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To People Who Want Morey Gone, I Implore You To Reconsider

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by BleedRocketsRed, May 8, 2016.

  1. BleedRocketsRed

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Hi fellow Rocket fans,

    I know a lot of you are angry and I understand, I am angry too.

    I get the need to bring in an Authoritarian and give complete control to Supreme Leader Van Gundy to #MakeRocketsPlayDefenseAgain and while I like JVG, I am not too sure about his ability to evaluate talent. The guys he had CD bring in last time around were horrible. They were old and ****ty.

    I feel like some of us are placing too much blame on Morey. I am not saying that Morey is perfect and blame-less nor am I saying he hasn't made mistakes but lets consider the alternatives here.

    Prior to Morey, we had Carroll Dawson. Now CD is a legend in this city, one of the greatest big men coaches in the history of the game and while he made a good transaction as GM to bring in McGrady, he overall did a horrible job. We were a first round exit or lotto team year-in/year-out under him and was going nowhere fast. The Stevie so-called Franchise Dark Ages still have the shotclock buzzer ringing in my head every now and then. The talent he had around Yao/T-Mac was absolutely abysmal.

    After Morey come in, fairly quickly he built an amazing supporting cast around Yao+TMac. In 2009, we had a stacked roster around Yao+TMac featuring Artest, Battier, Sco-Landry, Mutombo, Brooks, young Lowry, Mt. Mutombo, Chuck Hayes. Unfortunately, TMac got hurt in the regular season (which was the effective end of his career) and Yao went down in Round 2 (also the effective end of his career) as we lost to the eventual champion Lakers in 7 games. There is no doubt in my mind that if Yao and TMac were healthy that year, we would've won a title.

    He got incredibly unlucky losing those two future Hall Of Famers and after just a couple of years of wheeling and dealing (watching Lowry become an All-Star caliber talent, watching Brooks win MIP and flipping him for a future MIP in Dragic, flipping Landry for Martin), accumulating assets to flip for another future Hall Of Famer in Harden creating an attractive enough situation to lure another future Hall Of Famer in Howard. Without tanking, we went from losing two big time talents to gaining two big time talents (though slightly worse than what we lost). This might have been one of the most impressive feats accomplished.

    He had a master plan to go all in and create a big three which failed but he brought in solid players around them. The team was clicking last year winning 56 games, capturing the division title in the toughest division in the league and making the Conference Finals following an epic comeback and great moment in franchise history against the Clippers.

    He basically brought back those same players and added a talented but troubled PG in Lawson and the **** hit the fan. The team went through a horrible training camp, they entered the season not anywhere close to ready and grossly overreacted by firing the coach 11 games in. Lawson sucked, the entire supporting cast around Harden regressed, Dwight basically quit midway into the season.

    None of us saw this coming, everyone here prior to the season starting was expecting another 55+ win contending season but it was ugly. Once again, we've gotten unlucky. And he should be given an opportunity to get us out of this.

    I understand the criticisms:
    -The majority of us knew it was a horrible decision to let go of Gogi in favor of signing Lin.
    -Letting go of talented players like Livingston, Carroll, Whitesdide (RGV), etc is annoying.
    -Not getting much out of mid-first round draft picks and second-round picks is annoying (though the odds of those guys succeeding was fairly low to begin with so expecting much out of that was ridiculous. I will say that while we did not get a homerun like Kawhi, we did get some solid value overall such as Greene because he was flipped for Artest, Brooks who was solid before being flipped for Gogi, Parsons who was overpaid and let go, Motie, Capela).
    -Letting go of Adelman for McHale (though McHale did a fine job in late-game substitutions and rotations). Then letting go of McHale 11 games after his best season as a head coach.

    But look at where we came from (in CD) to where we are (with Morey). If we fire Morey, we risk hiring another CD and going back into another Dark Ages. I truly believe that the good (mainly acquiring Harden) outweighs the bad. He has proven himself competent and should be given a chance to get out of this mess.

    While this year was bad, it was probably the only year in recent memory where we failed to meet (realistic) expectations. And I honestly believe a lot of it was due to bad luck (we basically brought back the same team which was successful only to watch them **** the bed completely).

    We have been over 500 every year since 2008 despite the losses of Yao/McGrady. Firing him because of one bad year would be a gross overreaction which could potentially set us back, dismantle our culture.
    3 people like this.
  2. DonKnock

    DonKnock Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    Send this to Les,

    Not really like CF can do anything about it
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  3. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Your post just reminded me why I'm mad at Morey.. thanks, lol.
  4. Disciple2123

    Disciple2123 Member

    Jul 8, 2013
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    While the criticisms you put are valid the biggest one is that he's been here 10 years and has gotten out the 1st round twice. Only 5 GMs in the NBA have had their positions for as long as him or longer and 4 of them have been in the finals recently. Don't think Les likes the bad image surrounding the organization and when your GM is out saying "Nobody is gonna wanna play us in the playoffs" when your team is trash is just idiotic to say.
  5. OlajuwonFan81

    OlajuwonFan81 Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    The big thing that you said was that none of us saw this coming. Considering the year we had last season and the additional talent he brought prior to this season starting, everyone thought we would be a 55+ win team.

    I don't necessarily blame Morey for the roster he assembled because on paper it was a good one but for a variety of reasons it didn't work out. You can blame Morey for that but to get rid of him because our team played below expectations for one season is flat out silly.
  6. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    It's not that he's not good, it's just that it may be time for a change. Businesses often have to change direction in order to stay innovative, the Rockets should be the same way. I think he should be given a chance but he's been here a long time and it may be time for a change in a year or two.
  7. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    I have read a source on Clutchfans stating that his source's source says that Morey is probably out of Houston - whether we like it or not. You may consider me a 4th degree source on this matter.
    1 person likes this.
  8. Harden's beard

    Jan 10, 2014
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    I just don't see what Morey's 'edge' over others is now that analytics has been widely accepted as the norm, and basically every team in the NBA makes decisions based on it. Morey was one of the pioneers, but it's not like he has a superior insight or knowledge about analytics which enables him to pick out players that others miss out on. Acquiring Harden based on analytics was no brainer since he was extremely efficient scorer in OKC, putting up 66 TS% in his last year there as a sixth man. Anybody could've noticed the huge potential there, it didn't take a genius mind to figure that out. Same thing with shooting a lot of 3s and not settling for inefficient mid range jumpers. Basically every team in the NBA follows that strategy now, I just don't see what Morey can uniquely bring to the table that other can't. In fact the Warriors are the epitome of Moreyball these days, Morey has fallen way behind in terms of implementing and executing his philosophy.

    I'm sure he hires college graduate kids with math degrees to do the number-crunching and data analysis for him, so what is he actually doing and are we sure Morey has a definite edge there compared to others? By looking at the list of player he has acquired/drafted/traded over the years, I'm not really sure Morey is a good GM anymore. 10 years is more than enough time to get actual results, the only guys who served longer than him as GMs all have championship rings around their fingers.
  9. CCity Zero

    CCity Zero Member

    Nov 28, 2014
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    I'll get this to Les asap, I think I'm making wine with him next week! Or at least a source of a source is....
    1 person likes this.
  10. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    This is one of the few valid points about dumping Morey that I see anywhere in these various threads about the subject.

    Five years so, a phone rings in a GM's office:

    "Sir, there's a Darnell Murray on the line. He says he's with the Rockets and wants to offer you a second round pick for {insert name of no-stats all-star guy}."

    "Get the paperwork started while I talk to this clueless chump! I don't want to pass up a sweet deal like this!"

    Today a phone rings in a GM's office:

    "Sir, Dorrell Maori's on the line AGAIN about acquiring {insert name of no-stats all-star guy}."

    "Get the analytics team on this. Find out what aspect of {no-stats all-star guy}'s game he's interested in, then offer him a similar D-leaguer. And get him to throw in a second-round pick in the deal."
  11. Sledge187

    Sledge187 Member

    May 23, 2002
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    Most people are sheep and they just jump on board whenever someone says "We should fire so and so". Most fans are stupid. Anyone who wants to fire Morey is an idiot. Have you seen the report cards on his trades? Dude gets over on everyone. He would be hired by the Lakers, Mavs, Thunder, etc. in a heartbeat. I was in LA last week and the sports talk shows were saying he was #1 on the Lakers list but the Lakers don't want to say anything publicly. If we get rid of him, it would be the biggest mistake in our franchise history. Dude is a straight up genius.
  12. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Steve Patterson built clutch city, Morey built chucker city
  13. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    I've taken your koolaid views into consideration, when I meet with the board to come to the decision, I will remember that I read this and chose to ignore it.
    2 people like this.
  14. Dacamel

    Dacamel Member

    May 2, 2009
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    I hate Kenny Smith
  15. rawbrah

    rawbrah Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Rick Smith led-organization has had more success than a Morey led one.

    That's all you need to know.

    Morey is all flash. Like simplepickup, with no lays or result to show for it.
  16. TheFreak

    TheFreak Member

    Feb 18, 1999
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    After all this, what if they don't reconsider? WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO THEN??!!
  17. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    I think Morey's career with the Rockets has been mostly good if you're evaluating him based on how good his maneuvers have been on average. But as high as his "batting average" has been in the last 10 years, he hasn't strung together enough "big hits" to make this team a serious contender.

    He recently defended the Rockets record during his tenure, saying only two teams have won a higher percentage of their regular season games in the last 10 years (the Spurs and Mavs). Well, that's swell, though being the worst of the three Texas teams over the last 10 years doesn't sit well either. But the more important stat would be our playoff success in the last 10 years:

    - 14th out of 30 teams in total playoff wins
    - 16th out of 30 teams in win% for playoff games
    - 11th out of 12 teams who've had at least 60 playoff games in win% for playoff games

    Its hard for me to judge how much these mediocre results are attributable to bad luck or circumstances outside his control versus poor decision-making.
  18. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    It's not about one bad year it's about a record of mediocrity. There have to be consequences for the product on the floor. He's hired the coaches, he acquired the players, and he's the man responsible. He's also put out a bunch of stupid rhetoric about how chemistry is built by winning, not by the players you acquire and how they fit. He's also talked about how nobody wanted to play us in the playoffs, pfft. How Houston is a great destination and other teams are pushing negativity about the team... basically telling us don't believe you're lying eyes regarding the season we just had. He's full of it on multiple levels.
  19. Sledge187

    Sledge187 Member

    May 23, 2002
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    He drafted Alec Kessler, John Turner, Keith Hughes, Zan Tabak, Robert Horry, Popeye Jones, Curtis Blair, Sam Cassell and Richard Patruska.

    6 flops
    2 Home Runs
    1 Journey Man

    He also tried to trade Olajuwon for 3 no name Clippers. The Rockets did not make the playoffs in 1992.
    1 person likes this.
  20. Nimo

    Nimo Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    I don't want him gone, especially not knowing his replacement. I just want less power and control. The head coach should have a say in the personnel moves.

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