In my polite opinion...Get over it. If this kind of stuff bothers you as a business owner then things aren't looking good for your business.
so basically what you're saying is that you're looking for the people who couldn't hack it at McDonald's? Geez.
$5-$6 or so after taxes for an "easy" job still sucks. I wouldn't say standing around for 8 hours a day is easy anyway.
He wants you to pay 25 cents more per hour of his finite lifetime? Incredible. THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE!!!
BTW, I really wish Clutch would just give hotballa is own forum. Or stop him from being able to create threads. Twitter is where you should be going for when you want to spout off every single thought that enters your head.
Somebody looking for a job will easily criticize this post and hotballa. Somebody offering jobs will easily support this post and hotballa. And DD, you might be mistaken. No kid will ever land a job arguing pay at an entry level. He can try to flex his "I'm entitled" muscle all he wants but it will still leave him in the streets.
Threads like this make me realize how grateful I should be. My first job ever paid me $11 an hour (in 99).
Previous generations had pension plans and corporate ladders to climb. The emerging job force doesn't have **** to fallback on. Who's entitled again? The new generation is simply scratching a clawing for a pot to piss in, brah.
I remember working my way up to $8.00 an hour about 4 or 5 years ago and thinking I was doing pretty good. Yes kids are spoiled as hell now. My little cousin wouldn't take a job cause he was only making $10/hr. He was barely 18. I made $5.15 for my first couple years working.
I tend to avoid generalizations about generations. There have been good/bad, lazy/hard-working, etc people throughout human history.
I don't have a pension but my company does do a "profit-sharing" plan, which is a contribution to my 401k. Can't complain. 4% until I'm 35. 7% from 35-48 9% from 48 +
you should just do like in sweden and let the customers pay their bill on the honor cashier necessary
Scratching and clawing without style, if I may paraphrase a Gallagher expression. Let’s just see how far his “style” will get him.