I was thinking about the last time I'd donated and realized it'd been a while. I'm sure there are many other contributing posters who haven't added to the tip jar in some time, either. Maybe in order to get more people chipping in on a continual basis we should have the 'Contributing Member' status available for like, a year? And then when the membership ends we could donate again to renew. Thoughts?
I've donated twice since I've been a member but it still doesn't say that I'm a "contributing member". Am I doing something wrong?
Or maybe add a small donation/Subscription service either here or on Patreon....add another level of access for Subscribers - create a subscriber section that only subscribers can visit. DD
I'd support all of these but it seems like Clutch doesn't care that much so probably not worth the effort for him to manage all of that. I always see complaints already.
Why are you posting here, you have not contributed? Margrave would happily contribute to this great site. DD
Right on, tinman. This place has been a big part of our lives for two decades. Our quaint little medieval hamlet has changed with the times, but it's still near and dear. Thank you, David ...for all you've done.
I too have been contributing without a change in my contribution status, but then I think about all the good times Clutch fans has brought me over the last 15 years. Its definitely worth more than the word contributing coming before member on my profile. I know this is a little late to the game but I was nostalgic today about all them time I have spent on this site.
Send clutch an email with a copy of the contribution receipt and ask him to change your status to contributing member.