do you have any evidence of transgender people committing sexual molestations?

    You realize you are letting your fears and ignorance dictate what is reality for you. Why shouldn't someone who identifies themselves as a woman be allowed in a woman's bathroom?

    And let me ask you this, then what about gay men or gay women?

    Maybe it's time to build bathrooms that take into account the modern world we live in - which is actually how the world always was but most people just didn't know it.
  19. giddyup

    giddyup Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Glad to see you posting. My girls have asked me for updates on Tayleesha but I haven't caught you on here much....
  20. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    With everything else going on I tried my best to stay out of the D&D.

    But Tayleesha finished her radiation treatments this week past & now we just wait a month for the next set of scans!

    She is excited about Dwight coming to play with Harden, even had my 3 year old saying 'Dwight Howard dunk on your face!'...sound so cute coming from a 3 year old!!!

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