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The case for Al Jefferson instead of Bosh

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by brian_chapman, May 2, 2010.



  1. bosh lose scola

    96 vote(s)
  2. al jefferson keep scola

    137 vote(s)
  1. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Why in the world would Jefferson be easier to acquire? The only thing we know is for a fact is Kahn offered him to Indianna for Danny Granger. We have no Granger caliber players on this team to move to acquire him. Bosh on the other hand can be had for FAR FAR less assuming Morey is able to court him. For Bosh your offer is competing with the only other scenario for Toronto which is letting him walk for nothing. For Jefferson you are competing against every other team in the league bidding for his services.

    Bosh's salary is more because he is the best offensive PF in the league. Its like saying why should we go for Kobe Bryant when Luther Head can be had for much less.

    Guess again, they like Jordan Hill and Segio Llull. Not exactly breaking the bank here. And its highly unlikely Scola is included in the deal.

    What is this 5 to 8 number. AJ salary is 13 million dollars, about the MLE different from CB4. So we have a choice of Bosh or Jefferson + Miller/JO. I'd still rather have Bosh. How about we just make the Bosh deal and keep the 14th pick and draft Udoh/Whiteside/Alabi as back center?

    There is no way in hell you get Jefferson for that. Bosh would cost you "asset wise" signifigantly less. They dont even have any bad contracts we could relieve them of as incentive.

    So let me get this straight...we can get AJ for a mid lottery pick and a future pick which may or may not be good, but we could flip him for Gasol? Why wouldnt Minny just trade him straight for Gasol in the first place?
  2. agentkirb87

    agentkirb87 Member

    Jul 16, 2008
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    Uh... isn't Al already in the middle of a contract? I don't believe he's a free agent.

    And I have serious doubts a big would ever go for that amount of money. If Damp can get 10+ mil, Al should be able to get at least that much at his age.

    If that's the choice. Al for 5-8 mil or Bosh for 17-20 mil, then sign me up for Al every day and twice on Sundays. But that's not going to happen. As bad as people are saying Al Jefferson is, he's still 7 foot tall, he's still a 20-10 type of player (maybe on the lower end of 20-10 but he has that capability). Anyone with cap room or assets to do a sign and trade would pay more than 5-8 million for him.
  3. jedicro

    jedicro Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Where do people get the idea that we're going to have to blow up the team to get Bosh?

    We'll give up a few picks, Jordan Hill, and MAYBE Chase along with the expirings. So basically, the immediate effect would be upgrade from Jordan Hill to Bosh and downgrade from Chase to Taylor. I'm sorry that's a MAJOR positive shift. And honestly I think we can make the deal happen without giving up Chase.

    Plus, like someone else mentioned, Morey has shown that he is more than capable at finding quality players on the cheap fast.

    The core of this team would be Bosh, Brooks, Martin, Ariza. 3 guys whos average age is like 25-26. That's a good thing.
  4. Noob Cake

    Noob Cake Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    Where is the defense? We would have poor defenders at 3/5 positions
  5. BetterThanEver

    Oct 9, 2007
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    Essentially, the Rockets are using the Knick's trade assets to acquire Bosh. It's T-Mac for Bosh, basically. You are using players that spent more time with NY than with Houston. It's not like we are blowing up the team, the Rockets loss is only T-Mac.

    There has been no indication that Morey can do a double sign and trade with Scola. There has been no rumors from Morey or Scola about going to Toronto.

    What has been mentioned? After the the trade for Jefferies, Jordan Hill, and NY's draft pick, Morey mentioned that it made it easier to do a sign and trade during the summer. Morey is intent on using NY's assets to do a sign and trade.
  6. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    That would be freaking hilarious.
  7. Alvin Choo

    Alvin Choo Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    If it did turn out as you said. Meaning Morey have just traded Tmac+Landry for Kevin Martin and Chris Bosh!!!!!!! And an extra pick as well.

    All hail Morey. And Knicks be gutted. Muahahahahahaha.
  8. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    I agree with the majority sentiment in this thread. Something that a few have pointed out, and I also agree with, is that I don't particularly like Jefferson's style of play. Hard to pinpoint exactly, but he doesn't seem to play cohesively with his teammates, he seems to be selfish, and he always seems to have a attitude that doesn't seem conducive to winning.

    Granted, this can be just the 8-10 games a year I see him play, but that seems a little too coincidental to me.

    Bosh may have his faults, but his skill, stats and style of play and attitude all strike me as highly conducive to winning, if on the right squad. If we do trade for him, it'll be interesting to see what we give up.
  9. anchel

    anchel Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    The OP is... unfortunate.

    This is from 2008:

  10. anchel

    anchel Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    This was also unfortunate, I wanted a preview, not submit.

    1st analysis about Al, 2nd Bosh.

    From then until now I think Bosh has gained some weight. He worked hard last summer to land more presence in the paint and I think he achieved it. 09-10 has been his best season by far. He's improving his weaknesses, he's gaining strength, gaining experience, and I think he has by nature a more competitive mindset than Jefferson to play the game. Bosh has scored this year 24 ppg with a 52 FG% on a team that would have made the playoffs if he had not been injured. I see Bosh nowadays as a TRUE all-star and a top-3 player at his position. Al is far from that.
  11. jedicro

    jedicro Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Where did that analysis come from?

    If all of that is true (I don't watch him enough to know) then it sounds like all he needs is a big true center to play D against the other big true centers. Enter Yao Ming and either our lottery pick or a vet signing.
  12. battousai

    battousai Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    I am for getting Bosh. and like someone said keeping scola is also important.

    Why? Yao isn't going to play heavy PT during the reg season and we certainly don't want to over expose him. Yao plays like 20 to 25 mins, and then Bosh Scola on the floor at the same time. 96 mins gets split in between Bosh, Scola, and Yao/anderson. Bosh and scola will both get plenty of PT along with Yao getting rest.

    The question is how much will we need to include in order to get Bosh. Can Morey pull another trade like tmac-knicks?

    picks + fillers for Bosh?
  13. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    No reason not to pursue both. You wouldn't sign both, of course, but you can publicly woo Bosh-as-free-agent while also negotiate a trade for Jefferson (and/or other potential targets). Jefferson and Bosh provide leverage for one another in trade negotiations ("I'm not giving up that much for Bosh; I can just go down the road and pick up Al Jefferson for half the price!"), and then just take whichever one gives you the most value in trade.
  14. conundrum

    conundrum Rookie

    Feb 18, 2010
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    not sure id give up hill and budinger for bosh, the ceiling on those two looks very high, one of them and jeffries and a pick i guess is alright. just scares me that were goin to lock our future into chris throw my teamates under the bus and continually underachieve ego maniac who thinks hes on a top 10 player in the league bosh, yuck...
  15. ASidd_1990

    ASidd_1990 Rookie

    Feb 12, 2010
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    Chris Bosh is flat out a better basketball player than Al Jefferson. He scores more points, rebounds at a higher rate, blocks more shots, and is a much better defender, especially in the pick and roll set.

    Plus, you would have to potentially give up more for a player like Al than a player like Bosh, since he is a free agent.

    Why go for the stars when you can go for the moon?
  16. Untraceable

    Untraceable Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    LMAO.....Man.....smh...That shyt is too funny
  17. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Getting to 25% of 13m is alot easier than getting that same % of 17m. How far or how many players on the rockets team do you hae to include? Which of the high dollar contracts must you take from toronto? That makes it even worse from the rockets contract. Better yet, try getting to 25% of 26m cause calderon or hedo will be in the deal. Now getting a 3rd team involved can make it possible,but much like kobe a few yrs back, why go to the bulls if deng is involved in the trade?

    Bosh has options big time. OK City,Bulls,heat,and even Sa can make a run without gutting the roster. The teams with cap room can offer a good will gesture of a 2nd rd pick or player and make it happen. Thats why i say jeffersoncomes cheaper.10m in salaries is shane/jeffries, andersen, and the 14th pick.
  18. anchel

    anchel Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    Chris Bosh

    Al Jefferson
  19. jedicro

    jedicro Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    But why would Minny take taht offer? The only thing of any real value you're giving them is the pick. They could find more value than that.

    With Bosh its just a matter of convincing him to come here. Seeing as we have a great core group of players that are all 25-27 years old (as compared to SA and Dal) I think we got a great shot. Only team I'm scared of is OKC.
  20. Roxxx4life

    Roxxx4life Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Jefferson is a low post scorer. I think what the Rockets need is someone that can open up the floor for Yao. We don't really need two guys that will clog the lane. That will make it easier for the opposing team to double Yao or Jefferson. Bosh has a good mid-range jumper all the way to the 3-pt area. Also IMO, if the Raptors are going to give up Bosh, I don't think they would want to get an older player. Losing CB means rebuilding. For sure they would want Jordan Hill, one of our young players (Budinger/Taylor) and 1st round draft pick rather Scola who just turned 30 this year.

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