The McNair's didn't demand to be the landlord of what would have turned out to be a shitty dual-purpose facility shared with the Rockets as tenants with the the scumbag Adams family collecting some ungodly percentage of revenue from Rockets games. When Les was asked to participate in the plan to line Bud's pockets he laughed him out of his office. The McNair's also never broke every lease they ever signed (At Jeppesen, at Rice and the Astrodome). The McNair's also didn't demand the greatest scoreboard show ever created be removed to install more seats. Bud could have gotten, in Houston, exactly what Possum Holler gave him (except he wouldn't have had to schlep his way up to some third-rate backwater 10 Sundays out of the season), but he didn't want that...he wanted to suck off the teat of the 2-time defending NBA Champion Houston Rockets. Doesn't matter now. Bud died (having never won a Super Bowl) and left his trash daughter in charge.
I remember the models for that dual purpose POS. It was going to be like the Alamodome atrocity where you only use half the stadium for basketball and have to bring in risers and a curtain on the "hard cam" side for broadcasts.
And in a perfect world it would. But this is the model. Much respect to a city that stands on principle...but have fun having no local sports teams to root for.
The Rams privately financed their stadium and the owner is going to make a ton of money off of it. The problem is having the finances and clout to pull that off. The bears could do something similar, since they own a property much like what the Rams started with. They just don't have money to put into a stadium without putting the franchise up for collateral. With a lot of the older teams, the family's money is wrapped up in the value of the team itself.
They'll end the moment you no longer have any professional sports. If you try to play hardball with a franchise, there's always another city that would be happy to pay and take that franchise off your hands.
No offense intended, but any fan that doesn't care if their team leaves town is a super casual fan at best.
Not at all, I was a Texans season ticket holder from 2003 until last year. I love watching football, but I turned to college football for my fix after the Oilers left. Of course the Moon years of failure soured me on the Oilers.
H-Town community unity in the 90's: Rockets 2-Peat Comets dynasty Rodeo DJ Screw Talking sh*t about that "Bud Dome"