Homeowners, it's almost that time once again. We're getting plenty of rain and Spring is right around the corner. I plan on getting my hands really dirty in both my front and back yards this year. I'm going to clean out all of my flower beds and put out a quick release fertilizer for my lawn this weekend. So I thought I'd start this thread in hopes of keeping an ongoing discussion throughout the summer. I'll start with seeking recommendations on a new self propelled lawn mower. I'm replacing my oft-injured Troy-Bilt push mower for something more reliable. And with my lessons learned from maintenance and repairs on this old one, I'm wanting it to be my last purchase for at least 5-10 years. I'm eyeing THIS Honda mower from Home Depot. $399.99 and I have a 10% off coupon as well. Any other recommendations? I'm on a 1/4 acre lot and I'm really looking for a mower with rear wheel self propel, a known and reliable engine, and wheels that are easily adjusted for height. Looking to spend around $400, $500 absolute max.
What fertilizer are you planning on using? I need to do that this weekend as well. I'm thinking of incorporating some plants on/along my fence as well, but in planters that are connected to the fence and slightly off the ground. I also need to add some grass in areas where there isn't any now. Previous owner of my house had a lot of plants everywhere, and last year I dug them out and it was left just as dirt. I personally don't like a ton of plants everywhere and prefer more grass. I also have a young son, whom I'd like to play with back there and want more grass for that.
I'm going to try Nitro Phos Imperial 15-5-10 for my first application this year. This stuff should make your lawn green up very quickly according to what I've read and feeds your lawn for around 30 days. So after that I'll spread a more nitrogen rich slow release fertilizer. I'm going to go to a few places around my job before the weekend to see if I can find some.
Post up if you find it and where please! I need to get going on my yard. These past few days have turned it into a mud pit.
looks like a good weekend to start the fertilizer for the yard. I had some brown patches develop but I think a few treatments of triple action 20 took care of it. We'll see what happens. Also you reminded me that I need to get the trees deep root fertilized. It's probably a rip off but they are mature oaks and I don't want to lose them. I know for a fact one doesn't have too much time left so i'm trying to extend it's life as much as possible.
Trying to put some seeds on my lawn. Any recommended ones? I used scotts s bonus weed and seed last year. Not sure how i feel about it. My grass was in turrible shape right before winter. so hoping to revive it!!!
Don't listen to randy lemmon. go buy some fert from john deere landscapes and do it the right way. 50 pound bag will be under 30 bucks and much higher quality that that crap he is pushing.
Wandering Jews are my favorite thing to plant. Perennials, can propagate by snapping off a piece and planting it. Super low maintenance, poor soil, heat and drought tolerant. Proper mowing technique helps your grass more than anything else- proper height and mowing consistency helps the grass out-compete weeds.
thanks for starting this thread! i was just talking to my brother today about fertilizing the yard this weekend. i've toyed with different mixes in the past with varying results, and think i'm going to try to make my own blend this time. preferably going to go organic rather than a synthetic blend as i've got a garden that i'd like to keep as uncontaminated (herbicides/pesticides) as possible. based on what i've read for my yard (st augustine), and most yards in houston, this is an ideal: fertilizer with a 3-1-2 ratio first number of the fertilizer formula represents nitrogen, the second phosphorus and the third potassium look for a slow release nitrogen, and the recommended height for st. augustine is 2 to 3 inches. does this information look pretty accurate? has anyone tried making their own blend? any organic fertilizer mix suggestions?
I will be moving into a new house in a couple of weeks as well. With my current lawn, I've always kept it nice looking. I want to go beyond that with my new house by planting stuff and personal knowledge. I have NO idea where to begin. though Is there any websites that you guys have learned from? I would appreciate it.
So I got out there this past weekend. Picked up the mower I mentioned in the OP and I think it's going to be a winner. Mowed my backyard, which was a swamp with large sections of weeds over a foot tall. It pushed right through with me only having to rock it every 20 feet or so to clear the grass blocking the discharge. Took me about 45 minutes, which is a feat considering the shape that the backyard was in. Would've took me nearly two hours with my old mower. I was also glad to see that the Husqvarna trimmer that that I purchased last Spring cranked right up after a full winter of none use. I found the Nitro-Phos fertilizer that I mentioned earlier at my local Ace Hardware. Bought a bag of Imperial 15-5-10 and spread it for the first feeding out front. I also picked up a bag of Superturf 19-4-10 that I'll begin using early/mid next month. Checked my Hibiscus plants for life by cutting a few of their branches and checking for green. Looks like they survived the winter so next I'll be fertilizing them along with my Crape Myrtle. I also adjusted my sprinkler heads, and took measurements to add a new zone. Thinking about replacing all of my current sprinkler heads for better distribution and coverage. As for new additions, I'm considering digging up the Mexican Fan Palm that I planted a couple of years back before it grows too large and replacing it with another flower bed. And I believe that I've settled on Begonias for my annuals this year. The front of my home is shaded until late afternoon so I think they'll do just fine and add a ton of color.
Nitro-Phos Imperial 15-5-10 ($17.99) Spoiler Nitro-Phos Superturf 19-4-10 ($27.99) Spoiler Click on the images for a larger view. Sorry about not taking better pics, but I was out back in the storage shed after dark with absolutely zero light outside of my cell phone. I'm adding LED floods for the backyard to the to do list.
So, my front lawn has greened out in a major way. Deep dark green and THICK, I've had to mow twice in the last seven days. I do have one decent sized spot that appears to be dead. Looks like that spot didn't get enough water immediately after I layed the fertilizer and was burned. I'm disappointed because that's never happened before. There's also a couple of clover patches that are thriving at the moment, but that's nothing unusual for my yard. The grass will choke them out soon enough. But come on now, I can't be the only person here that obsesses over their front yard. How are things going for y'all?