North Korea: James Franco, Seth Rogen movie is 'undisguised terrorism' Any thoughts on this? Will NoKor finally pull the trigger? I find it hilarious yet kinda serious.
Everything is an 'Act of War' to the NK government. Everything. It would be really damn funny though if James Franco and Seth Rogan are the reason NK launches and is wiped off the planet 72 hours later. After 60+ years of rhetoric and threats...... two comedic American Actors end the 'cease fire'. You could not write a more unbelievable script....
On one hand you don't want to see people die. but on the other hand if this movie causes NK to launch an attack then almost anything else would have caused it. An attack would have happened eventually so maybe now is better than a few years later when they have better weapons tech
They got like the guy from the Office who replaced Jim to play Kim Jong Un! It's actually Jim guys! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
1. Act of Terrorism? Have you seen the videos they show their people of us? They have been pulling 'acts of war' and terrorism on us for years with that logic.. 2. On one hand you don't want to see people die. I have to assume that you either mean our people or seeing battle wound pictures. People are living in holocaust conditions in NK.. and the world just laughs about it, how awful. People are dieing and you don't seem to give any f****ks. I fail to see how this movie is us being in the 'wrong'. Laughing about insane tyrants who do this type of stuff to others all the time, who treat their people like crap and murder innocent individuals on the reg.. WHo also claim that they 'never ended the war against the USA' How are we in the wrong? They are a joke, their leaders are a joke, their anger is a joke and your a joke if you think we did some horrible thing by making a parody of their sh/t government Like the bully who acts tough and bullies kids but is a weak @$$ b/tch.. once he gets stood up to and gets smacked across the face/ a taste of his own medicine.. he runs to mommy crying about getting hit.. That in a nutshell is North Korea Why is america such a p**y nation? We feed North Korea, we give them money and they do nothing but start and talk crap allllll the time.. grow a pair america and tell them to f***k off like the little f***/*k face nation they are WHy is america paying money to feed them? If China is their friend, why isnt China paying them money to feed themselves.. why are we doing it?? because we are gullible pu**ies who
I'm not sure you have an accurate grasp of the situation and policy between the U.S. and N. Korea, or China and N. Korea.
I can see it now, two crappy actors start world war 3 You know n korea thinks the us government made this movie for propaganda purposes
You do realize that the US has not donated food or any significant amount of money to NK since 2009, right? And even before that, the amount the US gave was tiny compared to other countries. Nowadays, China is pretty much the only country still donating large amounts of supplies to NK. Go ahead and curse and act tough all you want, like a previous poster said, you seem to have a very poor understanding of the history and complexities between the US and the Korean Peninsula (as well as basic English grammar and vocabulary). You also seem to have difficulty mentally separating a nation's people from its government. I'm not saying anyone should care about how NK officials feel about a dumb Hollywood movie, but people like you just make everything worse.
Some people are so eager for war. Fortunately, Kim is not one of them. Sure, he is a rich maniac with devastating weapons. But he knows that his life depends on not doing anything, and his wealth depends on acting like he is always about to launch an attack. Unfortunately, many on this board don't seem to realize there is a country full of people being held hostage up there and that any kind of nuclear warfare would be a huge tragedy.