alternative hypothesis: @tinman 's program of destroying the D&D is finally bearing fruit. I allow the possibility that this is what has happened. In which case TDS has nothing to do with it. We need more research.
You focus on the people but I really think it's the medium that encourages the behavior you consider to be a derangement syndrome. I don't think it's a trump specific, or left or right specific. I think this would have happened with online politics regardless. You can see it with basketball - the Jalen and Sengun wars, as an example. I watch the Clutchfans playback stream sometimes and it's crazy and a bit sad to see how stressed out Clutch has been over Sengun. It's crazy that that working professionals like Criag and Vanessa felt stressed out enough to reply to a random twitter account. Another example is this post in the Jimmy Carter appreciation thread Do you remember when people attacked Bernie for "being like Trump" because his online fans (bernie bros) were being "mean and dunking on people" on twitter? The internet/social media could be compared to covid. One could consider trump a particular super strain, accelerated the exposure compared to others sure, but if wasn't him it would have been another that got us, everybody was/is going to get it in todays world, and all of our bodies/minds are going to have to adapt. InternetDerangementSyndrome.
these are all solid points and I agree with virtually all of it. But I still do pray for the souls of those individuals afflicted with TDS now Sengunatics? they can go to hell
@Salvy @CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul Skynet realized they didn't have to drop nukes on LA, it realized the woke mind virus made them elect Karen Bass and Gavin Newscum.
The terminator will be confused when he goes to UCLA and the woke students just sit down in front of the art building and start yelling at Jews @AroundTheWorld
You avatar is a sperm, shutup c*m boy You stopped developing mentally when you were 8 and such is your avatar.
Then roast it, why do I have to do all the heavy lifting? Smh, and here I thought you fellas could hang.
relax. you have no idea what my pp is. My comment was a joke. you take this bbs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to serious.