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Texas A&M reached an agreement with Turgeon

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by G.O.A.T., Apr 8, 2007.

  1. G.O.A.T.

    G.O.A.T. Member

    Jun 21, 2002
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    Texas A&M has reached an agreement for Wichita State coach Mark Turgeon to take over as the new Aggies men's basketball coach, two people with knowledge of the negotiations confirmed Sunday night.

    Texas A&M athletic director Bill Byrne offered Turgeon the job Saturday night, and Turgeon accepted, paving the way for him to replace Billy Gillispie, who Friday bolted after three years at A&M to take over at Kentucky.

    Terms of Turgeon's deal with the Aggies were unclear as some issues were still be hammered out. Turgeon, who has been at Wichita State for seven seasons, could be introduced as early as today as new Aggies coach, though the announcement will likely come Tuesday.
  2. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    We coulda signed Rudy and I still wouldn't be pleased...
  3. RocketManJosh

    RocketManJosh Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Well Turgeon hasn't had a game under his belt yet, but he certainly has impressed me with his recruiting.

    Today David Loubeau, a 4 star PF recruit (ranked in the 40's for 2009) signed with the Aggies as a 2008 recruit (he became eligible under a new rule).

    Turge also recently got Dash Harris, another 4 star recruit (PG - ranked #73 for 2008) signed recently as a 2008 recruit.

    The impressive thing is that both of these guys are from Florida and picked A&M over the likes of Kentucky, Florida, and Indiana.

    Thanks to Billy G for the head start, but I sure feel better knowing that recruiting is not sliding under Turgeon. Lets just hope Bill Self doesn't lose his job at Kansas any time soon.
  4. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    I have pleasantly surprised by Turgeon's recruiting although we did lose 1 major recruit to BCG. Dash averages more assists than points, thats sexy...

    Still don't think Turge can out coach BCG. I honestly feel like he is one of the top 3 coaches in CBB. I expect him to be at Kentucky for the next 20yrs with at least 3 national titles or in the NBA within in the next 5yrs.

    I know Turgeon can coach. TAMU has a lot of exciting seasons to look forward to. The AD stepped it up and were are now solidified legit IMO. But like you said, with Bill Self struggling (by Kansas expectations) and TAMU tourney bound for the foreseeable future... I wouldn't be surprised to see Turgeon at KU soon. And we know how loyal he is. He is simply a winning season and a Larry Brown recommendation away.

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