Star Wars: Rogue One Is the First Star Wars Spin-Off Movie December 16th, 2016 UPDATE: Teaser trailer...
Seems cash-grabby, but I'm on board with it. As long as it ties into the main story in at least a few ways, that should make it a worthwhile addition.
As long as the movies and TV series are high quality, I'm good with it. Can't get enough of the Star Wars Universe, plus it would be great to have some more material without the Jedi, there's so much more that hasn't been touched yet.
Well, it would be a cool story about how the Death Star plans were stolen leading into Episode IV. I'm on board with it as well.
Exactly. I'm not interested in just some random prequel story about the rogue squadron. If it has direct ties to the main story arc, such as the idea you just presented, then I'm VERY interested.
Is this during the Darth Vader era? If so, would be cool if all of them gets caught and killed off by Vader in the end.
There's a lot of potential with this. They have a blank canvas with the characters and don't have to feature storylines centered around stars or even Wedge/Biggs. They almost have the same storytelling freedom that Gunn had with Guardians. Porkins deserves to have his story told.
Has this been posted? Teaser trailer leaked online. <iframe src="" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
Tough to get excited about a movie that doesn't come out for another year and a half. But cool, I guess.
As much as I don't like the prequel trilogy, I can't imagine SW without George. You just know it's a hodge-podge of ideas produced by a committee made to make a regular profit than being inspired by a single unified vision.
Oh snap! They got Ip Man! Will definitely watch. Is that a long, wooden lightsaber staff he's holding?