People keep dreaming this dream this year, but they need to wake up. The only dream that's real has his number retired. Thibs and bulls management didn't get along at all. Plus look at what happened to Derrick rose. That will be harden under thibs. Jvg. Really? Search for the fire jvg thread here. Plus why would he come back? Les was talking to rick adelman while jvg was still coaching.
JVG won't be coming back, and ClutchFans didn't like him anyway. But, I would think Thibs could be a possibility. Seems to me that the main obstacle to hiring Thibs is that he wouldn't want to take orders from Morey on how to coach the team. But, maybe Les steps in and allows Thibs to do his own thing. I think it's a possibility.
What about real basketball, is that coming back? Are we stuck with this BS gimmick offensive system? Sources? Anyone? Logic?