After seeing this officiating tonight, the players have to be ticked off. I know it's hard to be optimistic the first few minutes after the game, but no joke, I can't wait until we play Tennessee. Let's show the country and the league that this team takes no bullsh**. I can't wait until next year in Indianapolis, with or without Manning or Luck, I'm freaking ready for this team to blow them out of the water. Tough to stay optimistic, but I think this is juice... if we lost solely based on our performance, that would make a different story..
We didn't lose solely on officiating. The game should have been well out of hand in the first quarter. Now you see what happens (the last two weeks) when you don't convert on third down.
Soft p***y ass b**** Kubiak + Kreamed Jackson + Turkey man + Rigged officiating crew = Houston Sports for the last 50 years
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i'll be honest...i'm relatively new to houston sports..i started watching watching the rockets and texans around 03-04...never followed both teams thoroughly like i do now...and trust me, not a season goes by and i think that seriously, houston has some debt to pay the sports gods...but tonight, seeing us lose our chance at a bye and a win at Indy makes me feel optimistic; that the players (AJ) would want to come out the next game and fight that much harder...and i'm not saying solely we lost on def. factors in...but this is necessary...let's explore our weaknesses now... i'm still fuming, but nonetheless, anxious to know the events in the locker room and on the practice field after such a significant's a bigger reality check than what carolina could give us any day. this is from a 1 win team. let us suffer a bit, and learn. that is the solution.
The players should have been ticked off tonight after getting kicked by Carolina, yet they still lost and it wasn't the fault of the refs.
Let Yates cut loose next week. Throw it 40 times/game. We will need him in the playoffs. Throwing it 10 times/game will not work in the playoffs.
my thoughts exactly...he had good throws out there when he did throw... o-line needs to improve; anyone know when brisiel is coming back... and winston...wht the fff was that tonight?
Let me put things in perspective... game 7 of the Rockets Mavs rigged series u saw a picture of Yao, TMac, and Sura sitting on the bench all dissapointed, with their heads down, with a look of vengeance... everyone said, "Ohh mann, i dont want to **** with these guys next year, they gonna be dangerous, this is gonna make them take that next step.." Next year, Yao and TMac go out for the majority of the season with injuries, no playoffs, we end up having Rudy Gay slip to us, whom we trade for good ole Shane Battier - Houston Sports
we can't lose hope. it's not over for us, there's one more game and then it's off to the races. these players have it in them. a powered up defense and an offense powered by a rookie. there's a drive in these players that i don't think can be rivaled anywhere, and the gridiron is the best place to take it out on (with the exception of these effing refs) we have a painful 10 days to wait til tennessee...until then, we have to live with this, but at least we've clinched, and we can try to get higher seeding. let's be optimistic. we don't have to wait as long as we had to (and still are) for the rockets...
next season? cause it sure won't be the playoffs with this sad sack of players who thought they won the ****ing super bowl two weeks ago.