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The Facts and Fictions of Tea Partying

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by thumbs, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    I live in a world more defined: breakfast (morning); dinner (noon) and supper (evening). Lunch is a hot dog gorged on the run.
  2. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    You belong to a movement populated by people who are apparently too stupid to understand that their grievances are 100% based on lies.

    Until you do the good work of learning and then explaining the truth to them so that they might fight against real problems rather than bogey men, expect the ridicule to continue. When people are this dumb (and then this angry based on their own misunderstandings LOL), it is impossible to resist.
  3. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    It would seem that only your viewpoints are beyond ridicule.
  4. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    It's not viewpoints that are at issue here. It's the truth vs. lies.

    By refusing to acknowledge or address this, you're the one that's refusing a reasoned conversation. In case you're interested in one, let's take these one at a time.

    Your people believe their taxes are going up when they're going down.

  5. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    Sometimes I agree with or am sympathic to the respective views of trader_jorge, bigtexx and basso. Sometimes I am vexed. I am almost always dismayed at their treatment of opposing posters and equally dismayed with their treatment at the hands of those opposing posters. Nothing good comes from a constant outpouring of vitriol. I have always admired Deckard's exhortation to "keep it civil."

    Other than the Alamo Tea Party, the Seguin Tea Party and a Dallas Tea Party, my personal attendance is lacking. I have been to one town hall meeting here in San Antonio with my congressional representative, but it was not well attended and was pretty tame -- not even any signs. The vast majority of my communications are by email.

    The birther, antichrist and race baiters were weeded out in the first days of my "chapter." If they are there today, they know these are concepts that are not acceptable and they remain silent. My group doesn't try to silence them, we just avoid them because these are counter-productive sentiments.

    There is no need to come my defense. I'm too old and hard-headed to be vulnerable to insult. I enjoy discussing issues with people with opposing views because I learn from these exchanges. That is why I have little regard for those who want to quarrel as opposed to the high regard I have for those who want to argue.
  6. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    This puts teabaggers in a distinct minority of the population. No wonder their rallies are subsidized by such groups as Dick Armey's insurance company group.
  7. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    Your premise is faulty. This is the official line, but it is completely unproven. Where have my taxes gone down? I have not seen it. We got a stimulus check, but we got one under Bush too. I can see where the taxes have gone down for Geitner, Rangel, et al -- heck, they didn't / haven't even paid them.

    Will the proposed carbon tax bring it down? It hurts the low income most of all. Will the proposed tax on luxury health care plans bring it down? Ask the unions.

    If the cost of health care will be paid for by reducing Medicare fraud, why wait until 2013 to do anything about it? Why not do it immediately -- like now?

    You can tax the wealthiest 2% at 100% and you still can't pay for Obama's need for more and more taxes. Personally, I favor a graduated flat tax on income starting at $30,000 for a single person and $60,000 for a married couple. There should be no exemptions for children, housing, tax shelters, business lunches, etc. etc. etc.
  8. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    You are the exact type of person who national health care would help. Too bad your ideololgy keeps you from supporting a system that would make your health care less costly.
  9. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. A thorn called a flower would draw blood just as quickly.
  10. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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  11. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    A rose called "putting my balls in other peoples' faces" wouldn't really smell all that sweet.
  12. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    That's why I believe in health care reform. I am quite familiar with the ins and outs of treatment facilities and providers. However, my personal needs are not germane when the greater good is at stake.

    As I review the different plans, I try to look down the road for the consequences of our actions today. It would be easy for me to grab the personal cost savings of single payer, which public option essentially is. I will have left this world by the time the tab has to be paid, but I try to consider the welfare of generations to come.
  13. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    I have my political biases. You have yours. It's a great country.
  14. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Here is the bit about tax breaks.

    The whole of the health care won't be paid by cutting waste. Just 2/3. The reason it won't be cut out immediately is because there is a bill needed to legally change the requirements involved to cut some of those wastes.
  15. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    1) There are always the crazies. I can't help those. You have damage done from the crazies at the Daily Kos and Huffington Post. Tea party people generally are sane, honest, run-of-the-mill people There are a lot of business owners and managerial types who tend to be careful with money, which is why the wild spending makes some of the wild-eyed.

    2) Didn't Buffalo Springfield have a song about this very thing? How the world spins around and the shoe goes on the other foot. :)

    3) The same problems were addressed in France, Germany and Canada with equally chilling stories.

    4) Today, here in the United States, yes, a tumor gets treated whether by private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. An increase in medical funding is not the issue. How to fund the increases and under what system is the question. How to deal with the shortages in doctors, nurses and support personnel is another huge question.

    Tea party members want their representatives to look at the consequences of the bills they pass. That is why there is so much anger that senators and representatives before the break hadn't even read the proposals. I have stated before and I will state it again here, we want a cost-effective, comprehensive plan now -- not just "a" plan for 2013.
  16. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    Then Obama should push for passage of those changes and show the country how it can work. Proving his rhetoric actually would work would go a long way in calming fears about his multi-trillion dollar health care/spending bill.
  17. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    Your premise is imaginary.

    As near as I can tell, this is the first "movement" in American history based on being mad as hell about what might happen, with no evidence whatsoever that it will. Your people believe this crap because Glenn Beck tells them it will happen, so they get a modest tax decrease and then take to the streets shouting, "Stop raising our taxes!"

    How am I supposed to not ridicule that?

    It is especially hilarious that you used the word "facts" in your thread title, since your entire "movement" relies on ignoring them.
  18. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    What exactly do you think he's been doing? Every time he opens his mouth he does this. And then your guys plug their ears, shove their balls in our faces and shout, "Go back to Kenya, you Nazi."
  19. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    I wish I were a smart guy. If I were, I'd forge the perfect plan to fix the health care dilemma. That aside, I like tea partiers. I share a lot of values. However, if you only knew, you might be surprised by the broad political and social range of my runnin' buds and associates.
  20. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    Apologies, I missed this. Tea party members are a minority. Hmmm, don't you represent minorities? ;) BTW, can you tell me where and how to score some of that insurance money? :cool:

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