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Should Capela get all of Joey Minutes?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by slickricky, Apr 14, 2015.


Should Capela get all of Joey's Minutes ?

Poll closed Apr 17, 2015.
  1. Yes, Capela should get all Joey's Minutes

    236 vote(s)
  2. No, Dorsey give us what we need

    28 vote(s)
  1. rocketsmetalspd

    Jul 1, 2002
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    Take a look at Capela's highlights against the Raptors. The Raptors front line are better than what the Hornets had last night and Capela did well against the Raptors front line as well that night.
  2. TheBeard

    TheBeard Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    capela, dorsey is cringe worthy to watch
  3. Scolalist

    Scolalist Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Capela has been a huge positive surprise.
    I think he just solved a piece of the puzzle the Rockets won't need to address come free agency.
  4. CDrex

    CDrex Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Should Capela get ALL of Joey's minutes? No. Right now they're situational players. You use Dorsey when you need a steady presence to box out, be in the right spots on offense, and hold leads. You use Capela to empower the offense and spark breaks when you're behind or lagging in energy. You also ensure that Capela is never out there without either Prigs or Harden to get him the ball - anyone else and he's useless.

    I think Capela should get more minutes than Dorsey in an average game though.
  5. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    If Joey's minutes were reduced I would really miss the constant fouls, the moving screens, the turn overs, air balled free throws, and missed dunks. Not sure how we could make up for those intangibles.
  6. RudyT43

    RudyT43 Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Capela is fun to watch and more of a factor on offense, but I wouldn't trust him in the playoffs. He is very skinny, and all the playoff teams we'd be facing have imposing front lines. Dorsey has the body to bang with those guys and hold his ground.

    Also, there is no way McHale plays Capela. McHale is all about the experience, and the fact that he has continued to give Dorsey minutes all year is indicative of this fact.
  7. juanm34

    juanm34 Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Doesn't matter as Joey will always be in foul trouble. So by default Yes.
  8. RESINator

    RESINator Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Smh. The moment roster space freed up either from Bev or dmo capela should have been called up and slowly worked into the line up. Heck its painfully obvious we need him more tahn kj or johnson. He was obviously out of rhythm not playing with the big guys. All he needed was practice not let's plays in a few times in the final games of reg season.
  9. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Clutchfans would gladly give Joey's lunch money to Clint.
  10. KeepKenny

    KeepKenny Member

    May 31, 2000
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    Our offense actually looked significantly better last night when Clint was in the game. The hornets actually respected his roll to the basket, resulting in several wide open threes on simple pick and rolls. We all know about his above-average ability to finish in those situations as well.

    Defensively, sure Dorsey may have a better understanding of where to be on the court, but he intimidates no one due to his small size. Clint altered numerous shots because of his length. He contested well on a few of Roberts' threes that missed badly. And I think it's an exaggeration to say that Dorsey is a significantly better rebounder. Clint boxes out, fights for the ball, and has length.
  11. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I voted Capela, but I do think it's kind of situational. Dorsey is probably better against bulky post threats who can push Capela around. But most of the time it'll be Dwight matching up against those guys. Capela is better against the small ball lineups he's more likely to face coming off the bench.

    Obviously Capela has way more future potential than Dorsey, but since we're looking to win now, it should probably depend on matchups who gets run.
  12. Nick_713

    Nick_713 Member

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Every time Dorsey comes in the game, THAT is when we LOSE our leads. Most recent glaring example was last week @ SAS, we had leads in both the 1st and 2nd Qtrs; when Dwight came out both times, our leads quickly vanished in both those quarters.
  13. Rocket2008

    Rocket2008 Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Stupid poll, where's the option situational, both or neither? Moot point actually since McHale will not play him though he did play Troy last year.
  14. 08kx250f

    08kx250f Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Aside from Alleys, Capella's offense game is sketchy to me in what I've seen from him. Plus IDK about his defense.
  15. ChievousFTFace

    Jan 25, 2010
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    What Capela lacks in bulk, he makes up in length. In the small amount of minutes he's played, I haven't seen him really pushed around. The numbers speak for themselves.

    Capela Per 36 numbers: 12 points, 15 rebounds, 3.5 blocks, 0.5 steals
    Dorsey Per 36 numbers: 7.7 points, 11.8 rebounds, 1.7 blocks, 1.1 steals

    Against teams with legit bigs:

    4/1 Sac (Cousins) - 10 min, 4 pts, 3 rebs, 3 blocks
    3/30 Tor (Valanciunas, Johnson) - 19 min, 8 pts, 9 rebs, 2 blocks

    The problem is our sample size is so small. McHale isn't playing him enough and he's earned more burn. He's earned it based on his play in the NBA and DLeague.

    Want a larger sample size? Check out Clint's DLeague Per 36
    23.6 points, 14.3 rebs, 4.4 blocks, 1.1 steals 60% FG and 60% FT

    Not playing him over Dorsey is absurd and McHale missed out on a stretch to give Clint some more experience on the NBA level.
  16. ChievousFTFace

    Jan 25, 2010
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    What's sketchy about it? He's stellar rolling to the basket in the PnR. If Howard goes to the bench with fouls, you don't lose that weapon offensively.

    Defensively, he's averaging 3.5 blocks per36. I'm sure he'd make some rookie mistakes, but Dorsey isn't 10% of the rim protector that Capela is.
  17. douglasreedy1

    douglasreedy1 Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    That's just it... While Dorsey has experience, I think the minute DMO was lost forth year, it suddenly become imperative that somebody massively step up. I know that Dorsey will not be that guy...capela though is more physically talented... More of a wild card.
  18. SemisolidSnake

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Dorsey's probably stronger for snatching down rebounds, but who really knows with Capela's very limited minutes? Capela can clearly play high above the rim, which Dorsey cannot, and I see that as a HUGE offensive advantage. Dorsey has a large sample size to indicate he is consistently abysmal, atrocious, catastrophically-bad (I need even stronger terms for this) at free throws. Instant Hack-a-Dorsey from any coach. Capela has obviously just made his first free throws, but there's such a small sample size that maybe that's the spark that will get him shooting them better. Harder to predict a Hackcapela. Dorsey has more experience on the court, but he's not much of an anything except a decent rebounder. Capela's got the shot-blocking advantage.

    It's not really a fun prospect to think about, and I'm sure McHale's hair goes a little milkier every time he has to. I guess based on experience playing on the court, I'd put Dorsey in over Capela, but as soon as Dorsey starts to screw up, I'd throw Capela in there. If Clint continues to dunk in the playoffs like he has been in his limited minutes recently, then it's a no-brainer to get him in there with Prigioni and P&R as much as possible.
  19. Phillyrocket

    Phillyrocket Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Look Dorsey is not Chuck Hayes or even a Charles Jones who were midgets playing center but could rebound and defend.

    Dorsey is basically a linebacker who got lost on his way to the field and accidentally picked up a basketball.

    Capela gives you far far more than Dorsey on both ends of the floor and Joey's FT shooting alone should be reason enough to leave him on the bench.
  20. TesseracT

    TesseracT Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Capela has played 55 minutes in his rookie year and is already performing like this.

    anyone who says No is clueless

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