JamesCat has been pretty accurate when it comes to delivery data and EPS estimates. He is pretty level headed compared to the TroyTeslike dude.
Biden is beholden to the union mafia that got him elected. Democrats are beholden to the “billionaire bad” Marxist ideology. Both of these things is why they engaged in widespread lawfare to hamper him at every turn and turned Elon, a life long Democrat voter into the singular reason why Trump is our next president.
Good graphic but doesn't really answer the question. How was Tesla's stock price held down by what's shown in that graphic? Some details would be great. Gary Black is useless. I block Omar. Also what's your problem brah.. Rub one out. You seem tense.
Nobody here can answer that question for you because nobody knows your financial situation. Financial advisors/planners can be more than "stock pickers". If all you want them to do is pick stocks, then, yeah, maybe they're not for you. If you have real estate investments, legal issues you're not sure about, financial planning for the future, possible tax, etc. questions, then they can potentially be very helpful. Go talk to a few, see what their fees are, how the fees work, what they can do for you, etc. But before that, be able to tell them why you're there.
Agreed You didn't give us enough information to give a specific answer. I. You are just starting on getting a handle on your Personal Finances which is to track & understand what money you have coming in and where your money is going to. Make A Budget Income Paychecks (salary after taxes, benefits, and check cashing fees) Other income (after taxes) for example: child support Total monthly income Monthly Expenses HOUSING Rent or mortgage Renter's insurance or homeowner's insurance Utilities (electricity, Gas Water & Sewer etc) Internet & Phone(s) Property Taxes? FOOD Groceries and household supplies Meals out Other food expenses TRANSPORTATION Public transportation and taxis Gas for car Parking and tolls Car maintenance (like oil changes) Car insurance Car loan Other transportation expenses HEALTH Medicine Health insurance Other health expenses (like doctors' appointments and eyeglasses) PERSONAL AND FAMILY FINANCE Child care Child support Money given or sent to family Clothing and shoes Laundry Donations Entertainment (like movies and amusement parks) Other personal or family expenses (like beauty care) Fees for cashier's checks and money transfers Prepaid cards and phone cards Bank or credit card fees Other fees Other School costs (like supplies, tuition, student loans) Other payments (like credit cards and savings Other expenses this month 2. You are seeking advice for some complex decisions. Financial Plan Check List 1. Life changes (e.g., retirement, new family members, change of residence, etc.) Do you expect changes in your personal life that will significantly impact your financial plan (switching jobs, changing your marital status, moving to another residence, etc.)? Are there significant events occurring that will impact your family members, such as children going to college or getting married, parental needs, birth of a child/grandchild, etc.? 2. Overall financial plan updates Do you have a documented financial plan that has been reviewed within the past six months? Do you expect significant changes to your income and expenses in the upcoming year? Does your budget reflect your values and priorities? Have you taken into account long-term compensation (e.g., stock options, restricted shares, etc.) and long-term savings (e.g., retirement plans)? 3. Emergency fund (three to six months of expenses) Do you have an emergency fund that would cover three to six months of expenses? Is your emergency fund able to be accessed easily if necessary? 4. Insurance policies and coverage Homeowners/renters: Is it sufficient to cover your home and property against disasters? Life insurance: Will it replace your income for your dependents and support your wealth transfer goals? Long-Term Care insurance: Do you have coverage to protect your wealth against the impact of long- term healthcare expenses? Disability insurance: Do you have income support if you are injured or disabled? Health Care insurance: Do you have suitable health care insurance? 5. Outstanding loans and credit Are your current loans or credit cards at higher-than-market rates? Should you consider refinancing or consolidating these loans? If you have outstanding loans or credit, do you have a plan for paying back what you owe in a timely manner? 6. Gifts to heirs or charities Have you considered making gifts to heirs while you are living to reduce the size of your estate? Have you considered gifting to a 529 plan for a grandchild to reduce your estate while retaining control of assets? Do you have a charitable giving strategy? Have you considered bunching charitable donations for potential tax benefits? 7. Estate plans and associated legal documents Do you have an estate plan in place that accurately reflects your intentions? Do you have a living will, healthcare directive, healthcare proxy and durable power of attorney? Have any changes occurred that might require updates to these documents? 8. Tax and market changes that may impact you Did any tax law or IRS rule changes occur that will impact your financial planning? These could include the following: Changes in tax rates or deductions Changes in contribution limits to retirement accounts Changes to required mandatory distributions from retirement plans How can you manage risks when markets shiſt? Should you consider a Roth conversion? 9. Key retirement dates and milestones Should you take advantage of catch-up contributions to your 401K, IRA or HSA? Are you hitting one of the key dates for government benefits this year? (Age 50, 55, 59 ½, 62, 65, 70 ½) 10. Retirement income plan (if retired or semi retired) Review status of your income sources (Social Security, pension payments, annuities, etc)? Have you reviewed your retirement expenses? Do your required minimum distributions (RMDs) cover the balance of these expenses? Is your retirement plan able to weather the key retirement risks (e.g., longevity, healthcare, inflation and poor market returns)? Have you made adequate accommodations for health care needs, including appropriate Medicare options? 3. You are seeking investment advice
The same type of messages and sentiment was around during 2021. You could pick any stock from the market and make money. This makes people complacent and I guarantee you, new bagholders are being created as we speak.
I lost my faith in Twitter and society around this time. LOL. Actually, I lost it a bit before that, but still this was one of those societal bottom moments for me.
A sarcastic irritant whose primary defense or counter argument is off topic random statements. like what was the point of his question about Omar?
It seems you're misreading my intention. You've suggested JamesCat in the past. I've seen his work in passing previously and started engaging more with his posts in attempts to bump his posts higher in my algo. He is an objective person. Omar and Gary Black give the give the space a bad name. Maybe sarcasm isn't your thing. Got it.