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start a rumor of Brand to Houston

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Hard Rock, Dec 7, 2002.

  1. JLB

    JLB Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    Some people live in a bubble and some live along with "US" others on the planet we call Earth. I would love to have Brand here, I just know that it will never happen.
  2. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    Elton Brand, IMO is the best Power Forward in the game today. Even better than TD or Chris Webber. He is so damn strong and is a true low post player.

    Put Brand in the same front court as Yao Ming and watch Yao Ming's assists sky rocket. With Brands strong hands 80% of Yao Ming's passes into the paint would not be fumbled away like they are when he is passing to the likes of Kenny Thomas and Juaquin Hawkins.

    Getting Brand is nothing more than a pipe dream IMO since I think Steerling will resign him since he is the Clippers best player. If Elton Brand is not on the all star team this year than something is wrong.

    BTW, the biggest flaw in this whole trade scenario is that Brent Barry does not play for the Clippers...he plays for Seattle.
  3. RIET

    RIET Member

    May 20, 2002
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    [BTW, the biggest flaw in this whole trade scenario is that Brent Barry does not play for the Clippers...he plays for Seattle. [/B][/QUOTE]

    It was a 3 way deal with Seattle.

    One thing many players who are great in one city suddenly look terrible when they have to assimilate to another team. Not Brand.

    Like I said earlier, 0% chance of happening. If it does hapen, we're looking at championship material.
  4. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    How did I miss the three way?

    Like you I could never see it happening but if it did....

    No doubt we would have a bunch of championships by the end of the decade.
    #24 crash5179, Dec 8, 2002
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2002
  5. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    OK what just happened with my previous post? It looks like part of Riet's post is my post and it wont let me edit it because the board thinks my post is Riets :confused:

    Sorry RIET, I did not mean to get our quotes mixed up.

    it's fixed.
    #25 crash5179, Dec 8, 2002
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2002
  6. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    Don't trade Griffin or Mobley.

    They are part of our core group.

    If you trade Griff, you'll regret it later.

    Remember, he's 20.

    If you want to trade someone, trade KT, and MoT for Brand and thrown in a draft pick.
  7. RIET

    RIET Member

    May 20, 2002
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    No prob.

    I like the idea. This team is one very good complementary player away from really contending. Of course about 8 other teams could say the same thing.

    The sooner Rudy and staff realize this, the better. We'll probably make the playoffs this year and right now their main concern is getting the right chemistry.

    However, next year or the one after, this team needs either:

    1.) Another deal to take us to the next level or
    2.) Griffin to take his game up another notch.

    Obviously 2 would be a lot better since we wouldnt have to trade anyone away.
  8. codell

    codell Member

    Aug 26, 2002
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    Hey guys,

    One thing to remember agout trades and the Houston Rockets is, Rudy rarely makes trades in mid-season. In fact, the only significant trade I remember Rudy making in mid-season was the Drexler-Thorpe trade. (if i am wrong on this or have forgetten a trade ..somebody please correct me)

    Because of this if we are going to aquire any of these players yall speak off, I would be pretty confident that it will have to be another team initiating talks with us, not vice versa. That being said, Im thinking the LA Clippers (Brand) are going to call many other teams first, before they call us. Aside from Yao (untouchable), Steve (untouchable) and Mobley (my gut feeling is, Rudy would not consider trading him until after the season is over and thus, he is untouchable too), we have nothing that the Clippers would want. Nothing!!

    Overall, I dont see the Rockets making any significant trades until the season is over. I think thats the only fair way to handle it. We have got to give our players a full season of playing together to see what they can do. So far, they look pretty darn good. :D
  9. GATER

    GATER Member

    Jun 25, 2000
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    IMHO, Brand's situation is not all that different from Rashard Lewis's this past summer. Lewis wanted Max, Sonics wouldn't pay it, they compromised. In order to be a Rocket, Brand would have to take (or make a firm threat to take) Houston's MCE...and that's not going to happen. I don't think Brand's friendship with Francis is worth $5m to $7m a year.

    As far as trade scenarios, the Rocks owe Memphis their #1 this year and the Rocks future #1's are not going to be good ones (numerically high). Add Brand and the Rocks are picking 23 or higher for awhile. Therefore, a pick is not much trade incentive (and does not salary match in a trade until that draftee is signed).

    A Griffin + Mobley for Brand would need a third component for salary matching. Sterling is not going to pay Rice $9+m even for one year, Taylor didn't leave LA on the best of terms, and Kandi probably has more value than Cato plus if Kandi walks they have Wang ZhiZhi. IMO, the Clipps have no need or desire for Moochie.

    If Sterling decided to shop Brand, there would be much better offers than Mobley + KT re-signed (who will become BYC and hard to S&T).

    I know that the Brand to Houston is going to be a recurring dreamcast for the next 8 months, but it's just not going to happen.
  10. djkickass

    djkickass Member

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Can we do a head to head comparison btw Brand & Griff? Athletically and skills:
  11. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    Brand is soild! The guys is a no-nonsense
    player that can get you 18/12 every night.

    He's tough inside. And he's doesn't play out
    side of his skill level. The Rockets could use
    a guy like that.

    Griffin, is long, lean, athletic and has an
    awesome jumpshot in the post and on
    the outside. He really doesn't have "post moves"
    but he has a sweet turn around jumper in the
    post. The man is monster on the boards.
    And we all know that he can block shots.

    I don't want to give this up because it's too
    soon to know how good Griffin can be.

    They guy probably hasn't even finished
    growing into his bones.
    #31 DavidS, Dec 8, 2002
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2002
  12. djkickass

    djkickass Member

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Those biz pple like Les dont like slow result. They like stuff that can make instant impact. Brand can be just that.
  13. derrock

    derrock Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Definitely Hard Rock...anything worth a possible dynasty is worth the $. But, Yao (and Boki too) comes up for big cash after '04-05 but Cato, Taylor, and Mooch still get their money for another one or two seasons. Would Alexander be willing to pay the luxury tax for a couple of seasons? Of course he should...haha, every owner should according to us. But it's not our money and since he hasn't paid before, doesn't pay now, it's doubtful he'll pay in any situation
  14. Hard Rock

    Hard Rock Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    derrock, I always do reserch before I post my proposal. Yao Ming & Boki's contracts will last 4 years and so are Taylor & Moochie's contracts. Cato's contract expires one year before them. here's the link you can check it out: http://www.realgm.com/src_tradechecker.php

    GATER, I didn't say give them our own pick next year. we can promise a pick in 3 years or trade something (cash, player, future pick) for a 1st rd. pick next year and transfer to LAC. and I DON'T believe the Clipps would want Mobley+K.T. for Brand too. I said Griffin+Mobley+1st rd. pick for Brand. and the 3 way deal works by the Real GM trade checker: Trade ID number 835501

    DavidS, you were joking right?:confused:
    keep Griffin and trade for Brand then we have 4 PFs?
    K.T. and Mo T for Brand?
    Send Mo T back to the Clipps?

    I don't get it:confused:

    imaging yourself a Bulls fan, would you believe they traded Brand for a high schooler? now a Nuggets fan, Van Exel + LaFranze for Haward? now a Blazers fan, J. O'Neal for Dale Davis? now a Raptors fan, T-Mac for a 1st Rd. pick? and then the Blazers again, the Glide for Thorp? ..... I believe it's possible!


    like I said, even Sterling wants to keep Brand doesn't means Brand has to stay in LA. he'll be a free agent next summer and the risk of losing the all-star for nothing makes it possible.
  15. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    You confused me...

    Where do you get FOUR PF's from?

    Unless, you are from LA...heh heh....

    As far as sending MoT back to the Clips...yeah, that would be cruel...woudn't it?
  16. Desert Scar

    Desert Scar Member

    Aug 1, 2000
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    From the Clips perspective it would probably have to be like EG, Cat and KT (or Boki) for Brand and Piat. And then I am not sure if I do it on the Rockets side. I would do the trade if the Clips would take Boki, KT and EG for Brand because I think this would be less chemistry disruption on the Rockets end (keeping Cat).

    Unfortuntely while I think Brand for EG, Boki and KT is reasonable on overall value I think if the Clips do end up shopping Brand around it is likely they get someone like Vince Carter, Ray Allen or some other elite scorer as the meat of the deal. The Clips have enough decent-good players already, and some prospects (Wilcox, Odom, Ely, Q), they need a great offensive player (or someone who might become one) to try to get them to the next level. They will want a superstar or potential superstar if Brand is delt--not 3 quality to very good players.

    By the way Horry was traded midseason by the Rockets (but Elliott didn't pass the physical) as was OT. So even when the Rockets had outstanding teams, in fact those teams were far better and more of veteran well-oiled machines than the current one, they considered trades. EG may be a similar comparison to Horry--lots of talent in a similar frame but with questionable court intensity--the latter was why Horry was drafted for Elliott if I remember (either that or they didn't think Horry was quite consistent enough offensively--another similar trend with EG).

    In short by no means do I think EG is a deal breaker if the right deal is there. In fact Francis (of course), Ming (of course) and even Cat (way more important to the current team than EG) are the only untouchables on the current team.
  17. DallasThomas

    DallasThomas Member

    Jul 10, 2002
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    I thought the line was "...Started whooping her ass worse than before they were divorced, throwing her over furniture..."

    I'll have to look it up though...I could be wrong.
  18. Hiroshikun

    Hiroshikun Member

    Nov 24, 2002
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    Although, as you have said, Rudy rarely makes mid season trades, I don't think he is a kind of person frighten to make one. Remeber Damon Stoudmire, he was prepared to trade 4players!
    However, I personally too believe that Rudy won't make a trade this year because the situation we in right now is completely different from 90s. In the 90s, Rockets had a fading team with many black holes, therefore, we really need fill in the holes in order to make a championship run since it wouldn't come in the future. Right now, we have young core of players with exception of Glen Rice, who never been to the playoff, never mind NBA Final! So our prime objective should be making the playoff this year. Then, we can build from that platform. Bringing Brand would undoubtedly enhance our talent level, but I expect the team to lose its balance. If anything then, I think we should aim at Brand after the season has ended. Then, the team can have time to build up teamwork during the preseason.
    BTW, Brand is perfectly good team player and a perfect role model. After all, he played for Duke, the college which have been doing well in not only producing solid basketball players but decent individuals. Grant Hill comes to mind.
  19. djkickass

    djkickass Member

    Dec 3, 2002
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    I understand your point DavidS. But the same chance EG may flunk. And look at this way man, Elton is a sure win.
  20. clippy

    clippy Member

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Brand is a restricted free agent next year, and by all reports he'll most certainly stay if offered a decent contract. Negotiations this summer had him willing to resign for just under the max, but Sterling elected to hold out (safe, I suppose, but a mistake for fan morale). He has never expressed any sign of disgruntlement with the Clippers, like he did with the Bulls, and has played with many of the players on the team in other forays (Odom in AAU, Maggette at Duke, and others). It is of course up in the air whether Sterling will resign him-- he'd be an idiot not to-- but I'd rather play the percentages and assume he'll match the offers unless a real trade proposal comes across.

    Seriously, this offer is a pipe dream. It's like the Clippers offering Maggette and Wilcox for Francis.
    #40 clippy, Dec 9, 2002
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2002

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