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Sources: Houston has started contacting teams about trading Dwight Howard

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Amel, Feb 11, 2016.

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  1. Firebomb525

    Firebomb525 Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    No, I don't.

    Everyone and their mother knew he was going to opt out. The optimistic thought he would opt out and come back on a pay cut ($18-20 million). Instead he's basically saying "Pay me the max or I'll find it somewhere else". Thus, our current predicament where Morey is forced to make a trade due to pressure by Howard and Fegan.

    So how is that not wanting to 'jump ship'?
  2. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    All NBA teams are so quiet... What are they waiting for?
  3. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    That could be a disaster for Morey's Rocket career.

  4. Furious Jam

    Furious Jam Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    It's apparent to me that (i) Dwight & James are not on the same page, (ii) Dwight wants to get the max, and (iii) Dwight is heading to Dallas this summer for one big circle jerk. Accordingly, I would trade him for nothing more than a 1st round pick as long as we only take expiring contracts back.
  5. Tenchi

    Tenchi Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    This whole season has been a disaster for his career. Time to go all in, keep Dwight, and see if he'll take a paycut for Durant.
  6. rocketsmetalspd

    Jul 1, 2002
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    It's been like this since Morey has taken charge. His deals are usually done in the last hour of the trading deadline. Keep refreshing. This will my least productive day at work.:grin:
  7. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Dude... relax its the trade deadline. I really don't know if alot of you guys have experience following the NBA, but this is nothing out of the ordinary.

    Look at the past 10 years in the history of the league. NOTHING significant is really supposed to happen at the trade deadline. Its a flurry of moves that happen in the last hour. Teams worked on TONS of proposed deals they put together in principle with other teams, and in the 24 to 48 hours leading up to it they start weeding them down until the very end when the final proposals still left on the table are then finally submitted at the last second.

    What happened yesterday with the Magic & Detroit is pretty much unheard of although there is usually a deal or two that happen the evening before. Most of those deals happen if there are contracts that might be flipped.

    These deals that are tee'd up are mostly for the sake of cap clearing, and getting your finances organized. In this case this year it will be the opposite with small market teams trying to secure players with existing contracts because they don't want to overpay in free agency (kind of why I think Pat Bev, Brewer, and even Ariza are more likely than Dwight to get dealt).

    There will be plenty of deals dude. Just calm down. This is the trade deadline. If you haven't been following long this is how it is most every year, and Morey has never had a trade deadline where he DIDN'T make a deal and he's probably more active this year than any other year.
  8. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
    Supporting Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Agreed but I would add that the current situation is already a disaster.
  9. rocketsmetalspd

    Jul 1, 2002
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    The damage has been done with Dwight. His Diva side will be on full display IF he stays to finish out the season. Not good.
  10. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    They are waiting for atlanta to decide. Thats why nothing be done.
  11. clutch citizen

    Jul 8, 2003
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    While I agree with this, the on-court rift amongst the current roster requires us to make a change. Doesn't matter how much we've upgraded from last year of they don't buy into each other. We improved over the offseason ... on paper.

    I think the firing of McHale hurt us actually. Despite McHale's deficiencies in Xs and Os, he was an unsung-but-important cog in keeping this young team together. When your best player is of MVP caliber at only 25 years old, your likely to see egos come up. Whether it's the arrogance and entitlement of your MVP or the yearning to regain the half of the spotlight by the megastar-turned-star, someone has to keep them leveled. McHale did that. Now that he's gone, you replace him with his assistant. An assistant that runs the same plays as McHale but has a different approach to managing player personalities. It's obviously not working and has gotten worse.

    So here we are. At a crossroads. Either we trade Harden or Howard. Their on-court ego battle has boiled over to public frustrations during games. That has affected the effort of the other players. Why even try if Harden and Howard don't follow the game plan just to prove a point to one another even if it's at the expense of the team's success.

    Harden is younger and locked in for more years at what was a budget then and a steal now. He is a perimeter player, which the league loves and is making it easier for perimeter players to shine. He is more marketable.

    Howard has been in the league for since he graduated high school and is 30 years old already. That's a ton of mileage for anyone but especially for that position and especially for the way he plays. He's likely looking for one last big payday in a market that pays lower tier role players the same money he's currently making. Because of this, it's very likely he walks for nothing in the offseason.

    Howard on the decline and asking for mega money is the reason we all are ok with trading him. Get something for him. The chemistry problems also make it easier for the Rockets to pull the trigger on a trade. Gotta shake it up. That's why we need to trade away one of our stars.
  12. htownballa1622

    Oct 6, 2013
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    At this point, this is what I want.
  13. thirdengine

    thirdengine Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Codman is online and giving us nothing :(
  14. kidhoward12

    kidhoward12 Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Where did he ever say he has to have the max or is walking?
  15. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    We sacrificed you a goat Cod. I know you reading this. Come and give us your riddle - prophesy.:mad:
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  16. Rockets Red Glare

    Jul 20, 2001
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    Why would Durant come here over GSW or LAL?
  17. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Pardon the errors from my phone: (and the radiation!!!)

    The Dwight situation has really put a wrench in former negotiations.

    The alleged Ty deal is very much in place but you'd be receiving 2 back.

    The Hornets package of broken Al is underwhelming from what I heard.

    Keep a close eye on New Orleans, Brooklyn (pretty please), small pieces of the Rip, and the latest wild card from Brotherly Love along with the other Birds from the south and the Unibrow (Not Horford yet.) Another one (No DJ Khaled unless that boy matures.) Worst case scenario, we're going green. :(

    Cyber has the bucks Intel,not me.

    My ears say we are making smaller moves with the anticipation that Dwight wouldn't get equal value. That is, unless you unload him for shooters and a defender.

    thunderDan let me know that Everyone is available in Phoenix. Clean house. They're open to Dwight as an expiring to rebuild around Bledsoe....give me PJ Tucker for TJ.

    My gut says Dwight finishes here strong for a max, we make the playoffs, and he walks. He keeps saying the right things.

    I apologize for the cluster*** but my phone has been off the rip all morning.

    I'm crossing my fingers for two Birds and Biggie's team.
    *******Boogie is not coming,but Shane's draft day nemisis is gaining interest everywhere,even here.

    As always,lots of chatter,don't shoot the messenger.things change in seconds.

    But at least I gave you,JSmoov,Jack,Jordan Hamilton, Marcus Thornton,Noah,Tyreke (before the knee)....and then MY DAMN black cloud ruined their seasons. :(

    I give you what I can.

    Check for a cyber bomb, but I think we will retool at the guard and forward spots. I just can't wrap losing Dwight.

    Love y'all


    (Thunda,if you're reading, go do your massage therapy session!!)
    2 people like this.
  18. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    IT WORKED!!:d omg
  19. Firebomb525

    Firebomb525 Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Its clear that he wants to be paid the max. Per the sources on here and amongst the media. We are NOT going to pay him the max.

    Why do you think we're all of a sudden going to trade him? Because he won't get his max here. We can give him the security of a long term deal but not $30 million dollaroos.
  20. rocketsmetalspd

    Jul 1, 2002
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    I am sure he is waiting like all of us with the results closer to 2 pm before posting what he knew.
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