Is this just coincidence or is it part of Morey's plan? 2 MEM,Hasheem Thabeet,University of Connecticut 6 MIN,Jonny Flynn,Syracuse 8 NYK,Jordan Hill,University of Arizona 11 NJN,Terrence Williams,University of Louisville 44 DET,Chase Budinger,University of Arizona
Something that comes to mind is that fact that the aquisition of all these 2009 lottery draftees might have some unintended positive effects for all of these guys for the following reasons: 1. They are all peers/contemparies in terms of age and draft/college experience. 2. They were all traded away for peanuts. 3. They are all in a situation where they can compete for at least a rotation spot. From personal experience I know that if I see someone that is around my age and experience level accomplishing something, it motivates me and makes it seem more feasible to achieve similar success. At this point, these players can feed off each other and compete with each other to get the best out of themselves. As they do, the team can only stand to win from this situation. Its kind of crazy to think that the Rockets have 4 high lottery picks, all with big time upside, and from what has been reported -- all trying to redeem themselves. Lets roll with these guys and see what they got! Worst case scenario they are all as bad as their reputation dictates. Best case, at least one of them starts to realize their potential and becomes either a building block or a valued trade candidate.
09er starting 5: Flynn Williams Budinger Hill Thabeet Mission: to get more wins than the Nets last season. :grin: To be honest, they make a great second unit.
Don't forget Jermaine Taylor too even though he failed his physical. He could maybe be back later and be the 6th man on the 09 draft team.
One of the weaker drafts for sure. Harden, Curry and Rubio are the most interesting prospects after Griffin top 10 wise
I don't think Morey's plan was to keep them all. His thinking was, he was hopeing some of those guys would show the talent that made them the top picks to trade them. So far that hasn't happen.
Back in 09, people would've though that if we had all those guys... we'd be on our way to having a dynasty.
You just now noticing this? Morey's trying to collect the '09 lottery busts: It's all going according to plan...
Should have collected Brandon Jennings too. I consider him a bust because of his horrible efficiency and horrible shot selection.
What did you expect out of him? He still listens to ace of base, has a pony tail and drives a Mazda miata.
Wow, looking at that draft it's like we got the Danny Devitos and everyone else in the lotto got the Arnold Schwarzeneggers.