Yup, it all comes down to being a good player. Eric Winston was awesome off the field, but he got worse and worse on the field so he was run out of the last few places he's been.
True. Same with Kareem or Chris Carter. But as a fan there's 2 things I really don't care about. 1 is what a player does after he retires. 2 is the media getting butthurt over how a player treated them.
If Foster sucks _ he's going to get it from the fans regardless of how he treated the media. That's why it really doesn't matter if these players treat the media like 5h1t or not. Just look at AJ. Fans turned on him quick fast and in a hurry. What happened with Winston in his post playing career...? He hasn't even started it yet has he. I don't think he'll have any problems getting a job when he's completely done with playing football.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/_jY6TPHySAs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Why are we debating on how Foster treats the media? There's no debate in my opinion. If you think he should treat the media better, you're not too bright in my opinion. The guy has never cared for them, even in college. Why should he start now, especially side he doesn't need to be, and it's humorous. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how they camped out in front of his house this off season after his bad choices were discovered. Not that I condone them, at all. The guy owes the media nothing. I found the interview awesome. Its he same answers people give anyways.
He should learn how to say "I'm trying to be a good teammate and get better day-by-day" in pterodactyl. He probably feels like he doesn't owe them anything based on his run-in with that guy from Fox at his house. Also, on a random note, I noticed he was wearing a ring on his ring finger at practice the other day. Sorry, can't directly post the pic off the Chronicle slide show, but I think that link should work.
Theyre all throwing a lot of picks. So either they suck or the DB are stepping it up. I think DB are just stepping it up though.
The first thing I thought when I heard Arian's comments is what a turd. But I changed my mind when I heard, he was signing autographs and interacting with fans just before this. When the media gathered around 2 different reporters hit him in the face with their microphones.