Israel had more than one pro-Soviet political party. It still has a communist party with seats in the Knesset, and the old legacy is still seen in the logos of sports teams like Hapoel Tel Aviv. You have to remember, the Soviet Union and the US were the first nations to recognize Israel. Ben-Gurion was pro-West from the get-go and kept the pro-Soviet Zionist Left out of the coalition (preferring the ultra-Orthodox to them or the Revisionists - the fore-runners to what would be the Likud) and it wasn't until the Slansky trial that the radical Left started to distance itself from the Soviets. And it wasn't until the 60s that the Soviet Union became anti-Israel and supportive of the PLO, etc. To the WW2 generation, especially for those that were from Eastern Europe and aligned with far Left to begin with, the Red Army was the great liberator, the one that defeated Hitler, etc. For some, there was definitely a honeymoon period and you can still find traces of that legacy. It wasn't until the 90s that the kibbutz my ex grew up on allowed American movies to be screened, because they might corrupt the youth with their vulgar unsocialist values As for the bureaucracy being Soviet/Czarist, I could tell a lot of stories, especially from my old university that still resisted using electronic records, but my favorite was that it took a full two years after finishing my coursework before I was allowed to officially graduate with my MA (and I did with honors). I had to just hang around until they decided to let me graduate. And it gets better: they never called my name to get my diploma at the ceremony. They had it there, after the ceremony, so I was able to get it, but when I asked why they didn't call my name I was told it was because my name "looked foreign" and she didn't want to say it out loud.
Islam portrays itself: - Death penalty for apostasy - Subjugation of women - Discrimination of homosexuals - Discrimination against non-Muslims If you disagree with being opposed to all of that, then you are not a liberal.
Islam is incapable of portraying itself because Islam is not a being. These things that people do as followers of Islam are horrible, no one here denies that.
I can't believe the Whitehouse would float this ridiculous story at such a time. Pathetic! As if Kerry would ever do this kind of a heroic thing.
this is literally the plot of Top Gun
Who the hell cares what Israel thinks? Israel has always done what is best for Israel. The United States is no different. This right wing obsession with Israel is just odd....
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Here is the interview from 60 minutes: <embed src="" scale="noscale" salign="lt" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" background="#000000" width="620" height="387" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="pType=embed&si=254&pid=PJ8uPduJkL7E&uuid=9d42877e-350f-471e-9df1-ae960704002b&url=" /><div class='cbs-resources'><span class='cbs-more'>View More: </span><a href='' class='cbs-link'>60 Minutes News</a><span class='cbs-pipe'>|</span><a href='' class='cbs-link'>Live News</a><span class='cbs-pipe'>|</span><a href='' class='cbs-link'>More News Videos</a></div><style type='text/css'>.cbs-link {color:#4B5054;text-decoration:none; font: normal 12px Arial;}.cbs-link:hover {color:#A7COFF;text-decoration:none; font: normal 12px Arial;}.cbs-pipe {color:#303435;padding: 0 2px;}.cbs-resources {height:24px; background-color:#000; padding: 0 0 0 8px; width: 612px;}.cbs-more {font: normal 12px Arial; color: #4B5054; padding-right:2px;}</style>
You really do suffer from the Dunning-Krugger effect and not at Just to let you know as an atheist former Muslim who doesn't like Islam at all, 'allahu-akbar' is often used colloquially in the Arab word in the same manner has 'thank god'. I say 'thank God's as an atheist because it's an idiom ingrained in the culture I grew up.
First off, no one cares that you are atheist - have all the atheist parades you want. As for the topic, these "rebels" are members of Islamist groups, many of whom are aligned with Al-Nusra and ISIS. So yeah, when they shout allah akbar after every unaimed spray of automatic fire down an abandoned road way, they are not simply expressing "colloquialisms" embedded within their culture. The way I see it, the fact that no one here seems willing to defend the moral character of these rebels and refute claims of terrorism made against them, pretty much speaks to the point that these are not the kind of people the US wants to associate itself. I think history will find the US on the right side of the Syrian Civil War by neither supporting Assad or the "rebels".
And when Muslims meet each other on the street and say "allah akbar" we know with certainty that very soon the guns will be ablazin'.