Steve Carrell leaving the office after next season... Looks like the rumors were right. I think the show has definitely run its course. I have a feeling NBC will try to milk more time out of it with another actor as the boss, but I just don't see it lasting too long. I'll definitely miss Dwight when it's gone...he's really the only one that's funny to me on a regular basis anymore.
The only hope for saving the show is to replace Michael with this guy... Spoiler <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
As long as they don't f*** it up like they did with Newsradio and bringing in Jon Lovitz. That show went from all-time best to crap. Not like they could help it. You can't just replace Phil Hartman. But NBC really screwed that one up... I think they could survive w/o Carell if they do it right...
Carrell brings such a strong dynamic, he facilitates the other characters. They can do it though, they can plug the hole. The way last season ended, who knows, maybe a new lead will rejuvenate the series for a year or two. Give the writers something new to work with. Too many solid characters and storylines in that series to just scrap it for one guy.
We need more Toby and more Creed. Toby and Daryl would be good together.. Jim and Creed. Maybe have Creed babysit Jim and Pam's kid.
The need to end the show with a "The Office" movie (after Season 7), with all the characters, and then it'll be complete.
Oh, and instead of just leaving, Carrell should just do some shows here and there. Like 3-4 a year. Why not right?
Who do you think could replace bill mcneal? I don't think they screwed it up they salvaged what they could out of a dreadful situation. Lovitz did an "adequate" (newsradio reference) job but I can't think of that many people who could do better. Obviously it was worse but I was oblivious to concepts of ratings back then so I didn't think things like "man they should kill this show" after the warburton episodes. At least the producers kept it real and didn't reunite dave and lisa at the end. Mcneal wasn't as vital to his show as michael is to his. Bill was really funny but a static character. Michaels changed through the series and vice versa. I do think the show can survive and am intrigued with what kind of character they bring in. A strong boss (miner) didn't work at all IMO
Hartman fooled people into thinking Andy Dick was a real person. Lovitz tried to distract people into forgetting Andy Dick was even there. Horrible.
Lovitz was Hartmans best friend, he took the role as a personal favor to him. Not to mentioon there was still plenty of great stuff in season 5. Bill McNeal was an all. Time great tv show character, no one was gonna replace him
Agreed they could replace him w/someone pretty easily. Please no Todd Packer though, ugh. I would be good with bringing back David Wallace or Jan, those were funny characters. Please don't just promote Jim though. And get rid of Kathy Bates. This guy would probably work: Spoiler
From possible spoiler Spoiler How will they explain Steve Carell's departure from The Office? — Lowell MICKEY: Well, obviously it's still very early, but our mole tells us that one plan reunites Michael with his "soupsnake," Holly, over the course of Carell's final season and then transfers them both back to Nashua. Here's the interesting part: In this scenario, nobody would replace Carell in the cast. Instead, the already large and talented ensemble would step up to fill the void, with Jim and Dwight's back-and-forth taking center stage. But maybe talented British actor Ricky Gervais is available?
i actually think so too. there's still a lot to work with from the remaining cast....but Michael became so ridiculous at points, that it lost me. it went from being funny to being too much.
A little preview for next season from ign. What looks the most interesting to me the the Timothy Olyphant guest appearance.