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The remarkable, unfathomable ignorance of DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by rtsy, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    But to be on the safe side and not have to not read threads like this in the future, i sayeth "DEMOCRATS - BRING FORTH THE BINDERS FULL OF LASSES SO THAT WE MAYEST REPLACETH DEBBIE WASSERMANN SCHULTZ. SURELY A WORTHY SET OF OVARIES LIES THEREIN"
  2. BetterThanI

    BetterThanI Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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  3. Granville

    Granville Member

    Jul 23, 2009
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  4. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Glenn Greenwald is usually a very good journalist, as independent as they come with his exposure IMO.

    I would look at this seriously. Of course, the criticism of Obama regarding this issue is in the past. His personal role in this is that he brought it into existence, and you can be critical of that.

    But this particular article is not renewed criticism of the same thing. This article is meant to show that the body which checks your President is, to put it mildly, very dissapointing. In that sense, it's not about swaying you towards Obama or Romney. It's about swaying you towards improving congress.

    After taking an interest in internal American politics, my admittedly beginner view is that most of the problems both party followers complain about can be solved with a better congress but not necessarily with a better President.

    The OP was probably trying to pin this new discussion on Obama, but just like the Benghazi situation the left are taking the bait and making this a "Obama good Romney bad" discussion. This is just as stupid as when I take the bait from ATW & IzakDavid, ending up with reams of repetitive idiotic discussion.

    Now regarding the article, I'm not sure if she doesn't know. I think it's just as likely that she knows about it and disagrees with the terminology therefore claims that it doesn't exist. As in, "kill list? what kill list? I don't know know about a kill list." Either way, she's a member of Congress and her denial of the seriousness of this issue should make you mad at her, even if you have to do that while also being mad at the OP.
    1 person likes this.
  5. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    I think it's pretty ****ing obvious who the ****ing idiot is in ****ing rtsy threads.
  6. rtsy

    rtsy Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    It must suck to realize your messiah is ****ing evil.
  7. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you, but you give off a real ****ing Travis Bickle vibe.
  8. rtsy

    rtsy Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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  9. underoverup

    underoverup Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Thanks for posting this twice.
  10. thadeus

    thadeus Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    lol, rtsy back to his old tricks. I think he got banned for all this meltdown stuff once before.

    Beware of angry old white men!

    Great thread rtsy!
  11. across110thstreet

    Mar 17, 2001
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    by quoting "supporters" do you mean twitter followers?

    you can change your screenname as much as you want while your handle remains the same.

    thanks for bringing this pressing matter to our attention by displaying your twitter search knowledge.

    in your search results:

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>In <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23obamaland">#obamaland</a> Barney Frank wants to
    sniff the muslim Christmas bombers underwear <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23tcot">#tcot</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23p2">#p2</a></p>&mdash; Hussein Obama (@ObamaBeenLyin) <a href="https://twitter.com/ObamaBeenLyin/status/15229969053" data-datetime="2010-06-02T04:57:54+00:00">June 2, 2010</a></blockquote>
    <script src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  12. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    Hooray for the keyboard warrior.

    I was actually expecting something to happen based on this dramatic r****d's OP. Truth is that was a r****ded ass leading question, asking someone about the "Secret kill list" is like asking someone if they "Liked people dying." Terrible question from an inexperienced pseudo journalist and I'm surprised he even got that much time to ask questions.

    "The Democratic party might never recover from this."

    Yea I was on the fence about who I was going to vote for but I'm pretty sure I made the right decision based on all these delusion neocontards on here.
  13. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    If I'm ****ing evil and making lists of potential threats, it would be posts and threads like this that my data miners would look for...just saying.
  14. Dubious

    Dubious Member

    Jun 18, 2001
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    The President of The United States has to be a stone cold killer. This ain't Switzerland. Is Romney not up to the task?
  15. RocketMan Tex

    RocketMan Tex Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    You're so right. Happy Halloween, junior!!

  16. MoonDogg

    MoonDogg Member

    Nov 12, 1999
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  17. bingsha10

    bingsha10 Member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    If Romney wins I'm sure blue team will be up in arms about NDAA the kill list... and red team will start questioning their patriotism.
  18. CrazyDave

    CrazyDave Member

    Nov 21, 2002
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    1. Post about something in another thread.

    2. Get ignored because it isn't as incisive as you think.

    3. Start thread about exact same thing, except more boring.

    4. ?????

    5. Profit!
  19. Harrisment

    Harrisment Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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  20. rtsy

    rtsy Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    You're a typical dumbass Lol!

    Huffpo piece critical of Schultz and Obama admin with an entire 68 comments? Too bad it wasn't about something really important, like Chick-Fil-A.

    But of course


    This Is It: America Needs to Hear Obama, Romney Talk About Drone Strikes in Last Debate

    Co-authored by John Amick

    If the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee – and a member of Congress – claims unfamiliarity with possibly the major plank of U.S. drone policy, as Debbie Wasserman-Schultz did last week when asked about President Obama's "kill list" of those open for assassination based on U.S. intelligence, then what makes anyone believe the average American voter has a grasp on the killing done in their name in the likes of Pakistan and Yemen?

    This is the question Bob Schieffer, longtime journalist and host of CBS’s Face the Nation, must ask himself ahead of the foreign policy (and final) presidential debate he will moderate Monday evening. He has an opportunity – and, arguably, a duty – to pose serious questions about a secretive, life-and-death U.S. government policy in front of tens of millions watching the two presidential candidates weeks before they go to the polls. The first two presidential debates had 67.2 million and 65.6 million viewers, respectively, meaning Monday’s debate would likely be the largest American audience to all at once pay attention to the subject of U.S. drones strikes that are done in their name. That is, if Schieffer dares press the candidates on what may very well be the most ominous power a president has: choosing who to kill.

    The numerous legal, ethical and tactical questions about America’s use of drone strikes overseas – which the Obama administration justifies by pointing to the 2001 authorization of military force against perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks – are enough to warrant the candidates’ full views on how they would use drones in the next four years and how they view said litany of concerns over the policy. (Just Foreign Policy’s Robert Naiman has summarized the issues well.) The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has counted as many as 884 civilian deaths – including 176 children – in Pakistan alone as a result of U.S. drone use, which counters the government’s claims that drones are a precise tool that allows for minimum “collateral damage.” And a recent report by researchers at Stanford and NYU found strong evidence of “double tapping,” or drones firing on civilian rescuers following an initial strike on certain targets, in Pakistan.

    That President Obama has a “kill list,” revealed by the New York Times earlier this year, is one of the most shocking, revealing parts of the drone policy. The “kill list,” sans due process or any real judicial or congressional oversight, is comprised of individuals the Obama administration has deemed terrorists worthy of assassination, usually by way of a CIA drone strike. Needless to say, this “kill list” has been the subject of much debate, though the U.S. government does not officially acknowledge the CIA's drone program, much less share results of its strikes with the public.

    So what about a top government official like Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee? One would assume she’s heard of the “kill list” at the very least. She may not speak ill of her party’s leader and president that uses such power, but she has to have heard of this controversial policy, right? Independent journalist Luke Rudkowski recently asked the chairwoman about the prospect of Mitt Romney, if elected president, using this authority Obama has claimed. Wasserman-Schultz, who is presumably an expert at deflecting reporters’ questions given she’s the DNC chair, treats the question as if it were a far-flung conspiracy theory, claiming she’s never heard of any “kill list.”

    Others have commented on how remarkable this admission – or arrogance -- was coming from a top official. Whether she truly does not know what the “kill list” is or she believes she can get away with lying about not knowing, either way it signals an overall lack of broad, nationwide familiarity with America’s drones strikes and the deep questions and implications that linger.

    The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) reports the topics for Monday's debate include “America's Role in the World," “The Changing Middle East and the New Face of Terrorism," and “Our Longest War—Afghanistan and Pakistan." Drone use falls into all three categories. CPD claims part of its mission is to offer “the best possible information to viewers and listeners.”

    For his part, surely Schieffer, as a reporter like Rudkowski, aims to inform the public on what they need to know to make such an important decision. Schieffer told TV Guide in one of his few comments about the debate he will moderate that being picked for such important role is “one of those things that makes me say, 'Boy, I'm glad I'm a reporter.'"

    Mr. Schieffer, what better way to live up to a high journalistic standard than to press Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on how they will or will not wield the power of judge, jury and executioner the next four years?

    For more on drones, watch War Costs' video accompaniment of the Stanford/NYU report, "Living Under Drones," below. Visit War Costs on Facebook and Twitter.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6yMOzvmgVhc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Use of Drone Strikes Raised at Final Presidential Debate


    The topic of drone strikes arose during the third and final presidential debate tonight, after years of public debate and a federal lawsuit about the use of drones to target alleged enemies of the United States in other countries, including an American citizen.

    The exchange was short-lived, however. When Republican candidate Mitt Romney was asked by debate moderator Bob Schieffer of CBS News, "What is your position on the use of drones?" he said he believed that America “should use any and all means necessary to take out people who pose a threat to us.”

    "And it's widely reported that drones are being used in drone strikes," Romney continued, "and I support that entirely and feel the president was right to up the usage of that technology and believe that we should continue to use it to continue to go after the people who represent a threat to this nation and to our friends."

    But perhaps because of the two candidates' seeming agreement on the issue, at least compared with several other issues that were raised in the debate, Obama never addressed the question or Romney’s answer.

    And Schieffer did not ask any follow up questions about key issues surrounding the controversial use of drones, such as what the limits on such strikes should be, if any; whether they help the fight the against global terror; and how decisions should be made to send these strikes around the globe—and how public that decision-making process should be.

    The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a legal action over access to government documents concerning the use of drones to conduct targeted killings. The group did not immediately have a response to the debate statements on its website or twitter accounts.

    The Department of Justice continues to press the government's claim that it has not officially acknowledged any CIA role in the use of drones to target and kill suspected terrorists abroad.

    According to a recent National Public Radio report, Jameel Jaffer of the ACLU called the targeted killing strategy "the centerpiece of the Obama administration's counterterrorism policies." When Jaffer asked the CIA about its use of drones in 2010, the agency declined to confirm whether such attacks had occurred, causing the ACLU to sue for the records under the federal Freedom of Information Act.

    Obama has publicly defended the use of drone strikes.

    According the NPR story, Obama said during a video chat earlier this year that, “I want to make sure that people understand actually drones have not caused a huge number of civilian casualties....For the most part, they have been very precise—precision strikes against al-Qaida and their affiliates.”

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