Reddit and twitter are inferior clutchfans superior . I remember when @DonKnock had a clutchfans account and would post positive **** in game threads . now y’all be quoting him on Twitter like he’s Woj . clutch should only allow embeds from tweets from Woj or shams . The rest of these attention whores can gtfo clutchfans . can you imagine @Os.trigonum quoting his own tweets in the D and D ?? thats not the type of CF I want to be on
He used to be on CF, right? God damn, everyone has a podcast now. But I mean if people are listening then more power to them, I suppose.
Lets start a podcast together! We can start embedding our own tweets and post them to CF to get our initial listeners. EZ
Cringe. So many ego's that need stroking among Rocket nation. When did we become the Lakers fanbase? SMH.
I used to really like his stuff on clutchfans but the way he comes off now is he is the cats meow and his **** don't stink. He had clutch on his podcast once and I might be the only one who felt this way but it was almost like Clutch was just this guy with a cute website who paved the way for the new rockets twitter while Don was this massive podcaster. I admit I could be way way wrong but it was just how I felt while listening.
Who are these dudes lol? I don't get why anyone would follow this bum, the biased Houston guy or the bradeaux person. They look like kids who got picked on in high school. Jesus. Look at this guy's picture. That's pretty much all you need to know
ngl, as a casual observer of college bball, those dudes were starting to make me dislike Paolo just by the constant hype every single day.
The debate on Rockets Twitter with some of those folks about draft picks did get unbelievably toxic. And it did in 2021 too. Like they would insult and chastise anyone that thought our team should pick someone different than what the prevailing opinion was (Green for 2021, Paolo for 2022). I actually was relieved in a way when we got the 3rd pick because I thought the conversations would be less toxic since we didn't get a choice, and somehow they were more toxic. Couldn't even have real discussions. I wasn't on here a ton this past season until right before the draft so hopefully it was a better environment here, it's always seemed to be and seemed like some good talk before the draft. Maybe because the Twitter base is generally younger and this is an older crowd (message boards, who remembers those?) For this insult specifically the gun thing is ridiculous
I followed both before I decided to get rid of the scandalousness that is Twitter (or social media as a whole). DonKnock was cool and all but Clutch has proven he isn't one to let things go by the way side from his bannings here. He even had to check me one time for going to hard on DD. It is what it is.... if anything this will give DK a few new followers and more recognition through Clutch's tweet. Good for both of them lol
Yup. I started not wanting paolo because of how insufferable those dudes were. The they acted like Jabari ppl did nothing but **** on paolo which was major projection on their part. I always liked paolos game and would have been happy with either but all those dudes did was trash jabari
I just never understood why there was so much controversy this year in general. The Rockets had the 3rd pick, they had very little they could do to influence who was still there by the time they picked. I never thought there was any chance Jabari would still be there at 3 and that's why I wanted Banchero.....because I saw it as Banchero or Ivey. It's flat out absurd for people to fight between the 3 consensus top picks when you are picking 3rd. You're just gonna take the one that drops, end of story.
I agree, everyone has an opinion and too many people on Twitter are taken way too seriously. I mean its just an opinion from a person that does not have any serious background. My wish for Clutchfans forums is to allow downvoting...maybe one day