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Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by ballgame, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. kidhoward12

    kidhoward12 Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    This team and basically every other team in the nba is in rebuild mode until Steph curry starts declining. So who cares.
  2. Houstunna

    Houstunna Mr Graphix
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Funny thing is, Les tried to save money by not hiring a real coach. Now he's going to lose more than that salary due to lack of home playoff games.

    Would you believe Wallace's best block-rebounding averages trumps Dwight's?

    Wallace's career blocks/gm is only 0.1 less than Dwight's. Howard will be looking up before his career ends.

    Wallace was extremely freakish for his size.

    Multiple rebounding titles - Multiple DPOYs

    He was an awesome defender. He really limited Shaq in the '04 Finals.
  3. mkahanek

    mkahanek Member

    May 2, 2001
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    Now a game back. Really looking like game 82 will be the last of this abortion of a season. Going to be a lot longer off season than last. Thanks rockets for booking the church in November then leaving us at the alter.
  4. ibm

    ibm Member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    we'll be in as the 8th seed. just a hunch. playing gsw is our destiny.

    we'll get in on the last day of the regular season.
  5. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I would normally agree with you about the first 3 games part but right after that we won 4 straight two of them being against the thunder and clippers. I thought at the time that we were rolling and about to be back in the top 3.

    Then the bad Brooklyn home loss happened and all hell broke loose. We couldn't beat a crappy team to save our life for like 4 weeks it was awful.

    Should have never fired mchale 11 games in. Gave the team/players/org. A bad reputation and on top of that you replaced him with his 36 year old assistent who has made some of the worst decisions I have seen from a coach. He doesn't ever stick with what's working. Atleast mchale stuck to his sub patterns and rotation.
  6. Bleek

    Bleek Rookie

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Who can you put around Harden?

    Should get a new team around him starting with Mike Conley. I think Ariza is the only other you keep. Everyone on that list is tradeable, beverly is a good bench point guard. Other than those 3 plus maybe D-mo. You look to build a better team.
  7. Bleek

    Bleek Rookie

    Mar 6, 2016
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    PG- Mike Conley
    SG- Harden
    SF- Ariza
    PF- Ryan Anderson
    C- Al Harford


    PG- Beverly
    SG-Courtney Lee
    SF - Jeff Green/ Beasley
    PF - Dmo/ Beasley
    C- Nene/ Jokim Noah

    Thats the team that could beat the warriors. Good look trying to assemble it.
  8. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Agreed with those who said the offseason started when the Rockets fired McHale. There were pretty stunning stats to show that where the Rockets were with their record, point differential, and defense, that they were mathematically never going to have a shot at contending this year.

    When Morey pulled the plug early on he knew the season was likely a bust and the coaching change was a Hail Mary pass. Kinda worked but not really.

    Morey has been thinking and prepping for the offseason since that day even though they took the freedbie in Smith. Signing Goud, and Beasley was Morey's first training camp signings. I anticipate a lot of former Rockets this summer to be playing out this season. Other than Harden, Capela, and Beasley, I can't tell you one other Rocket I feel certain will be on the roster come August.
  9. Houstunna

    Houstunna Mr Graphix
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Wins are nice, but all 4 games were within 6 points. Clippers were without CP3. Meanwhile our first 8 losses were all by 6+, including 6 by double-figures, 4 by 15+.

    Safe to say the first 3 games told the 2016 story.
  10. smoothie

    smoothie Jabari Jungle

    Mar 1, 2001
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    horford and KD are pipe dreams. they can sign with contending teams and try to win a ring, they wont come to a lotto team.

    what we have to do is:

    1) renounce the rights to all free agents except for dmo.

    2) use KJ and the knicks second round pick to offload brewer's contract.

    3) night 1 of free agency make a huge offer to harrison barnes. GS will want to wait to see if they could land KD or horford, matching barnes' offer at this time will take them out of those races. they wont match.

    4) make a huge offer to clarkson and hope the lakers dont feel like he's worth it. his ability to play like a 2 as a PG makes him a good fit next to harden. he's very young and has a lot of potential but can also be a big upgrade right away. i think the lakers would match though. if they match i would split the remaining salary cap on a PG and C to round out the roster. chalmers, delavedova, ish smith, mo williams, and (hate to say it) jeremy lin would all be options for backup PG. hibbert, mahinmi, mozgov, and josh powell (how sweet to steal him from dallas) would all be options to backup capela.

    5) there are more options for coach besides thibs. thibs is my first choice too but, walton, hollins, boylen, messina, and mcmillan, are all good options. see my sig for tons of coaching options.
  11. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Am I the only one that thinks a max contract to Harrison Barnes to be our #2 star isn't the greatest idea in the world? I mean I like him and think he's great for GS in the role he's in, but if Harden went down with a injury or something is this the guy you think could hold down the fort?

    I thought at least Dwight could lead a Dwight-centric team to some wins with Harden out. Not sure how I feel about going that strong at him with THIS team or lack theroff. If the team was already a contender, you had money to burn, and his role was wide open, sure why not? But we are looking at a situation AGAIN where we are looking for another pillar of the franchise... Not just a really good role player.
  12. Sen89

    Sen89 Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Jimmy Butler apparently doesn't see eye-to-eye with Hoiberg and the Bulls' FO, and they will look into trade possibilities this summer.

    He got along better with Thibs, who's a strong candidate to be our coach. Plus he's a Houston-native.

    I'd trade Dwight (S&T), Ariza, Dekker and a pick for him and some big (Gibson or even Noah).

    I'd like him to play SF and be the #2 option next to Harden.
  13. Houstunna

    Houstunna Mr Graphix
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    ^^Barnes isn't even a #3 star.
  14. Zoplicone

    Zoplicone Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Not saying its stupid, cuz frankly it sounds like you're more realistic than most, but that would be a pretty depressing summer. Bringing back the same team minus Brewer and Dwight and TJ (which I'm all for) and replacing them with just Barnes and some back-ups.
    But honestly, you may be right. That may be the best we can do. I do like the idea of adding Thibs, Mozgov and a legit back-up point guard to our bench. I guess maxing out Barnes isn't what I'm looking forward to.
  15. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    LOL. Steph has been playing for a little while. That roster developed the perfect chemistry. Put Steph on the Kings and you won't see the same results. They will only be as good as they are until someone leaves, an injury happens, or they acquire someone who disrupts the flow.
  16. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    The off season isnt here yet ,we will make the playoffs.
    Also I hope Morey doesnt give Barnes a max contract. Better not spend the money at all than tying up 22 per to a role player.
  17. Zoplicone

    Zoplicone Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    We won't make the playoffs
  18. rawool

    rawool Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    I'm just happy to get rid of JBB.
  19. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Les Alexander is going to clean house. I know it. People have to understand, that Morey wont survive the fallout. JBB is already gone as the writing was already on the wall.

    James Harden wont have anyone to play along side off next year..and the Rockets well...they will have their precious "9th pick"

    BTW of note!!! - THE ROCKETS have not had a losing season under Daryl Morey every. There is a very HIGH likely hood that the Rockets finish the season 2-1 and NOT make the playoffs. (Minny is gonna kick our a$$)
  20. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    Yeah offseason get started.

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