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Spanish Interview with Sergio Llull

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by AggieDentist, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. AggieDentist

    AggieDentist Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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  2. AggieDentist

    AggieDentist Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    Two excerpts:

    "Real Madrid's GM, Antonio Maceiras, is worried that you could leave for the NBA? Sergio Llull: He can relax about that. I know that the NBA is there but I don't think about it right now. I'm under contract with Real Madrid until 2011 and I'm very happy here, they treat me well, and I don't want to rush going there and spending the time on the bench. I want to make a name for myself in Europe first, win titles and keep improving my game."

    "Sergio Llull: The Sergio Rodriguez and Rudy Fernandez experiences in the NBA have made you rethink your options in the NBA? Llull: Yes, it's true that I've taken notice of what has happened to Sergio. A lot. I know that in order to be a big player in the NBA, several things have to happen. That's why I don't want to rush going there. If I ever play in the NBA, I'll do it when I feel ready."

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    yeah, He's basically just talking about hitting that shot in the playoffs and how much he likes his ball club.

    Talks about his future in the NBA but says he like it in Madrid and his contract isn't over till 2011.

    good read.
  4. Yao4REAL

    Yao4REAL Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    So basically he's saying....he'll stay in Europe until he gets old...end of story!

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    No. He's saying the right thing to his team and his teams fans.

    That he's happy an NBA team wants him but he's under contract for 2 more years. He'll be 24.
  6. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
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    Mar 24, 1999
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    Agreed. Not only that, but if I'm Daryl Morey, I'm loving this position from Llull.

    The Rockets don't want to pay this guy half the MLE to sit at the end of the bench. They'd much rather that all parties wait until he's ready to be a ROTATION player before bringing him over. Then, they'd gladly pay more than half the MLE to add him so that he can actually help the team.
  7. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    How many years or is it what age is it that a (foreign) player (and 1st round selection) can sign with the team which has his rights OUTSIDE the rookie contract?

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    an NBA team owns a players rights to play in the NBA pretty much forever unless said player dicides to forgo ALL professional Basketball (any league) for a season.

    Example would be Splitter for the Spurs who has been overseas for like 4 years because he doesn't want to come over.
  9. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    That's not what xiki is asking, REEKO.

    If a player is selected in the first round, he is subject to the first round rookie scale salary for at least three years. After that, he is free to sign for any salary, although (as REEKO pointed out) the team that drafted him would continue to own his rights.

    This is exactly why Splitter is waiting until this summer to go to the Spurs.

    I know there was also a story on ESPN.com (John Hollinger?) saying that Ricky Rubio might actually wait until 2012 to come over, since he will potentially be able to make a LOT more money that year than his 5th pick rookie scale salary.
  10. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    I was lucky to get the last triple, humbly took Sergio Llull (Mahon, 1987) while Vistalegre emptied last Thursday, with his war cry. "Llull Llull Llull ...!". A proclamation arose after that comeback against Barca in the first game of the Euroleague Top 16 last year. Then came other. The latest, last week, to Siena, it offers today to Madrid from qualifying if they beat for quarter Efes Pilsen, Maccabi, the Italians.

    Do you accept the condition of talisman of the team?

    No, I think it appears only as the architect of the comeback. There is a great work of the quintet (Prigioni, Llull, Hansen, Reyes and Tomic) we played the entire fourth quarter.

    However, while it refuses, it is true that you are the protagonist of the epic comebacks.

    I think it's a situation most of the matches. I always try to play with the same intensity for 40 minutes. What happens is that in those moments when you need a boost of energy, I feel more comfortable.

    What turns this frenzy?

    Especially, the desire to win games. Also has a lot of courage in defeat. Sincerely, leaving the heart, can not control.

    Are you obsessed with defeat?

    Rather than obsessing, hurts, it burns.

    However, faced difficult situations with more head than before.

    That gives it maturity. Noto best matches I read and I can bring calm. I've realized I can not go running like crazy from side to side.

    "Messina stops him much?

    Ettore is helping me a lot in an area that I began to explore with Joan Plaza. Messina gives me very good advice, always tells me to think.

    "The Euroleague has restored them smile after the Cup?

    The Cup is already forgotten, but it still hurts to have lost a major title. Do not think that we have focused more on the Euroleague. In the end, life goes on and we must seek to be first in our group in Europe to ensure the field factor.

    And presumably to avoid Barcelona?

    It is clear that Barca, now, is a step above the rest. It would be nice to avoid it, but I always prioritized the court against rival factor, whoever.

    So, would not mind facing the ship if the dispute is decisive match Vistalegre?

    Not at all. Moreover, I would be happy.

    The week after the Cup has been the hardest since he's in Madrid?

    Perhaps, yes. In Madrid, when titles are lost, the pressure is great. We are a club we have to be up in all competitions.

    What do you think that this week begin to appear names of players for next year?

    The truth is I do not follow this kind of news too.

    A Maceiras Antonio, head of section, only the names of future emerging concerned that you do not go to the NBA.

    Then you can rest easy. I realize that the NBA is there, but for now, I have parked. I have a contract with Madrid (until 2011), I am very happy, they treat me well, and I do not want to rush to go there and sit on the bench. I want to make a name here first win titles and continue my progression.

    "The experiences of Sergio Rodríguez mainly or Rudy will have to rethink its options in the NBA?

    It's true that I have noticed quite what happened to Sergio. I know that to be important there, you have to put together a number of factors. So I do not want to rush. If ever I jump, I'll do when I feel ready.

    A season without a title. Success or failure?

    Neither one nor the other. Should we all end, even if they lose, it could be a decent season. But we must be ambitious and go for the Euroleague and the ACB.
    2 people like this.
  11. fryjol

    fryjol Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    He says ver clear that he doesn´t want to come here to be benched, whic is why, also, his national team coach is worried about him coming to the NBA. They seem to rate Rudy Fernandez and Sergio Rodriguez as bad experiences for the "Spanish league to NBA" jump.
  12. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    To be able to read this. No Worries, I needed a good laugh! Being a big Llull fan, I can't wait until he comes over. If it's the summer before the 2011 season, so be it. I think the guy has serious skills and the size we've needed at the point for ages. Llull is a potential starter quality point guard, in my opinion, and I hope we don't trade his rights before he jumps across the pond, unless it's in a deal for Rubio.
  13. pbthunder

    pbthunder Member

    May 17, 2002
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    My translation:

    Tuve suerte de meter el último triple", asumía con humildad Sergio Llull (Mahón, 1987) mientras Vistalegre se vaciaba, el pasado jueves, con su grito de guerra. "¡Llull, Llull, Llull...!". Una proclama surgida tras aquella remontada ante el Barça en el primer partido del Top 16 de la Euroliga del pasado año. Después, vinieron otras. La última, la pasada semana, ante el Siena, que ofrece hoy al Madrid la posibilidad de clasificarse para cuartos si vence al Efes Pilsen y el Maccabi, a los italianos.

    Intro: I had the good luck to stick the ultimate "triple:" taking upon himself with humility, Sergio Llull (Mahon, 1987 birthplace?) while Vistalegre was empty, last Thursday, with their war cry. "Llull, Llull, Llull...!" A shout rising after that comeback against Barca in the first game of the top 16 of Euro-League last year. After, others came. The ultimate, last week, against Siena, who today gives Madrid the chance of classifying themselves (as fourths? as quarters?) if they beat Efes Pilsen and Maccabi, the Italians.

    ¿Acepta la condición de talismán del equipo?

    INTERVIEWER: Do you accept the role of team's good luck charm?

    No, no creo que aparezca sólo yo como artífice de la remontada. Hay un gran trabajo del quinteto (Prigioni, Llull, Hansen, Reyes y Tomic) que jugamos todo el último cuarto.

    No, I don't think only I appear as maker of the comeback. There is a great job of the 5 people that play the entire 4th quarter.

    Sin embargo, aunque lo niegue, es cierto que usted es el protagonista de las remontadas épicas.

    INTERVIEWER: Nevertheless, although you deny it, it's true that you are the the main guy in the epic comebacks.


    Creo que es una situación más de los partidos. Siempre intento jugar con la misma intensidad durante los 40 minutos. Lo que pasa es que, en esos momentos en que se necesita un empuje de energía, me siento más cómodo.

    I think that it's a situation more of the games (each game is different?). I always try to play with the same intensity during the whole 40 minutes. What happens is, in those moments in which an energy push is needed, I feel more comfortable.


    ¿Qué enciende ese arrebato?

    INTERVIEWER: What starts that rage (fire, intensity?)


    Especialmente, las ganas de ganar partidos. También tiene mucho de coraje ante la derrota. Sinceramente, salen del corazón, no los puedo controlar.

    Especially, the desire to win games. Also, there's a lot of anger about losing a game (or losing the big game last year). Really, from the heart, I can't control those feelings.


    ¿Está obsesionado con la derrota?

    INTERVIEWER: Are you obsessed about the loss (a big loss last year)?


    Más que obsesionarme, me duele, me quema.

    More than being obsessed, it hurts, it burns me.


    Sin embargo, afronta las situaciones difíciles con más cabeza que antes.

    INTERVIEWER: Nevertheless, you meet the tough situations with more intelligence than before.


    Eso lo da la madurez. Noto que leo mejor los partidos y puedo aportar calma. Me he dado
    cuenta de que no puedo ir corriendo a lo loco de un lado para otro.

    Maturity gives you that. I am seeing that I read games better, and I can stay calm. I have realized that I can't go crazy from one side to the other.

    ¿Messina le frena mucho?

    INTERVIEWER: Messina (a player, coach?) holds you back much?

    Ettore me está ayudando muchísimo en un aspecto que empecé a explorar con Joan Plaza. Messina me da muy buenos consejos, siempre me dice que piense.

    Ettore is helping me a lot in one aspect that I started to explorar with Joan Plaza (a coach?). Messina gives me good advice, always tells me what he thinks.

    ¿La Euroliga les ha devuelto la sonrisa tras la Copa?

    INTERVIEWER: Euro-League has brought back the smile after The Cup?


    Lo de la Copa ya está olvidado, aunque sigue doliendo haber perdido ya un título importante. No creo que eso nos haya centrado más en la Euroliga. Al final, la vida sigue y nosotros tenemos que buscar ser primeros de nuestro grupo en Europa para asegurarnos el factor cancha.

    That thing about The Cup is already forgotten, although it continues hurting to have just lost an important title. I don't think that that has centered us more in the Euro-League. Finally, life continues and we have to seek to be the first in our group in Europe to assure ourselves (home field advantage?)


    ¿Y evitar presumiblemente al Barcelona?

    INTERVIEWER: And avoiding presumably Barcelona (?)


    Está claro que el Barça, ahora mismo, está un escalón por encima del resto. Sería bueno evitarlo, pero yo siempre priorizo el factor cancha frente al rival, sea quien sea.

    It's clear that el Barca, right now, is a step above the rest. It would be good to avoid it, but I always rank higher (home field advantage?) before the other team, whoever they are.


    ¿Entonces, no le importaría enfrentarse al Barça si el partido decisivo se disputa en Vistalegre?

    INTERVIEWER: Then, it wouldn't matter to you to face Barca if the decisive game is played in Vistalegre?


    En absoluto. Es más, estaría contento.

    Absolutely. More than that, I would be happy.


    ¿La semana tras la Copa ha sido la más dura desde que está en el Madrid?

    INTERVIEWER: The week after the Cup has been the toughest since it's in Madrid?


    Quizás, sí. En el Madrid, cuando se pierden títulos, la presión es grande. Somos un club que tenemos que estar arriba en todas las competiciones.

    Maybe yes. En Madrid, when championships are lost, the pressure is bigger. We are a club that has to be on top in all the competitions.


    ¿Y qué le parece que esa semana empiecen a aparecer nombres de jugadores para el próximo año?

    INTERVIEWER: And what do you think that that week beginning to appear names of players for the next year? (announcement of who will be on the team next year?)


    La verdad es que no sigo demasiado ese tipo de noticias.

    The truth is I don't follow much that kind of news.


    "No me precipitaré con la NBA, tengo el ejemplo de Sergio Rodríguez"

    I won't rush into the NBA, after what has happened with Sergio Rodriguez.

    INTERVIEWER: A Antonio Maceiras, responsable de la sección, más que los nombres de futuro que salen, le preocupa que usted no se vaya a la NBA.

    Antonio Maceiras, who is in charge of the section (of the newspaper?), more than which names come out for the future, is more worried that you don't go to the NBA.


    Pues puede estar tranquilo. Soy consciente de que la NBA está ahí pero, de momento, lo tengo aparcado. Tengo contrato con el Madrid (hasta 2011), estoy muy contento, me tratan bien, y no me quiero precipitar a irme allí y estar sentado en el banquillo. Quiero hacerme un nombre primero aquí , ganar títulos y continuar mi progresión.

    Well, he can calm down. I am aware that the NBA is there, but for the moment, I have it shut out. I have a contract with Madrid until 2011, I am very content, they treat me well, and I don't want to set off to go there and be seated on the bench. I want to make a name for myself here first. Win titles and continue my progression.


    ¿Las experiencias de Sergio Rodríguez, principalmente, o Rudy le han hecho replantearse sus opciones en la NBA?

    INTERVIEWER: Sergio Rodriguez' experiences, mainly, or Rudy's, have made you re-think your NBA options?


    Sí, es cierto que me he fijado bastante en lo que le ha pasado a Sergio. Sé que para ser importante allí, se tienen que juntar una serie de factores. Por eso yo no quiero precipitarme. Si alguna vez doy el salto, lo haré cuando me sienta preparado.

    Yes, it's true that I have focused enough on what has happened to Sergio I know that to be important there, a series of factors have to come together. For that reason, I don't want to jump into it. If I am going to make the jump, I will do it when I feel ready.


    Una temporada sin títulos. ¿Éxito o fracaso?

    INTERVIEWER: A season without titles. Success or failure?

    Ni una cosa ni otra. Si llegáramos a todas las finales, incluso perdiéndolas, podría llegar a ser una temporada digna. Pero tenemos que ser ambiciosos e ir a por la Euroliga y la ACB.

    Neither. If we get to all the finals, even if we lose, it could get to be an honorable season. But we have to be ambitious and shoot for Euro-League and the ACB.
    2 people like this.
  14. pbthunder

    pbthunder Member

    May 17, 2002
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    Barca refers to the team, Barcelona.
  15. RoxBeliever

    RoxBeliever Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Great work on the translations, thanks a lot!!!

    Wow, this guy has a lot of passion for the game. I'd say we're willing to wait till he feels he's ready then we bring him over. For sure, he'll get his minutes. Unless we move one of our PGs. it'll be Brooks-Lowry-Llull. Anyway we have a good experience from playing two PGs together.
  16. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Considering how young he is, and that we are basically set at the 1 with Brooks and Lowry, I consider it unlikely for the team to even attempt a buyout before his contract is over with Madrid. And that's fine. I love what I've seen from Llull, but more pro experience over there can only help him improve.
  17. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    Translation: I will stay in Europe until the Rockets break up the Lowry/Brooks combination. With one of them gone, I can be certain of obtaining a spot in the rotation.
  18. trugoy

    trugoy Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    well one of them will be gone by 2011, rockets won't be able to afford both.
  19. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Sergio is big enough to play the 2, some consider him a combo guard. It's possible we could look like this after Battier comes off the books:

    Scola/Hill/Hayes/2010 draft pick
    Yao/Andersen/Hayes/2010 draft pick
  20. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    What makes you say that?

    Lowry is a restricted free agent this summer, meaning that the Rockets will be able to retain him, likely at below market value.

    Next summer, Brooks will be a restricted free agent. Plus, with a new CBA in place that will likely reduce player salaries across the board, the Rockets will probably be able to retain him for less than you think.

    I like Sergio as much as the next guy (moreso, even, since I actually liked him BEFORE the Rockets drafted him), but the Brooks/Lowry combo could very well be the Rockets' PG tandem for the foreseeable future.

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