Hate to beat this to death. Any thoughts on when our big splash may happen? Are deals be held up until to free agent signings this wednesday?
You better watch out their going to be some people about to b*tch for making a another trade thread......
I think they are waiting on the free agent signing period to begin and confirm what they have and dont have along with other squads, so I wouldn't be suprised to see them make a major move late this week or early next. TMAC drama could drag on for a while because it will be one of the biggest moves this club will make in the near future.
Whats IBTL please? Who gives a crap lets have a fun with this. What the hell else are we gonna talk about inthe offseason?
Late this week would be a little too early, I'd imagine near the end of summer league. It gives Morey a chance to showcase his picks, in case he wants to package them with someone to trade. Theres also a possibility nothing big will happen besides maybe a SnT for pachulia for our trade exception or hopefully cook.
Not sure, but I'm patiently waiting... Actually checking my blackberry/rss feeds constantly throughout the day...but patiently...
The 2nd rounders haven't even played yet. At the end of summer league, he can use them as additional assets for trade packages.
Just wondering. Technically, if players can't sign till July 8th, then no S&T can officially happen till then correct? I'm geussing they can always negotiate a S&T deal before then and just not announce it. Can someone shed any light on the situation?
Yea you're probably right but il hold out hope because the rooks could help us out this season and if were going young then whats the point of trading them away unless its for a mega-star.
i think they have a lot of options at play. yao ming being uncertain this last week or two for next season or if he will even ever play again. and it impacts everything and what they should do in the future. i think there is a big chance nothing happens and that we just shed salary at next season's trade deadline meaning trade scola and battier for an expiring and picks. and really tank then get all those draft picks to go along with ariza, brooks , lowry, landry and whatever max player they sign next offseason and go from there. i think that would be a young and upcoming team.
Come on now wtf man quit wasting damn useless thread space on this board. Who the hell knows this question??? Cac Damn..... LOCK THIS CRAP UP PLEASE~!!!
You are correct, sir (or madam). However, it's difficult to keep a proposed trade a secret...possible though.