We live in a world where the two leading Republican candidates for POTUS want to pardon this guy. Do we ever step back and ask ourselves just how utterly broken our politics has become ?
Pig face before the face lift, ;after Erstwhile pig face, the Head of the RNC, Said a Default Could Bode "Very Well” for the GOP
It is amazing that they can win elections. Actually, it makes total sense. The Republicans are the only ones who can protect us from Bud Light. Which is such a strange thing. Who cares if Bud Light can market their product to the trans community? Why does that hurt anyone?
It doesn’t. Just like Target selling LGBTQ stuff doesn’t. Just like a black Ariel doesn’t. They can’t run on policy so they run on made up crap “wokeism” nonsense.
Will they make black Pinocchio ? Will he be a he ? Like a real he? Is he a real black or Rachel Dozeal? @Salvy @Os Trigonum @ROXRAN @AroundTheWorld The d&d don’t really want
The GOP actual platform is not popular restricting abortion, not having more firearm regulation and cutting environmental and safety regulations. Most Americans including many Republicans don’t think the 2020 election was stolen and most Americans including many Republicans support prosecuting Trump and don’t think the FBI should be defunded. Those aren’t policies that the GOP can run on and win a national election or even many statewide elections. Trans people make up a a very small percentage of the population and or most Americans rarely deal with an actual Tran person on a daily basis. As such their actual affect on society is small but that also means that they make a convenient target because they are very few.
Russia issues arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham after Ukraine comments https://thehill.com/policy/defense/...nt-for-lindsey-graham-after-ukraine-comments/ excerpt: Russia’s Interior Ministry has issued an arrest warrant for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) after he praised U.S. military aid to Ukraine as “the best money we’ve ever spent.” Russian officials reacted to a video of Graham’s meeting Friday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in which Graham acknowledged “Russians are dying” and later said, “it’s the best money we ever spent.” more at the link
on par for the republican party…same ol’ racist talking points and all the black republicans will sit there silent like a bunch of Uncle Tom’s
either someone is going to great lengths to troll this Ethan Schmidt character and pretend to be him on gay dating apps begging to get his back blown out, or this is yet another case of self-hatred cooning is at an all-time high and has infected other groups…Caitlyn Jenner, Santos, and now possibly this guy