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The Impeachment of President Joe Biden

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Andre0087, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    "Tabloid stuff" lol imagine being a district attorney swearing to upholding the law while claiming the president pardoning thousands of violent insurrectionist is somehow "tabloid distraction."

    What a utter disingenuous POS you are
  2. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Nothing tabloid about Trump's Stop the Steal propaganda and lies campaign, his election denying, his coup and insurrection, the fake electors, and the sickening and illegal attempts Trump tried to stay in power. Nothing tabloid about the compulsive lying he does every 5 minutes he speaks. Those are just facts. Nothing tabloid about him obstructing justice and lying about hiding documents that were highly classified. Just facts.

    Tabloid is when MAGA right wing nutjobs start spewing propaganda and lies to brainwash the cult. Tabloid is the ridiculous fear mongering spewed by Trump, racists, QAnon Kooks, conspiracy theorists, and idiots who don't, can't, or simply won't read the facts.
    ROCKSS and astros123 like this.
  3. Xopher

    Xopher Member
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    Feb 1, 2017
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    Tabloid is when David Pecker catches and kills stories purchased by his actual tabloid to protect Trump
  4. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Nobody has less respect for MAGA than the elected republicans themselves. They know what they're saying is bs but they know the MAGA base is dumb so they have to lie to them to be able to win.

    The funny thing is these morons @Astrodome claim folks on the left are the ones brainwashed when their own leaders laugh at them for being illiterate dipshits

  5. Andre0087

    Andre0087 Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Yea I just have fatigue over this whole election season already. You are a more patient person than I have ever been. I don’t care how much I learn by debating someone it’s just not worth it in my opinion when our democracy is at stake and other people think everything is just dandy.

    The good faith debate is dead, I have my passport in hand and if **** hits the fan me and my wife/kids are out.
    astros123 and ROCKSS like this.
  6. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    SO it was part of the plan but not related for the photo op which was also planned. :rolleyes:

    Again I find it odd that a libertarian is excusing the use of government force in such a situation.
    So being unlike any other President in terms of using the presidency for personal gain and in the words of those who served in his administration "unfit for office" doesn't affect you. Good to see where your priorities are.
    Except these weren't any hotels but specifically hotels owned by Trump and his family. Again it's interesting to see someone who has been so vocal in criticism of government suddenly so dismissive of a President profiting his office.
    You understand how high of a bar it is for removal from office. You also agreed about how slavishly devoted Congressional Republicans are to someone who in your words is a "trash person". Even so Trump has gotten the most votes for removal in history.
    That doesn't make it right and for someone who believes so much in principle you're now making relativistic arguments.
    Again you don't have to believe me but many Republicans including those who served in his administration have stated how unique and dangerous of a threat Trump is. They've further stated that a second Trump term will be worse as he won't be appointing people like Mike Matthis or Mark Esper but one's who only qualification will be loyalty to him.

    As I frequently say you can vote for who you want or not vote at all. The truth is that your vote or mine probably won't tip the scales. What I find disturbing is that you're emblematic of an attitude that downplays the seriousness of Trump. Trump has been an object lesson in that our system is dependent not just on the laws on paper but in the willingness to carry out those laws. As Rep. Amash said the Founders were aware of this very danger.
    ROCKSS likes this.
  7. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    Understandable. I could leave this country too but the reality is that what happens in the US has repercussions elsewhere. If I were to move to Taiwan or Singapore an isolationist US could spell a lot of trouble for those countries.
  8. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    A President who says he will not follow the Constitution or Separation of Powers when it's inconvenient isn't just tabloid stuff. You've said you're not as bothered by Trump because you've gotten some judges and policies that you like. Keep in mind that Trump has no ideological fealty towards those positions and could abandon them if he finds them problematic. He's already compromised positions regarding abortion and most of his history he's been ambivalent or even pro-choice.

    For many Republicans we see how he's not only abandoned but reversed long standing Republican positions on Free Trade and Russia.

    As we've discussed before issues like abortion and regulations are difficult and hot button issues but we can work them out through our republican democratic system. Downplaying the danger of someone who wants to be an autocrat just because they happen to give you some positions that you agree with is a Devil's Bargain.
    astros123 likes this.

    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Any maga believer who honestly things trump wants to help the little guy is in for a rude awakening, he doesn't give one **** about any of us normal folks, he sees the presidency as a get out of jail free card, a way to make money off other countries and the high of being the president. Did he ever do the infrastructure deal like he promised.....Nope, come up with a helath care plan....Nope. Show us his taxes......nope? What he did do was cut taxes for his wealthy friends, but hey if you're a top 1% you should vote for him. The GOP has had control for years now and what have they done.......................wait for it................NOTHING but fight and campaign for the cult leader cause they know they are gonna have to kiss his ass if he wins, and he just might
    astros123 likes this.
  10. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    **** will hit the fan. When he pardons thousands of convicted January 6 rioters what do you think other white supremacists will do? America will unravel quickly and it deserves all the pain that happens afterwards.

    The good news is the dollar is pretty strong against other currencies. Take your money and leverage your money overseas.
  11. Xopher

    Xopher Member
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    Feb 1, 2017
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    He is a Trumpertarian
    astros123 likes this.
  12. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    Police did not clear D.C.'s Lafayette Square of protesters so Trump could hold a photo op, new report says (nbcnews.com)
    Yeah, I don't really care what hotel the Secret Service stays in. I care about things that actually affect me. If Trump or Hilton or Marriot gets the Secret Service business, it isn't really a concern of mine. I would actually prefer the president just stay in the White House.
    Not enough though.
    I actually don't think someone relying on a family member they trust is bad. If I were alive, I wouldn't have cared that Robert Kennedy was related to JFK, he seemed like a competent AG. I didn't care that Kushner was related by marriage to Trump, he seemed to do a good job with the Abraham Accords. I don't see it as inherently unethical.
    I have actually seen what a Trump presidency looks like, and it wasn't uniquely dangerous. That's the point. I did better under Trump than under Obama or Biden. To me, the Trump presidency was better. That's how it was for a lot of people. There was a lot of stupid rhetoric, but what actually happened was good for me.
    My vote certainly won't tip the scales, because the Democrats could run a ham sandwich and win California by 20%. Biden won by 29%.
    The proof is in pudding, and the fact is that for many Americans the Trump presidency was just fine. I would have preferred the Johnson presidency, just as I would have preferred the Jorgenson presidency last election. I will vote for whoever the Libertarian Party candidate is in November.

    You all should watch Bill Maher's appearance on The View, it may give you a little insight into the people that don't agree with you.

    Nope, you just don't understand libertarians and how much they hate Democrats.
    #732 StupidMoniker, May 22, 2024
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
    DaDakota likes this.
  13. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    So again as a libertarian no problem with a use of force against a peaceful protests
    Alot of relativistic arguments here and few on principle. Even though I wasn’t alive during JFK’s presidency from what I’ve read of the history is while RFK was qualified the very close relationship they had completely removed the independence of the DOJ. An issue of that we’ve been wrestling with lately.
    Many of those who served in his administration disagree. But who cares about things like the Constitution I got mine.
    I’ve watched a or of Bill Maher and he’s probably harder on Trump than I am.

    I've stated here several times that I still have friends and family members who are Trump supporters. As many have noted I don't engage in childish insults of them or others even here. Yes there are strong differences on issues like abortion and trans rights. Those can be addressed through our process. The danger of Trump is that in the words of Bill Barr he doesn't understand nor respect the Constitution. Maher agrees with that and even restates that in the segment you show.
    #733 rocketsjudoka, May 23, 2024
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  14. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    Since many on the Right like to cite Bill Maher here is he is essentially making the same argument I have regarding the danger of Trump and his movement.
    ROCKSS likes this.
  15. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    Did you watch the video? Seems like I have to ask that every time, because what you are saying contradicts what is in the video. The park police made the decision to clear the park because they were concerned that the protests were growing "ever more violent". More importantly, and the part that is relevant to the point you are now trying to pivot away from, the clearing of the park had "nothing to do with a photo op". So your whole point, that Trump cleared a peaceful protest with tear gas for a photo op, was just absolutely wrong. That has nothing to do with me being libertarian (my position on protests is that they are fine, just don't get in the way of other people and interfere with their rights).
    Legal analysis is based on precedent, of course I would cite precedent. The principle argument is that I don't care about nepotism. If you think your cousin is the best person for the job, hire your cousin.
    I asked for policy reasons that the Trump presidency was bad, you gave me that he attacked peaceful protestors for a photo op (which as I proved, was not true) and that he had Kushner negotiate trade deals (which as I proved, is certainly not uniquely dangerous, your words), and Jan. 6. Of all of those, only January 6th was anything unusual that had anything to do with Trump. January 6th is just not the big deal to me that it has been to the left. If that is the only actual issue with him, then I will take the better policies.
    He seems to get that Trump is not a fascist dictator, his supporters are not the Nazis, and that his election would not be the end of democracy in America.
    Yes, Trump is pretty stupid. A Trump presidency doesn't seem to violate the constitution any more than other presidencies though. My problems with a Trump presidency are the same ones I have with other big government administrations. Those are the constitutional violations that concern me, things like the federal government regulating local issues.
    I agree with Bill on the issue of how we should have one day of in-person voting and the winner determined that day by counting the in-person votes. He doesn't have the respect for the Constitution that requires us to have the Electoral College and 2 senators per state (the kind of balancing against the popular vote that encourages low population states to be part of the Union, so they don't just get run over by California).
    #735 StupidMoniker, May 23, 2024
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  16. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    maga circus has nothing better to do, so why not?

    astros123 likes this.
  17. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    Was a complete waste of time - because they are crooks they believe everyone else is too.

    Just not true...

    The GOP is a crime syndicate.

    astros123 likes this.
  18. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Generalthade didn't refuse to take a bet. He made a bet and lost. Instead of paying, he abandoned his account and started a new one as Crixus, and didn't even hide it well. He has no honor.

    I made a bet with astros. I lost. I paid the bet. I'm still here with my own handle that I've used since 1997. That's the problem with not honoring your bets. The guy you made the bet with is quite possibly a man of honor that will pay if you win. Among things you can do in an online forum that don't get you banned, there isn't anything more shameful than not honoring your bets.
  19. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Did you pay your bet? @rocketsjudoka owes money to the tip jar also...
  20. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I did. I posted in the thread about it and I think you'd responded too. Probably you don't technically win until the convention, but I didn't want to wait.
    LosPollosHermanos and astros123 like this.

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