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This bugs me.

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by TraJ, Feb 14, 2000.

  1. TraJ

    TraJ Member

    Aug 13, 1999
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    From nbatalk.com:

    "McGrady to D.C. Say what? How? Aren't they like $20 million over the cap. Tracy McGrady a Wizard? Yeah right. Then enter Mr. Jordan. He always came up with the clutch shot in a Bulls uniform. Will he do the same thing in his executive uniform playing for the Wizards? According to Sam Smith of the Chicago Tribune, Michael Jordan has a Plan to Lure Tracy McGrady to D.C. The Wizards are snowed in, buried under the cap, but that hasn't stopped Michael Jordan. 'League insiders say Jordan sees McGrady as a player in the mold of himself or Scottie Pippen—athletic, quick, a good ballhandler who can score from three positions. A player around whom a team can begin building, or rebuilding.' But how? The Wizards can only offer Tracy a 3 year, $9 million dollar deal. Last time we checked, that's no where close to the maximum. But what if Mr. Jordan were to hire Tracy as the pitchman for his new line of athletic gear and shoes. Maybe throw in an MVP.com endorsement. Suddenly Tracy could be making the maximum, but the Wizards are only paying a fraction of it. Can he do that? The answer should be no. Remember when Nellie was fined for throwing in a Maui vacation for Gary Trent. This is no Maui vacation. But Stern lured Jordan back into the league himself and it makes sense for the NBA to make Jordan and his team successful. Jordan has already tried this tactic with the Pistons and Grant Hill. We'll trade you Juwan now, because we'll show him the endorsement money and he'll bolt anyway. The Pistons didn't bite. Will Toronto?"
  2. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Don't let it bug you. According to the CBA, you cannot use things like endorsements to compensate players. If McGrady signed a lowball contract with Washington and then started appearing in Nike commercials, Stern might like it but all the other owners would be calling for Jordan's head. It won't happen; this is fantasy.
  3. DREAMer

    DREAMer Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Other people calling for MJ's head is a fantasy....

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