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For Sale T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S2 + Case + 2 spare batteries - $200

Discussion in 'Hot Deals and Classifieds' started by chestr, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. chestr

    chestr Member

    Jul 18, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Hey clutchfans, trying to sell my old phone. Excellent condition Samsung Galaxy S2 for Tmobile model SGH-T989. Been in case since day 1. Asking for $200 to get the phone, case and 2 batteries + charger/box, etc. Pictures are of the actual phone. Let me know if you questions. Can PM or email me at chestr@gmail.com. Thanks! http://imgur.com/a/wKggD#tEAUjPJ

  2. likestohypeguy

    Nov 10, 2009
    Likes Received:
    When did you buy the phone, & when did you buy the 2nd battery?

    Am looking for one of these, but I was hoping it'd be significantly cheaper used. Some are not too much more than that NIB.
  3. chestr

    chestr Member

    Jul 18, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Sorry it's been accounted for. Thanks for your interest

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