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Tracy this is FRUSTRATING. If you want 3 Weeks, USE THEM.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Ready, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Oh, so now it's down to just people who have actually played with T-Mac? Did you figure out that when Magic, Kenny and Charles said that the Rockets looked better without McGrady that they were talking about ball movement?
  2. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    my beef with you is you said tracy "refuses to pass" several times. that implies tracy is selfish.
  3. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    The media is right 99% of the time, so I trust the media 99% of the time. Second, we're not talking about "the media" here. We're talking about individuals--Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, Woody Paige. Two of those individuals are legitimate Hall of Fame players and they all have more basketball knowledge in their little fingers than most people will amass in a lifetime.

    I don't know what's going on with that Houston writer. I do know that Woody Paige went on national TV and talked about how McGrady was a ball stopper. You can imagine whatever scenarios you want for the Chronicle guy but that's just your imagination. There's no question that Paige went on ESPN and talked about chemistry problems between McGrady and the other Rockets.
  4. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    No, being a ball stopper doesn't mean McGrady's selfish. Being a ball stopper means that he's a ball stopper.
  5. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    lol, just stop. you're digging yourself a grave.

    um, those people you just mentioned are now part of the media. do you know anything?

    and for the last part, use your own imagination and remember back in those times when the media lied to your face? just like when the media made up trade rumors for tracy last yr, a bajillion of them and only detroit was legit? yea, the media is really right 99% of the time. or when peter vecsey lied about 99% of his trade rumors.

    i should use that as my sig: the media is right 99% of the time. gosh how old are you? so gullible.
  6. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    yao is a ball stopper; artest is a ball stopper. carmelo anthony is a ball stopper. lebron james is a ball stopper. kobe bryant is a ball stopper. wade is a ball stopper. that term is really for iso players b/c they hold the ball before they make a move.

    you said tracy has a "refusal to pass." when you "refuses" to pass, you're selfish.
  7. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Let's see, just because one black person ripped me off in the past I should distrust all black people?

    Does that make sense?

    If Peter Vecsey's got credibility problems then that means you can't trust Vecsey. That doesn't mean that every other sports writer out there is automatically a liar. The best you can do at this point is attack the messenger because you can't attack the message. In debate that's called an "ad hominem" attack and it shows how weak your position is.
  8. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    dude, how old are you? why do you think there's such a distrust with the media in all aspects (from sports to politics to movie actors...).

    if all the media does is report FACTS, there wouldn't be this distrust. they tend to lie, exaggerate, and make up things quite often. you can take an innocent thing by an individual and blow it out of proportions (you should understand that watching politics this past election cycle).

    it's not just peter vecsey. it's 99% of the media. nobody simply reports facts anymore (maybe outside of beat writers where they all they do is report quotes/stats/scores).
  9. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Yao is not a ball stopper, and Artest has shown a lot of improvement. Once the ball goes into Yao he's more than willing to kick it back out to the perimeter.

    What I'm saying is that T-Mac's natural inclination is to hold onto the ball once he gets it and try to go one on one. That's a bad habit he's going to have to break.
  10. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Yes, there are problems with the media. What you don't understand is that you can't take problems that apply to other individuals/organizations and use those problems to smear completely separate individuals/organizations. That's as stupid as saying "All black people are..." or "All Mexican people are..." based on your personal experiences with one or two individuals.

    Is Feigen at the Chronicle a liar? I don't think so. I don't know of any history with him. And yet what you're doing is essentially saying that because Vecsey's had problems in the past that we shouldn't trust what Feigen writes. That's incredibly illogical.
  11. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    yao is not a ballstopper? how many times have we seen him hold the ball 4-5 seconds before he makes his move? how is that not stopping the ball?

    that's not a bad thing for him b/c he wants to see what the defense does and is the double coming. but basically, he's stopping the ball movement.

    artest is still a ball stopper. the only game where he didn't stop the ball was the hawks game where he didn't handle the ball that much.

    and are you saying artest rarely goes 1-on-1? gosh, i think tracy has struck a nerve with you. until this hawks game, everytime he touched the ball, he goes 1-on-1. so just stop.

    once again, you're digging yourself a grave.

    tracy's the scapegoat. artest and yao may stop the ball, but tracy's the main target in regards to everything rockets. we lose a playoff series, tracy will be the target. we lose a game, tracy will be a target.

    the media will target tracy before yao or any other rocket. he's still our best player.

    let's put it like this: yao so far has been our best player this year statistically. but if we lose in the playoffs, i guarantee you the media's attention will be on tracy 95%. it is what it is.
  12. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    feign is more of a beat reporter. everything he says has actual quotes from the players/coaches and he rarely writes "editorials." that's why he's trusted.

    peter vecsey rarely brings actual quotes from players/coaches/GMs on where his sources come from. so that's why he's not trusted.

    unless you have actual quotes or people close to the team or directly associated with the team saying these things, you shouldn't believe them. you need to understand the media SPECULATES a lot.
  13. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Yao's not a ball stopper. When he holds onto the ball he's waiting for the double team to come and when it does he kicks the ball back out most of the time. If he's in the high post he doesn't even wait to see if he gets the double. When McGrady is in ball stopper mode the ball never comes back out after he gets it.
  14. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    No, you're wrong. Certain individuals speculate a lot. Fine, take what those guys say with a grain of salt.

    But you can't smear other, completely separate individuals with the same brush just because they happen to share a profession. There are bad doctors, but the mere existence of bad doctors doesn't mean that there are no good doctors. As far as I'm concerned I'm going to take what Magic Johnson said at face value because as an individual he's one of the best to ever play the game and I've never heard him be anything less than honest. And when he said that the Rockets looked better without Tracy McGrady I'm going to sit up and take notice.
  15. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    um, if the double comes to tracy, he kicks it out too.

    um, so when tracy is at the high post, you want him to pass right away? watch kobe in the post. watch lebron in the post. watch any other perimeter player. there's a reason they're called scorers. they need to see how the defense sets up and then pick a move to beat their man. that usually lasts 4-5 seconds my friend.

    hell watch artest when he is isoing.

    artest this year has stopped the ball more than tracy. i've never criticized the guy b/c he's an "isolation" player. what's the point of having these guys if we don't give them the time to make their moves?

    trade them and get a bunch of shooters then.
  16. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Because they're supposed to be playing the same offense that all the other guys on the floor are playing, not doing whatever the hell the want to.

    I agree--if Tracy can't adapt to the offense he should be moved.
  17. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    obviously, there will always be a few trusted individuals in the media business. but 99% of the media speculates and exaggerates and blows things out of proportion.

    and sure, take notice of whoever you want.

    all i know is: this team plays its best basketball whenever tracy steps his foot onto the basketball floor. i know that FOR A FACT indicated by our record.
  18. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    thank god you're not the GM. or else we would never have franchise players or great scorers but just a bunch of role players.
  19. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Fine, even if 99% of the media is rotten you still can't accuse person A of being a liar because person B is. The only time you can accuse person A of being a liar is when you actually have evidence against person A, not person B.

    The fact that the only response you can come up with is to attack a guy like Magic Johnson or the Big O just shows how incredibly weak your position is. You don't like what they're saying but it's obvious that they've got much more knowledge and credibility than you do. So all you can do is come up with nonsense about how corrupt the media is. Who cares how bad the media is? If you want to attack the messenger at least come up with something like "McGrady scratch the Big O's car once, and that's why he hates him" instead of some garbage about how the media's crooked.
  20. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    If I was the GM we'd have franchise players like Chris Weber or Chauncey Billups or Chris Paul.

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