So I am shopping around for cell phones and providers. Looking for the best deal. Sprint sucks so I want to avoid them. Verizon and ATT are a bit more expensive. So I go to T-Mobile. I talk to the guy, ask him how fast the internet is he said its good, then admits that its not as fast because it doesnt have LTE. Then he says that they are getting LTE next month (April). I came home and started doing some research but can't find anything to support what he said. Im thinking he's full of it and using that lie to sell. I do know that Tmobile LTE is supposed to be pretty much every where by 2014. Anyone know if this is true or have any date on when LTE will arrive in houston? I cant really wait so I will probably going to a different provider.
This is the last I've heard of LTE and Tmobile. If price points are high on your list, do you really need LTE?
Thanks thats optimistic. I wonder if i could wait another month or two. Im in no real rush on a cell phone. Or maybe wait for a good family plan special to come out
I've heard of T-Mobile starting their LTE sometime in 2013. Nothing solid, just rumors here and there.
Been wondering this too. If they have 100 million covered by "mid-2013", I bet Houston will be included. All 3 of our phones will be out of contract in May. Very interested in going the prepay route and hoping LTE will be added to the current plans they have.
Whatever you do get pre-paid T-Mobile is number 1 pre-paid I don't understand why any individual would do a post paid plan
While I have no idea about the lte I can share my experiences with tmo. I've had them since forever and have not experienced any problems, keep in mind that I live in Houston. I own a HTC one s and my web speeds are pretty good. The exact number I do not know but I can stream music without any problem and web-pages load fast. If you want when I get home later I can upload a screen grab of a speed test. Price wise because I used a phone upgrade I play about 15 dollars less than att, but I recently found out their plans are cheaper if you bring your own phone. Hope this helps!
THIS... btw, LTE is overrated, yea it is the fastest, but I switched from my Verizon Razr Maxx phone to Nexus 4 a couple weeks ago, solid so far. Couldn't justify the Verizon bills I was paying after getting laid off and my 50% employee discount going away. Don't get me wrong LTE is great, but you really don't see notice any difference unless you use your device as a hotspot. Verizon has a SUPERB signal in the Toyota Center where every other network lags. I'm on the T-Mobile 100 min/unlimited text/5gb 4G data $30 plan, but switching to Net10's unlimited voice/test/data (supposedly throttles after around 2GB to 3G) for $50 month, then adding my parents 2 lines next month with 2 old iPhones my sister had for $40 each, so $130 total. But you can get a $5 discount for having auto reup option or getting discounted prepaid cards at Target with an extra 5% off with Target card, or use discount codes when they have them. The only setback about HSPA, its not consistent and DRAINS the hell out of your battery. I'd rather have a consistent 3G then it trying to go back and forth between 3G and HSPA. I've never had a consistent HSPA signal and my Nexus 4 is a penta banddevice (can receive more signals than other phones)
Thanks for the info guys. We dont do any streaming or any just regular browsing and gps are the most important. Never thought of prepaid but Ill look into it.
T-Mobile reps are full of ****.. I called to get a cheaper plan last week and the guy told me the total amount what my bill is going to be. I called back later and they told me that I was signed up for a different plan that was going to be way more then what the rep I had spoken to said.
LTE, while not overrated, is a bit over hyped. Personally, being able to complete a call is far more important than anything, thus why I prefer Verzion's network. I go prepaid. Pricing points are pretty similar across all the networks, with unlimited text and calls around $30 a month. Add another $10-20 for a couple gigs of data. What I would suggest is get a phone that is LTE compatible and wait for TMobile to roll out LTE. Just keep in mind most prepaid carriers do not offer LTE at the moment. I personally believe that Tmobile will let its prepaid carriers offer LTE pretty quickly
Thanks. its funny the most important features that i am looking for are text and data. call is last in my list of priorities.Weird how suddenly that is 3rd priority in the llist of cell phone requirements.
They say it has to do with a rich cash infusion from the buyout by AT&T that did not go through...
So looking at the plans. If I get two lines which is what I am looking for...It comes out better with a 2 yr contract than a non-contract. I will probably go that way. Thanks everyone
If you really want LTE, make sure you'll get one of the "top" phones of Tmobile(like HTC ONE S, S3, Windows 8X, etc.) I'm not sure but, I think those phones will be the first ones to get LTE. Or, you could wait for a few months to get the newly awaited 5 inch HTC One, which, according to the TMOBILE facebook, will be the first Tmobile phone to get LTE.
I love LTE. I got 50 megabits per second when I was in downtown not too long ago. Incredibly fast, but I have an iPhone...and it seems like price matters so going towards the iPhone wouldn't make sense to you? I think mapping is what I use the most for LTE. Trying to get somewhere unfamiliar and your phone lags sucks big time. But other than that, LTE is more of a convenience if anything. No load times for Youtube videos, sending/receiving emails are quicker (although it's not that slow on 3g/4g) and Facebook/Twitter obvious loads faster.
Disregard this, I thought you said megabytes. I get around 2 megabytes lower with Tmobile 4G in downtown.