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The final D-Mo preseason thread

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by jtr, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. dragician

    dragician Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    he's the one that needs training from the Dream.
  2. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    and one guy rarely made Highlight reels.... Tim Duncan not in his prime but he is still one of the best... even in his prime not a regular highlight factor
  3. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I just dont understand the contentious attitude people have about this guy. I totally get the criticism for the holes in his game, but come on people.

    Fact is he's a skilled 7 foot big man who can run the floor, and has elite post skills.... and he's on this contract-

    -2013/14- $1,422,720 (guaranteed)
    2014/15- $1,483,920 (Team Option)
    2015/16- $2,288,205(Team option)
    2016/17- $3,278,997(Qualifying offer)

    Guys.... that's an amazing contract for a backup big man. Much less one that has the potential to be so much more with just a few touch ups to his game such as his shooting, his rebounding(which looks much better so far in the preseason), and his team defense(which also looks improved).

    For those of you wanting to trade him or think of him as "trade bait"-

    realize that at his salary range, he will not be able to bring in a high caliber veteran player as a standalone package. Remember the 150% rule of thumb when thinking trades.

    In a standalone trade, D-Mo could only bring back 2.13 million dollars in salary. If you are looking for an upgrade at any position (backup Center, starting PF, backup PF), what kind of player do you really think you can get at that price range? The fact is, D-Mo will have to be coupled with either Asik or Lin in a trade to bring back a difference maker PF/C, and if you are trading Asik, do you really want to give up what looks like a pretty solid backup center a year or two down the road? You just might need his services one day.

    So the best you will get in a standalone trade for D-Mo is a decent draft pick. If the draft pick coming back is a great pick that is to be later flipped in trade for a star type of player with Asik than great, but lets be realistic here... D-Mo isn't going to net that kind of a pick.... so whats the freaking point of trading him????... So Troy Daniels or Reggie Williams can make the Roster instead??? I just don't get it.

    I say everyone just needs to chill out on throwing D-Mo out to the trash. He's not where he needs to be yet but he's only in his second year, and is showing major signs of improving just based on what we've seen in the preseason. My recommendation to the coaches would be to continue his development more as a 5 than a stretch 4. I like his stroke, but I just think he should be where he has more of an advantage throughout the remainder of his career... and that's in the paint.

    Anyways... I just wish that fans here would give constructive criticism and root for players like this to improve instead of constantly bashing them, and rooting for their failures because he's not "your guy". That's a bunch of BS. You dont have to hate D-Mo because you like Terrence Jone, or vice versa. If you are a Rockets fan then you should be rooting for success of all the players 1 through 15. So lets cut the crap please so we can enjoy the season ahead.
    1 person likes this.
  4. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Motiejunas is intriguing, but I'm not sold on him being a solid nightly contributor. He needs to be a more reliable outside shooter and individual defender for us.

    Its cool if he gets his chance some time this season and really shines, but at this point I'm not going to force Asik into sub-20 minute reserve role just to get D-Mo on the floor. Maybe that's short-sighted on my part, but I want us to go with guys who will allow us to win the most games.
  5. anchel

    anchel Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    It takes normally time to develop a raw NBA big men.

    I wish he had played in the spanish league (secong best league out ot the NBA, by far), probably he would have arrived to the NBA more prepared. Anyway:

    I like what I've seen from him so far. You can´t deny there has been progress. This season he´s bigger, and stronger (watch some rebounding fights, his 1on1 defense... he´s still outmuscled but he's getting there).

    I also think he commits less defensive mistakes, he ahs improved defensive awareness. He´s still a subpar defender, but for instance, I've seen him block some shots this preseason, force some offensive foul... I see him more integrated in the game, he's getting the NBA speed. Again, still not Asik or Howard in this sense, but there's been progress, and that's important. Honestly, I didn't see any of that in Jordan Hill while he was in Houston.

    It seems clear to me that he has not put a lot of time into improving his shooting this summer. It's normal; he clearly has focused on his body, and then post moves; and had to get ready to play with the national team. If you look at his shooting mechanics, for example while he shoots free throws, you'll notice that he's not doing always the same release, the same shot. He sometimes does a full extension of his arm, sometimes not. Also, changes the position of his shooting hand at catching the ball. So it's normal to see that inconsitency... he will need to work on refining that shooting form, in a way that he ends repetaing always the same shot.

    On the other hand, another issue in his game (probably the biggest one) is his body disposal, or position, I don't know how to explain it in english. His body is not upright, erect, straight... he does not take advantage of his 7 feet. As people normally says, he clearly plays smaller than his actual size. Those are bad habits taken for a long long time, and it will be the most difficult thing to change in him. This issue prevents him from rebounding better, being more effective defending, at the contacts; and from a better finishing at the basket. There´s when he looks soft as butter... I don't know if he will be able to improve that issue. It takes a lot of discipline every day, at every practice, to change something like that. Also of course it helps you to have a stronger body; the stronger you are, the more erect you walk.

    So there are a lot of areas where he needs improvement. Mentally he will have to get stronger too, but that's about pure experience, playing time..., living different moments, struggling... recieving criticism and stand up...; he does not look dumb to me. I don't think he is as bright as Parsons, honestly, but neither as dumb as other young men... He seems very decided to improve and very aware and conscious of what he needs to do to become the player he wants to be, and frankly, you cannot say that about every young man in the league...

    So while he's still raw, there are signs that make you be positive about him. He shows work ethic and progress. Yes, he came here very raw, and it takes more than one season to fullfill his high potential. Will he reach that point? I don't know if he will improve that many things, but at the least, I'm sure he will solve enough problems to become a valid NBA player. At the least.

    Anyway, he's a very exciting project, and we have to be congratulated for being able to see up that close, every day. So relax and enjoy.
  6. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    I feel sure that the coaching staff feels the same. There will be trash time, foul problems and injuries that will allow D-Mo time to get on the floor. There are two great centers to bang with in practice and hopefully numerous training sessions with the Dream to help D-Mo improve. And there is his head coach, McHale, one of the greatest power forwards in the history of the game. In fact D-Mo may be in the perfect development environment.
  7. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    They have to decide which of Motiejunas and Jones they are going to develop and let go of the other one. If you share or juggle both of them in the very limited rotation minutes behind Asik and the small ball 4s, you end up getting neither developed.
  8. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    tremendous passer, nice low post moves has no business even attempting threes from in front of the arch, runs the floor. On a 28 win team, he could be a lesser more handsomer Pau. At age 23, sad to think some have already given up on him.
  9. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I wouldn't worry too much about it. Some people are selling an agenda, some people are just really terrible at player analysis.
  10. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    If I were the Rockets I would develop D-Mo as quickly as possible in the center position. I believe that his rookie scale contract is the key for unlocking all of that trade value currently locked up in Asik. Currently the Rockets have used one half of their cap space at the center position. By no means am I advocating trading Asik in the foreseeable future, but if D-Mo can develop into a reasonable backup for Howard ...

    I do see Jones getting court time this season. He certainly has potential at the PF spot. He does have a couple of years to work on his three point shot and the Rockets should see a lot of blow outs this season where D-Mo and Jones can both be on the court together.

    The Rockets are in an enviable position. They are young, deep, and with the talent to compete for a championship right now. This gives Morey the time to develop talent internally without impacting wins. Like the Spurs do.
  11. Zalgiris

    Zalgiris Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    I wish people stopped dreaming while they're awake. McHale was a good PF, but why on earth are you saying he's the best coach to have if you want to make something big of your PF? He was a good player, but he's a bad coach. Did he make an all star PF from 2Pat or Morris twin?
    I bet McHale doesn't even talk to DMo longer than couple words from time to time. Also Hakeem - he's not a god, he was a great center, he is an ok teacher too, but let's not get crazy with everything he touches becomes a gold ****.
    Coaching in the NBA is the most overrated factor.
  12. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I think that we can give DMo a limited # of post touches each game, especially when the bench unit is in. I also feel like he plays well with Lin setting him up for buckets.
  13. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    McHale couldn't have been a good PF, he only shot 26% from 3 point land in his career....I mean that's the only thing PF's are for right?
  14. Billionzz

    Billionzz Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    That only comes thru playing time. The more he plays the more the game will slow down for him.
  15. Richie_Rich

    Richie_Rich Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 17, 2009
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    First of all, McHale is HOF player, not coach. But this doesn't mean he's not an above average head coach--especially for this team. Also, NBA GMs would disagree with your assessment of McHale.

    Secondly, Marcus Morris was being groomed for the SF position, not PF. Meanwhile, PPat was a very effective stretch 4 but lacked the rebounding/rim protection we sorely needed. Both of these players were traded 2 seasons ago and they have yet to become solid starters, never mind all-stars. But let's not attribute this to Sacramento or Phoenix's player development staff... it's all on McHale. :rolleyes:

    Thirdly, McHale works regularly with Dmo in one-on-one, low post sessions. To say that he doesn't talk to his own players is laughable.

    And lastly, to your overall point that McHale is not the best coach to have 'if you want to make something big of your PF'.

    <iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/F_dtm2rlV_E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    McHale on Garnett's fadeaway: "I spent literally HUNDREDS OF HOURS in the gym with that kid because he couldn't get enough..."

    Terrible post.
  16. CertifiedTroll

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Even if DMo has gazelle speed like you suggest jtr... He staggers around the floor like a drunk. The dude is off balance when he walks. Until he can learn to calm down and have a little bit of balance then he can sit the bench.
  17. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    He has looked much better this preseason. And actually he would benefit from gradually working into the rotation over the full season. The Rockets have a lot of talent. They can afford to bring him and Jones along slowly.
  18. alethios

    alethios Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I think McHale sees something in DMo that reminds him of someone else he used to know. Maybe not as polished and consistent (yet), but the skill level is there and potential to turn into the same special kind of offensive player is also there. DMo is a diamond in the rough and needs some polish, but the similarities in post-up style are spooky.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wdtgUOiWHJg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    How do you get DMo to improve his defense?
  20. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    D-Mo only has one huge hole in his defense:

    Well, two:


    But the P&R man defense is not as much of an issue IMHO. But both of those issues are mental. D-Mo is a smart man who has spent 98% of his playing time in Europe. I believe it works itself out quickly this season. He certainly is athletic enough to handle the defensive assignments against NBA starters. He already seems to have much more defensive awareness this preseason. Euroleague seems to have helped. I believe he will be OK.

    It is interesting that D-Mo has two possible paths to take to become a NBA starter. He can raise his three point shooting 6%. In which case he becomes a starting power forward. Or he can become a plus defender. In which case he becomes a starting center. If he does both he will be in multiple all star games.
    #100 jtr, Oct 27, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2013

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