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The state of the republican party

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by NewRoxFan, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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  2. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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  3. SamFisher

    SamFisher Contributing Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    dookiester likes this.
  4. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    LOL, seems like a pretty funny troll of the hypocrites that like to excuse some riots while blowing others out of proportion.
  5. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    don't forget, riots are the language of the unheard
  6. SamFisher

    SamFisher Contributing Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    How it started:

    How it's going:

  7. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    I stand by both of those statements. It was insane to riot at the capitol. That is not how Americans are supposed to behave. I do not support the riot at the Capitol, and never have. The left (and some on the right) have blown it out of proportion and called it an armed insurrection, like it was just the same as the military coup in Myanmar rather than a bunch of crazy idiots with flags and pepper spray and sticks. The riot at the capitol was different than the riots in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Ferguson, Los Angeles, Oakland, and other places all over the country because of the motivation (one group thinks the election was stolen, the other thinks the police are out on the hunt for black men) and location. The capitol riot was not particularly more dangerous than the others. So yes, if the Dems want to give medals to the police from the Capitol Riots, I have no issue with MTG trolling them by putting forth the same motion for the officers responding to the other riots.
  8. SamFisher

    SamFisher Contributing Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    How it started:

    How it's going:

    Nook and dookiester like this.
  9. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    The election wasn't stolen. Big difference from actual police brutality and murders of black men. The fear is real for people of color. It's been real for decades, and justly so. I don't condone rioting or violence in reaction to anything, but you are comparing apples to oranges there, especially when one riot was given orders to storm by the President of the United States.

    The fear of the election being stolen is a lie spewed out by a bunch of GOP lying scumbags. They started spewing that propaganda months before the election, knowing Trump's approval rating was taking a dive. A man like Trump NEVER admits defeat and NEVER admits he is wrong. He knew Joe could beat him and his narcissism and ego couldn't take it. That's why he had to come up with his BS propaganda. He could never accept that Americans might pick Joe over him. When they did, he had to keep lying because that's the Trump way. Always has to make himself out as the best. He's disgusting. Such a pig of a man.
    #309 deb4rockets, Apr 13, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
    R0ckets03 and fchowd0311 like this.
  10. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Contributing Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    We've been through this.

    Riots over police brutality had other confounding factors that led to violence such as right wing LARPers fully kitted out as if they are about to do a Helo raid in Marjah Afghanistan spamming these protests in massive numbers causing antagonization. Other factors include our history of law enforcement culture always suppressing black activism as law enforcement culture in this country is very right wing. Think I'm exaggerating? I suggest following the rhetoric of police union presidents all across the country and also understand they are voted in by their peers. Example: Chicago PD Union president said Muslims should be shot in the head. CPD is one of them largest police forces in America. And CPD cops voted the bigot in because most of them also have bigoted views. No he didn't lose his job for that and yes I'm betting Muslim residents in Chicago probably fear the police. So now we know the right wing culture of law enforcement combined with right wing LARPers armed to the teeth spamming these protests, it's going to generates more heated tension. Notice how in the Trump riot, there were no counter protestors trying to instigate violence. There were few liberal youtube commentators there and all they did was walk around and ask questions. No one LARPing up in military gear with a giant Antifa symbol velcro'd to their plate carrier.

    BLM protests and riots are a result of hundreds of straws breaking hundreds of camels' backs. Let me show you something: https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/fiscal-fact/median-value-wealth-race-ff03112019

    That graph shows that the median white household in America has 1000% of the wealth that the median black household does. Now if you studied history you know that gap is mostly a result of Redlining practices during the suburban housing boom right after ww2 where blue collar white families received cheap mortgages like candy while black families were denied even when financially qualified which made them get stuck in decaying parts of cities where everyone is a renter.

    I want you to show me a country outside the US where there is a 1000% wealth gap between median households of the two largest ethnic/racial groups of a country that doesn't have sporadic riots and sectarian violence.

    The other riot/insurrection was a result of people being brainwashed to believe that their cult leader won an election and the election was stolen where they felt compelled to storm the capitol and stop the certification of the election.

    When you equate BLM activism with riots to stop the certification of an election because they were spoonfed fake news, you are ignoring important context.

    Do you feel proud of yourself and patting yourself in the back for being "unbiased"? Because your bias is your ignorance of history and context.

    The media covered BLM riots differently because it was different. Surprising I know.

    And this might be a shocker to you but our federal legislators shouldn't be using their time trolling Americans.
    deb4rockets likes this.
  11. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Have you seen the scenes? While officers are standing there people shattering glass on panels door, while outside in front of gates people pushing cops to the ground, straight punches. These are the same cops some people shout about pro blue lives matter but doesn’t matter when its in front of them.

    I am all for more election security, technology changes rapidly, we should always keep spending and updating and modernizing our election system for current use. But in this case this was not a case of america first, it seems its trump first. I’m a Texan, I get conservative values of local government, not wasteful spending, holding that stuff accountable is important and integral. So is our checks and balances so that no one has some sort of unchecked consolidated power. THat helps anyone because in the last 8 years most likely 50 percent of the country didn’t agree with one of the dudes. America got away from a monarchy painstakingly to make a government for us by us, congress/senate have such terrible records but they sustain by dividing and conquering us. I don’t believe trumps agenda was even just conservative (
    Unrelated, I gave Alaska ANWR, major highways, and more. Get any candidate ready, good or bad, I don’t care, I’m endorsing. If you have a pulse, I’m with you!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2020).

    He has been more than open that he is fine with any policy be it fiscally irresponsible so long as he gets credit. He’s a masterful showman, yet when you asked any details on his policy or his sincere thoughts, you wouldn’t get one. He was funny and I was hopeful that anyone can break the typical DC stalemate, but it didn’t take long when the talk didn’t match the actions yet was over marketed like no other.
    Biggest disappointment from Bush, Obama and trump was handling of Saudi. During the election when he called them out I was actually hopeful the largest spreaders of terrorism would finally get their leash pulled in, but nope
    ““I love the Saudis,” Trump said when announcing his presidential run at Trump Tower in 2015. “Many are in this building.””

    “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015, the same day he created four of the entities. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

    Sure enough when it came to pulling the troops back and not putting them in frivolous foreign situations, once again sent troops to the saudis..saying they ‘paid’ for them, as if its on sale.

    So sadly we get another politician, this with his far more entertaining style, but the actions are all self preserving and for some reason people continue to buy it as they do with Biden despite his numerous BS moments
  12. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Contributing Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    Would you agree though that invading the seat of our national government is more serious than invading a Target or a even a municipal police precinct?

    You've raised the argument that the Capitol Hill riot was no different than other recent riots. I can't speak about all for certain but as someone who witnessed first hand the invasion of the Third Precinct in the Minneapolis from what I saw was pretty different. The amount of ordinance deployed defending the Third Precinct appeared to me to be much heavier than what was used to defend the Capitol with a lot of not just tear gas but paint and rubber rounds and even with live fire. The rioters who attacked the Third Precinct didn't appear to be armed much different than the one's going into the Capitol but there were credible reports of firearms among the rioters. Given though that neither the Capitol Hill or the LEO in the Third Precinct could determine for certain what the rioters were armed with it makes sense that they would've taken aggressive action. I think it's very telling though that the a medium sized city police precinct would be more heavily defended than the US Capitol.

    Speaking for myself even while I am very sympathetic to the goals of the protests around the Third Precinct I did not condone or defend the actions of those who stormed the precinct. I personally tried to discourage people from entering the precinct and tried to get people to pull back. My own opinion is that it was a strategic mistake for the city to pull back and surrender the precinct. Even though I obviously don't agree with those who invaded the US Capitol on Jan. 6th whether I agreed with them or not wouldn't change my opinion that they were a serious threat and given the importance of the target needed to be stopped.
    #312 rocketsjudoka, Apr 14, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
  13. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    So now it's ok for Legislators to troll by introducing legislation?

    Thanks for letting everyone know what you stand for.

  14. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Does she even realize Trump, Fox News, and the GOP are the main culprits? Clueless from Colorado should be her new campaign slogan.

    Phillyrocket and Newlin like this.
  15. SamFisher

    SamFisher Contributing Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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  16. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    I stand by that analysis. Go back and look at the first and second marches in Charlottesville. The first march resulted in violence because they were confronted by people who could not simply choose to disagree with them, but had to physically attack them because of their white supremacist ideology. The second march in Charlottesville had equally vile white supremacists, but no counter protesters and magically there was no violence. Confrontation is a catalyst for violence. Letting people walk around and chant that aren't hurting anyone is a blurb in the interior of the Metro section.
    I'm struggling to understand your point. If the Capitol Rioters had not been confronted by officers, there may have been no violence there either? That Nazis and skinheads, really the lowest of low creatures, managed to be more well behaved than either BLM or the MAGA rioters?
    Yes, I have seen the same or similar scenes at all the other riots over the past year. Cops clash with rioters. I would say one of the elements that can turn a protest into a riot is clashing with the cops. None of them should be doing it. Rioting, generally speaking, it bad. If you are being ground under the boot of a totalitarian regime, rioting is fine (organized military resistance even better). If you are pissed off because your candidate didn't win and you think the election was stolen or 1 in a million arrests leads to the death of an unarmed man and you equate that to it being "open season on black men" , rioting is bad.
    I like trolling in congress. I loved Sen. Mike Lee's presentation on the Green New Deal:

    Yes, the government not passing terrible laws and instead wasting time on nonsense is about the best I can hope for.
    No. I hope the libs can have trolls just as amazing to waste time in Congress. Maybe one of them could use the portrait of Clinton straddling a crocodile and blasting away with a submachinegun while Monica Lewinsky clings to his leg as some sort of counterpoint to Mike Lee. The more time they spend trolling each other, the less time they have to pass awful legislation.
  17. DonatelloLimestone

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Agreed, rioting is bad, no less in a place where we are afforded a right to protest. But there is a strong line between rioting and protest and we’ve seen those crossed. I think the biggest gimmick the politicians and media have pushed down where its between “libs” and “conservatives”, most Americans I’ve met from the Deep South are pragmatic, but media with its ratings agenda and twitter also push forward the loudest, most sensationalist voices in any case if you think about it. Trump supporters are seen as outlandish hicks, the leftist are absolute socialist calling for safe spaces only, police are terrible bullies as their sole purpose, and somehow fox has painted fbi/cia which is often consisted of many cops, many former army men, and not to mention many men/women risking their lives daily as the untrusted enemy, they show the loudest craziest Muslims, immigrants, and all of it just is skewed to give a polarizing view. Like I said, its great for ratings, its great for them creating a tribal sports like atmosphere where both sides point fingers at the other side while they both have terrible approval rates, take part in abusive money practices, gerrymander, and its great for them to sustain power but terrible for effective legislation.

    I’m at a loss of how liberals can hear Biden speak, have seen his actual voting record, him lie on record since his first run in the 1980s and now reframe him with the Obama car wash as good old uncle joe who means well. I’m equally baffled how trump supporters literally ignore his taped lies, his ignorance towards actual conservative policies be it fiscal policy, or unchecked centralized power unquestioned and Muddy Tate checks and balances while almost being open about it and insulting his own voters that he could kill someone and they wouldn’t care, and sadly that is the climate of making a tv clip to own the libs or vice versa to stick it to the conservatives.

    It’s sadly the most made for reality tv that has simply compromised our democracy, made our constitution weaker, while it only seems to be benefiting the media and the incumbents to polarize more. The superficial stuff works for the internet and tv, but I’m at a loss when I’ve actually heard a person tell me we need all old white men out of office, they are always corrupt, and yet if I ask her if she’s been to Asia, south/east, Africa, South America so forth to see a nice diverse group of corruption all over. How about just respecting our checks, balances, and accountability rather than some superficial trait. That said, diversity and more representation on the table is a good thing. Then likewise, I hear the party that was once for small local government, less centralized control, reign in fiscal policy, and no foreign wars make excuses for the guy who sends troops to Saudi and say they paid for it, while also continuing to block the 9/11. Report and accountability from Saudi for killing on our soil several times over just like Obama did. The guy who signed government checks under his own name, said he doesn’t need an inspector generals or respect checks and balances or anyone that so much even questions him, criticized past waste of money rightfully so then gone and quadruples his own personal expenses on our dime, and couldn’t answer a detailed policy question if he tried, so forth. What’s sad is we ended with 3 terrible candidates the last two elections yet one side won’t criticize their own, the other won’t criticize their own either and people follow their ‘guy’ like he’s some king white ignoring thats what the revolution was about.

    Some verbal diarrhea from a proud, hopeful, baffled American.
    StupidMoniker likes this.
  18. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    The state of the republican party...

  19. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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  20. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    This will probably get big laughs on greenwald's funny satire show...


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