Yes - that was not a good look. Using a dead woman as a political pawn is pretty shitty too - but the Democrats should have stood up for the mom. I am still waiting for Trump to bring out all the mothers that died from easy gun availability in the USA..... oh wait that wouldn't politically help him. Hmm.. I think it may just be best to not use people as pawns for politicians.
It's a lazy rhetorical device of fascism. Prop up anecdotes to dehumanize entire ethnicities, classes of humans. It's lazy because you can use this rhetorical device to claim any group of humans as evil. A extreme feminist who "hates men" could bring up an army of survivors of domestic abuse and all be women and claim these are all "victims of the evils of man". A advocate for Muslim Americans can send up the mother of the child who got murdered by their landlord because they were Palestinian and claim how all Muslims in America are oppressed. This game can be played to express any argument that villiniazes a class or group of humans. But we don't play that game. We only play that game when it comes to powerless groups of people like minorities or poor migrants.
It becomes an issue when it becomes effective. If it works for Trump - we will see other politicians use it, including Democrats. Republicans point to Reagan as this amazing game changer for their party - but what is often overlooked is that Clinton and Obama used that framework to win multiple elections.
@pgabriel @Os Trigonum @RB713 @Salvy @Rocketeer @Scarface281 She and the new secret service kid are both HOUSTONIANS
Trump’s plan to house migrants at Guantanamo Bay facing major hurdles. Since the President announced the military would prep 30,000 tents for mass deportations, 256 total illegal migrants have passed through the base, according to U.S. Southern Command. The US military has built only 195 tents but halted in late February once they realized the tents did not meet DHS/ICE standards. As of Wednesday, only 20 migrants were being held at the base. On Feb. 26, nine migrants were sent back to the U.S. from Gitmo with no explanation.
Boy, luckily that haven't found the 20 million illegals that was promised by the orange lard.....................wonder where they could be